Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1714: A price war with a high probability

(Sorry for the late post, it's another overtime day, I don’t have money yet, I’m struggling...)

Yi~Lang originally focused on the domestic situation, but suddenly discovered that neighbors have risen, including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and other Arab world countries that are Iran’s feuds. They have become rich due to oil, and the United States has gradually developed a close relationship with its enemies. While contending with the former Soviet Union, there are also strategic considerations of checks and balances.

In this case, Yi~Lang had to suffer dual suppression from the former Soviet Union and the Arab world at the same time, and the geo-security situation seriously deteriorated.

Therefore, at that time, Yi~Lang tended to dissolve the US-Iran alliance, ease relations with the former Soviet Union, and concentrate on responding to the threat of the growing neighbors in the region.

At this time, the Pahlavi dynasty, due to its highly pro-American attributes, could no longer adapt to the needs of the times and changes in the geographical environment, so it was replaced by anti-American Yi~Lang* forces.

But the dissolution of the US-Iraq alliance does not mean that the US and Iran must turn against each other.

In fact, the slogan Yi~Lang shouted at the time was "Don't East, Don't West, Just *". In other words, it was not about going to the former Soviet Union.

A careful analysis of Yi Lang’s national strategy actually intends to use religion as a link to integrate the entire *world, and promote the Middle East to get rid of the control of the United States and the Soviet Union and become the third pole of the world, but this in turn constitutes the interests of both the United States and the Soviet Union. Conflict, although the United States and the Soviet Union fought fiercely around the Middle East under the Cold War, it does not mean that they are willing to make wedding dresses for the *unification.

Two people can divide the world, so why should a third party be allowed to rise? On the issue of the Middle East, the United States and the Soviet Union are both enemies and friends. No one can sit back and watch the rise of third-party forces to divide their cakes. Therefore, every time the Middle East is about to be integrated, there will be major changes-war!

In fact, Yi Lang's arrogant vision is almost about to succeed, grab food in the gap between the two superpowers, such a difficult task is about to be realized.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. In view of geographical factors and the lack of technological level, the direct radiation power of the United States and the Soviet Union to the Middle East was actually relatively limited at that time. The maintenance of influence must rely on indigenous allies, that is, support local agents. people.

If there are no surprises, with its status and strength as the number one geographic power in the Middle East at that time, it can completely deal with the two powers of the United States and the Soviet Union, and use the contradiction between the two to achieve its ambitions, even if the United States and the Soviet Union know it well. , But because of mutual fear, not only can it not help but also let Yi~Lang benefit from it.

In view of this pattern, as long as Yi~Lang at that time can conquer the Arabian Peninsula in one go, the dream of becoming a king in the Middle East will be realized.

It's a pity that the nostalgia is broken by the accident-that is, Ilak.

Among the member states of the Arab world, Egypt, the glorious overlord in the past, is declining. Syria’s Assad ZF is a Shi’ite and has sectarian relatives with Iran. Although Saudi Arabia has become a nouveau riche thanks to oil, its territory is also very large. However, in China, apart from sand, it does not have the capacity for large-scale industrial and agricultural production. In fact, the geographical strength and war potential are not strong, and it is just a paper tiger.

Therefore, if yi~Lang is done with Iraq, the prospect will be clear, at least strategically, it can be invincible.

Moreover, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, the advantage of Yi~Lang was still very obvious at that time. First of all, the national strength was above Yilaq. There is no doubt about this;

Secondly, the suppression of geography, the Yi~Lang Plateau has formed a geopolitical suppression of the Mesopotamia where Yilaq depends;

Finally, in terms of culture, although Iraq is Sunni, the majority of the people belong to Shia. That is to say, once Yi~Lang ZF Iraqi, there is no need to worry about the issue of control, let alone Yi~Lang is very chicken. The thieves played the banner of holy war and stood the moral high ground.

The most important thing is that the U.S.-Iraq alliance has disbanded, and the relationship between Yi~Lang and the former Soviet Union has been achieved. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have difficulty supporting Iraq in all directions, and can only fight the fire secretly!

Then the Iran-Iraq War broke out. According to the usual operation mode of that era, this kind of regional war usually evolves into two sides standing between the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union, such as the Northern Dynasties War and the Yuenan Small Chink War.

But the Iran-Iraq War is an exception. The United States and the Soviet Union want the two little kids to fight hard, and they don’t want them to decide the winner too quickly. The best result is to consume each other. No one wins or loses. If It would be great to have the opportunity to send a fortune.

Anyway, there is only one central idea, that is, no one wants to be bigger. The Middle East will never allow the voice of unification. Whoever dares to unify will destroy world peace. This kind of robber logic is speechless, but it is a helpless reality!

This line of thinking continues to this day. Although the Soviet Union experienced the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the United States launched two Iraqi wars, the United States still maintains sanctions against Iran.

Of course, Americans also understand the big stick sweet jujube theory, and blindly suppressing it is not enough. Rabbits bite when they are in a Besides being a powerful Middle Eastern country, what the outside world sees is the United States. The relations between the two countries have eased in the past ten years.

In addition, Yi Lang wanted to repair the internal troubles caused by the war, and was forced to move closer to the correct ZZ direction. Lang had sentimental concubine intentions, and the "Yi~Nuclear Agreement" came into being.

However, Luan, a peaceful and stable Middle East, is absolutely not in the interests of the United States, so whether Donald or Lillard came to power, the overthrow of the "Yi~Nuclear Agreement" is the meaning of the question.

In the past, the Americans could use the nail of se column to disrupt the situation in the Middle East, but after mixing for so long, the Arab world also understands it. With the support of the United States, it is impossible for the se column to be eliminated. Then develop the economy at ease.

However, the United States does not want to see such a situation happen. Since the role of the pawns in the se column is declining, it will continue to play the old tricks and provoke the Arab civil war.

If you want to provoke a war, there must be a cause or fuse. What better excuse than oil?

This is the problem Yang Cheng said.

After Donald takes office, he will inevitably impose tough sanctions on Yi Lang, such as restricting Yi Lang's oil exports.

Reflected in oil prices, once this news broke, it would inevitably trigger a rise in crude oil prices. After all, Yi Lang is the world’s fourth largest country in terms of oil reserves and the ninth largest export country. After the United States imposed a complete embargo on Yi Lang oil, the price surge will be The inevitable result, but since then, the effect of the blow is not obvious.

The purpose of banning exports is to make Yi~Lang have no money to make, and then the economy collapses, oil prices rise, Yi~Lang can still sell oil, not only will the money be earned, but more.

Therefore, the United States will definitely make arrangements in advance, how to make arrangements?

Increase the inventory of reserve oil!

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