Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1715: Amazing cousin

(Chi Guoguo’s complaint: Internet articles are really getting harder and harder to write. Movies are banned for 19 years. One who can’t affect hundreds of people. If you write a little deeper, you can encounter river crabs.

Yang Cheng's analysis of the global situation, especially the crude oil field, has made Abraham and Conrad even more determined to enter the shale oil field.

Taking a 10,000 step back, one thing is certain. No matter how far crude oil drops, it will rise again sooner or later. This is the general trend, unless a brand-new energy source appears now, immediately, and immediately, which can completely replace crude oil in people’s lives. In the role.

Obviously, so far, no one has found an energy source that can completely replace crude oil. Even if new energy vehicles are very popular recently, they are still not mainstream.

Now that the direction has been determined, the next step is to implement it. First take down the land of Lao Tan and talk about it. Based on this, consider acquiring Endeavour Energy!

On the return trip, Yang Cheng specially invited Hander Ussel to board his own charter flight. His Jason was parked in New York and did not fly over. It happened that the company had a Gulfstream G450 just sent a charter customer to Salt Lake City. This is the advantage of his own aircraft leasing company. He has business jets for his use almost anytime and anywhere.

"Er, what can you ask for~"

After the plane took off, Yang Cheng asked actively.

Although Conrad had already paid the honorarium, Yang Cheng couldn't say nothing at all that he had never made any mistakes on women's issues over the years because he was generous enough.

Hander Ussel said in astonishment, "Uh~ Mr. Koch has already paid for it~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I know, he is him and I am me, how can I say, this is equivalent to a bonus? Can you understand? I hope you don't get me wrong~"

He can't say that the extra bonus is because the other party's service is very good, or he doesn't want her to go back and talk nonsense?

Hander Ursel is not a fool, and a fool can't mix with the entertainment industry, he muttered, "If you must give it, please help me get a magazine cover~"

As if afraid that Yang Cheng would misunderstand her lion's mouth, she quickly added, "Any magazine is fine~"

Since Yang Cheng has paid out the sealing fee, she will naturally not be stingy, "Well, let's let "vogue" conduct an exclusive interview with you, which can occupy a space of space."

Hander Ussel's smile was like the sun outside the window, instantly bright.

"Okay, thank you~"

"You are welcome, by the way, I have a chance to go to Istanbul in the future, and I hope you can be a tour guide for me~"

"Of course, it's my honor~"

After the plane arrived in New York, Hander Ussel got into the agent's car and left without looking back. Yang Cheng liked this kind of crispness~

But before Yang Cheng could sigh, she received a call from Susu.

"Boss~The office has received an invitation letter from Ms. Bessie DeVos, inviting you to attend the dinner of the DeVos Family Charity Foundation tonight~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, Bessedworth? Does she feel that the position of minister is stable? Choosing to hold a dinner at this juncture may cause misunderstanding if it is spread out.

But this is one of the high guans he must win. This face must be given~

So he told Su Su, "I see, you help me prepare a dress, you also prepare a set, and be my female companion at night~"

Susu said, "Boss, I am afraid I can't go, I have an appointment with a doctor at night~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Neither, but I always feel chest tightness and shortness of breath recently. Maybe it's because of the wind and cold during the season change. It's nothing serious~"

"Well, then you can tell me the situation after seeing the illness~"

"Got it~"

Yang Orange touched her hair, "Since you can't go, let Liu Junyu accompany me. You can choose a dress and jewelry for her, and just go with the office's accounting expenses~"

"Understand~ I'm going now~"

As soon as I hung up the phone, Susu pulled Liu Junyu into the elevator in the office of the New Times Building.

"Susu, where do you take me? I still have work to do." Liu Junyu asked helplessly.

"Don't do it, no, I'll do it for you when I look back. The first task now is to buy you clothes~" I have always had the illusion of changing clothes to a doll when I was a child. Dress-up games are a girl's favorite.

"Buy clothes? I don't need clothes to wear~"

"It's not ordinary clothes, it's a dress. I have to make styling and choose jewelry. Oh, the time is running out, let's go."

Waiting for the elevator, Su Sucai explained, "At night you have to accompany the boss to the charity dinner, and attend as his female companion~"

"What? Dinner?" Liu Junyu instinctively refused~

Susu asked strangely, "What's wrong? It's not the first time?"

Liu Junyu suddenly squeezed, "Didn't you have you with me before? I~ I can't do it alone, I don't understand anything~"

Susu is very addicted to being a eldest sister, "What's so rare about this? Just follow the boss to laugh with you. Believe me, no one will come up with you on such occasions.

Besides, is he still there? Can you be bullied? You are his cousin! "

Having said that, Liu Junyu still felt awkward, and she had an inexplicable thought in her heart. Anyway, she resisted from the bottom of her heart to accompany Yang Cheng to the dinner party alone.

It's a pity that her arms can't twist her thighs. Susu is the superior in name. Her orders must be executed unless she quits.

So, in reluctance, she was at the mercy of Susu like a doll. Susu naturally did not let Yang Cheng down. Liu Junyu originally had an outstanding temperament, especially her own cool attributes, coupled with carefully selected purple-red paint. The dress, the transparent burgundy gemstone necklace hung on the snow-white swan neck, the high-rolled hair, the footsteps of Jimmychoo anniversary limited edition high heels, like a princess reborn from Nirvana, making Yang Cheng's eyes straight. The visual impact of both ice and fire.

Yang Cheng never thought that his cousin, who is not amazing in appearance, would have such a dazzling performance after being carefully dressed up.

Downstairs in the company, Susu personally handed over the "work" that she had been busy with all afternoon to Yang Cheng, and said, "Boss, I wish you a nice evening~"

She didn't know if her thoughts were dirty, or that Su Su really had something in her words, Yang Cheng always felt that this sounded weird.

For the first time in his life, Liu Junyu wore such hot clothes. She was ashamed not to look up. He lowered his head from the beginning of meeting. The bright red representing the shyness spread from his face to the slender neck all the way down, against the blurred night lights. , It seems to be coated with a light pastel, which is particularly moving.

Yang Cheng gently took her cousin's hand, and unconsciously used the Oxford accent, "Please ~ beautiful lady~"

Liu Junyu was firmly grasped by Yang Cheng with one hand to avoid slipping, while the other hand held the dress skirt and raised his leg on the car, inadvertently revealing a pair of purple high heels inlaid with 360 Swarovski rhinestones, which can control the high heels. A crazy design for the man.

On the way to the hotel, Liu Junyu still did not speak. He was embarrassed and shy. He had nowhere to put his hands. He pulled his clothes up for a while, and pinned his hair behind his ears for a while.

Yang Cheng looked funny, and joked, "You are like this, as if the place we are going to is a magic cave."

Embarrassingly, Liu Junyu didn't laugh, but gave a dull sigh, and continued to bow his head silently.

Yang Cheng helplessly, turned to say, "Is it tired of modeling this afternoon?"

Liu Junyu said lightly, "It's okay~"

This is no trick, can't you continue to talk awkwardly?

Yang Cheng simply closed her eyes and rested her mind. She was on the road today, and she was really tired~

When he was about to arrive at the hotel, Andrew woke up Yang Cheng, "Boss, coming soon~"

At this time, the originally spacious road became congested, and a dozen luxury cars lined up to turn in the direction of the hotel. In such a situation, Andrew, who had excellent car skills, had no good way to do it. He had to queue up honestly. Suitable for this occasion.

After finally getting in line, the doorman opened the door, Yang Cheng quickly stood up, declined the doorman’s help, and personally bent down to lead Liu Junyu out, just in time to see Besidworth welcoming the distinguished guests at the door. Welcomed up.

"Good evening Jason, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing?"

Bessedworth saw that something good was coming, and his face was red and full of energy, as if he could take off with the right wings.

Gently hugged, "Good evening Bessie, I received your invitation as soon as I came back from Utah. It's my honor~"

"Don't say all of you are friends, I just want to thank you for joining us~"

The door was not a place for greetings. With a few simple words of politeness, Yang Cheng took Liu Junyu into the venue, and the banquet hall was properly arranged.

More than a dozen round tables covered with white tablecloths are dotted around, guarding the simple stage built in the center of the banquet hall. Compared with the stage that was placed directly in front of the past, it is rare to be placed in the middle. This is suggested to those who stand on it. To meet higher requirements, because you have to take care of guests from all directions at all times, you can’t always show people back, right?

Name cards are placed on the table, and special guides are responsible for taking the guests one by one to their respective round tables.

The table where Yang Cheng was at was right in front of the banquet hall door, next to the round stage. After seated, Yang Cheng found that it was Konrad Koch’s name tag beside him, but he couldn’t help but laugh before the person arrived. , I didn't expect to see each other soon after we separated. I had known it and came back together.

Liu Junyu was a little restrained. After sitting down, he didn't move. Yang Cheng leaned over and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, I'm here, just like you usually do, it's not that scary here."

It seemed that Yang Cheng got too close, causing Liu Junyu's body to become stiff, and the shame red that had dissipated, dyed her petite and cute ears red again.

Liu Junyu also knew that today's state was not right, and she scolded herself countless times in her heart. She didn't know what was wrong, she couldn't control her tension and sensitivity.

Reluctantly hooked the corner of his mouth, and nodded to Yang Cheng to express his understanding, but the actual action was to bury his head deeper, just like a pupil who made a mistake when he was a child and was punished by the teacher. The poor energy is gone.

Yang Cheng still had a few words of relief. Before he could say anything, he saw Conrad walking in with the female students who had been on vacation in Utah, nodding and smiling from time to time, thinking that he was the protagonist tonight. , Full of scenery.

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