Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1722: Meet Morgenthau

Yang Sen smoked his cigar unpredictably, "Luo Zhenhua still can't get out of my palm~"


   Yang Cheng was startled, "Did he have a handle on your hand?"


   "That's not true, but I understand that he, a person with a head of power, would give up cooperation with us because his son-in-law has an illegitimate child?


impossible! If he really loves his daughter, he will not force Luo Yue to marry you.


Fortunately, your two children have a good opinion of each other. This marriage didn’t have too many twists and turns. If you don’t like her or she doesn’t like you, then it’s definitely a different scene now, as you saw on TV series. The plot of forced marriage may be staged in Luo's family. "


Yang Cheng took a sigh of relief. It seems that she is still young and inexperienced. Judging from the few meetings, Luo Zhenhua's behavior is definitely a typical example of loving her daughter more than loving power. She did not expect the facts. Contrary to what he saw.


   But then he had another question, "If that's the case, why not say it now?"


Yang Sen waved his hand. "I can’t say it now. If I say he will definitely ask us about the conditions and requirements, it will be different from the top. He knows that if there are no accidents and adventures, the federal senator is the pinnacle of his career. , We have to point us to help him seek re-election. Naturally, he won’t ask too much, and he will just accept something at that time.”


   Yang Cheng feels tired, and the world of "children" can't play with adults.


  . . . . . .


  Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to be suicidal at home, but the old woman Bessedworth was anxious and wanted to meet Felix Morgenthau.


   In desperation, Yang Cheng could only respond, but he had to probe Morgenthau's tone first.


   Susu took a shower in the bathroom, and Yang Cheng stood in front of the window and called.


   "Hey, Felix, how are you? I haven't contacted for a long time, I miss you so much~"


   Morgenthau obviously wouldn't take this hypocritical set to heart, "Would you miss me? Don't be kidding, Jason, if you want to be honest, I want to exercise."


   "Exercise? Oh, I want to exercise too, where are you? I'm going to find you?"


   As soon as he heard this, Felix knew that the other party was going to the Three Treasures Hall, and he hesitated, "I'm in the down town~"


   The implication of this is that I am too far away from you, or there is no need to meet?


   However, he felt the thickness of Yang Cheng's face down, "Xiacheng? Just right, I want to go to Xiacheng~"


   In desperation, Morgenthau could only report the address, a hotel gym, "I will wait for you at most half an hour"~


   "Don't worry, it will be there in 20 minutes."


   In fact, it took him 25 minutes to arrive. Never overestimate the traffic in New York, like shit.


   Changed to fitness clothes and saw Morgan Sorbet ‘walking’ on the treadmill, Yang Cheng complained, “Traffic like shit, can’t you think of a solution?”


   Morgenthau glanced at him, "How to solve it? Blew up the buildings? Manhattan is just such a big place. If you expand it, you will have to reclaim the sea~"


   Yang Cheng adjusted the speed and ran on the treadmill. The speed was not fast, and the degree of jogging was not delayed.


   "That's your congressman's business. As a citizen, I made suggestions. Your congressman should think of a solution. Otherwise, what is the meaning of your existence? Do you exercise and relax in a five-star hotel?"


   Morgensau pressed to stop, turning his head to look at Yang Cheng, "You have something in your words, let's talk about it. You must have something to come to me suddenly?"


   Yang Cheng still remembered the last time he threatened the other party with a USB flash drive, and could not help but smirked, "Aren't you afraid that I will threaten you again?"


   Morgensau's face changed slightly, "I hope not~"


   Yang Cheng smiled, "Don't worry, it's not a threat this time, I want to introduce you to someone~"


   "Introducer?" Morgenthau whispered suspiciously.


   "Yes, Bessedworth, have you heard of this name?"


   "It seems to have heard it before, in Michigan?"


   "Yes, you have a good memory~"


   "Of course~"


   "It's her, she is seeking the position of Minister of Education~"


   "Oh, that's great, what does it have to do with me?"


   "She wants to see you and win your support~"


   Morgensuo smiled and looked at Yang Cheng, "You kid, you must not do anything that is not good. Let me tell you first, what does this Bessidworth have to do with you?"


   Yang Cheng felt a little panting, slowed down, changed from running to walking, adjusted the lower respiratory tract, "It doesn't matter, if I have to say, I want to win her, but I haven't used her yet~"


   This question, there is no need to sloppy with Morgensau.


   "Oh, what good can I do if I see him?"


"You? Haven't you ever fought for the benefit of charter schools? Bessedworth's proposal is to use taxpayer money to allow more students to enter the charter school, instead of hanging out in the shabby public schools in backward school districts. ."


   Morgenthau fell into deep thought when he heard the words. After a moment, "I did have a related proposal, but it was a few years ago and it has long lost its effectiveness."


Yang Cheng disagrees, "A good meal is not afraid of late. The proposal made a few years ago is brought out again, and I will let the media hype it up. Even if you persist in working for the benefit of poor students, even if you stand still, can you keep it going? It's up to you."


   "There is a bit of truth in what I said, yes, bring someone here, I will talk to her, but I am not responsible in the end~"


Yang Cheng shrugged, "I'm not responsible either. I'm just an intermediary. I'm responsible for introducing the two of you. I'm not involved in the negotiation process. I'm also not responsible for the outcome of the To be honest, although I'm doing this for the future It’s really unpleasant to do things that are foreshadowing but have no real benefits."


   Morgenthau shook his head helplessly, "Did you get the money?"


   "Hey~ You are not the first to say that, but now is the era when cash is king. Talking about the future is too far away, it can't compare to the reality of holding money in your hand."


   "I admit that your fallacy makes sense~" Morgenthau pinched his nose and agreed.


   Yang Cheng walked a few steps quickly, stopped, wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, "I haven't exercised for a long time, I sweat all over my body when I move, let's go, I will ask you to eat~"


   "Do you think I'll be polite? Go! Just eat in the hotel~"


   "No problem~"


   The two took a shower and put on dry clothes and took the elevator downstairs together.


   In the elevator, Morgenthau suddenly asked, "Is that Bessidworth a member of the Koch family?"


   Yang Cheng's heart tightened, "How do you know?"


Morgenthau sighed, "I have been in the Senate for so many years. I understand the movements of the people in Dang more or less. When you first said this name, I felt familiar, but I didn't think much about it. I just took a shower. Suddenly I remembered something, and sure enough, your answer proved my guess~"


   "Your guess? Comeon Felix, we've all said old friends, just say anything~"


  :. :

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