Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1723: Ghost man ghost man

(It’s too difficult for me. I was discovered by the leader who sneaked the code word at work. I had to add two hours to my schedule to be loyal. Isn’t it worth subscribing and a monthly pass? d(?`ω′?d*))


   "You're a horror~" Morgenthau said without shy.


   Yang Cheng was surprised, "What?"


   "I said you are a horror, and I knew you were guilty from the first meeting~"


  Damn, this is the first time someone says he has a bone in the back of his head, your uncle~


   His eyes were a little bad, "Felix, I'm just chasing benefits, it doesn't matter whether I am rebellious or not, and no matter who you are, it's not worth my loyalty~"


   Morgenthau actually nodded in agreement, "You are right, I just think I have a good vision~"


   How stinky is this tone, "By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet, this time I have a good vision?"


   Yang Cheng puzzled, "What do you mean?"


   "That's what it means, no one thought that Donald could do anything~"


   Yang Cheng laughed and said, "Donald can do it without your help? Don't be kidding~"


   Morgenthau hesitated, "Uh~ you know, these years, the dang talents have faded, and there is no better choice. I can only use him to make up the number. Who would have thought it would become~"


   "You are still joking, I don't believe in your entire dang, none of you have a vision, and fools can see that there is someone else behind Donald~"


   Morgenthau blinked and did not continue this topic~


   Randomly ordered a few dishes in the hotel restaurant, and Yang Cheng said with emotion, “I didn’t expect that we would still have a day to sit and eat together.”


   Morgenthau shook his head helplessly, "It shouldn't have been, but you have a thick skin~"


   Yang Cheng's face was black, "hey, old man? I haven't seen it for a long time, your lips have become nimbler~"


   "I used to be very neat, but you didn't find it~"


  . . .


   After the meal, Yang Cheng took the time to return to the company. Liu Junyu sat in the position alone, looking inexplicably lonely.


Seeing Yang Cheng coming out of the elevator, she stood up subconsciously, then lowered her head in embarrassment. When she remembered that she might have been seen, and she was still a cousin, she couldn't help but feel a sense of shame, wishing that time would turn back and be killed. She doesn't drink so much anymore.


   Yang Cheng was very calm, “It’s going to be hard for you during this period of time. Susu’s body has some conditions, and you may need to ask for leave often. You have to take on her tasks.”


   His words made Liu Junyu temporarily forget his shyness, and said with concern, "What's wrong with Susu? Is the illness serious?"


   Yang Cheng didn’t know whether to say it was serious or not. Anyway, he couldn’t work normally within 10 months, but he still didn’t say something to Liu Junyu, saying vaguely, “It’s okay, it just needs long-term recuperation~”


   Liu Junyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, I'll go see her when I look back~"


   "Well~ You take care of each other and make me a cup of espresso, no sugar or milk, thank you~"


   He needs the original bitter taste of coffee to refresh his mind. To be honest, he has been in a daze when he heard the news that he has a child.


   When Liu Junyu brought coffee in, Yang Cheng sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in a daze.


   When Liu Junyu put down his coffee and was about to leave, he suddenly recovered and asked, "Junyu~"


  Um~ This title made Liu Junyu stunned for a while, but the age difference between the two is not much, and it's okay to call their names directly~


"what happened?"


   Yang Cheng patted the sofa next to him, "Sit with me~"


   Liu Junyu's embarrassment from last night once again appeared in his mind, and he instinctively shook his head, "No~ I'll just stand~"


   Yang Cheng didn't force it, and asked inexplicably, "If, I mean, if your boyfriend cheated, and the person who cheated was pregnant, what would you do?"


As soon as the voice of    fell, Yang Cheng regretted it a little. Doesn’t it mean to admit it in disguise? Liu Junyu is not stupid!


   Of course she is not stupid. Sure enough, her complexion changed. Reminiscent of what Yang Cheng said earlier, she asked coldly, "Susu is pregnant?"


   This time it’s Yang Cheng’s turn to be embarrassed, she touched her nose, she didn’t dare to look at Liu Junyu, her breath was weak, "I mean if~"


   Liu Jun's tone exploded, her face flushed, she was originally quiet, and ever since she met Yang Cheng, she could not control her emotions.


   unabashedly cursed, "Scumbag~"


   Yang Cheng was upset, almost instinctively said, "I have no scum on you~"


   Liu Jun's speech is even more angry, why do you still think that I can't make it once? wrong! Already scum! I have been watched. It's really a dumb bitter to eat Huanglian~


   But this girl’s personality is just like this, she snorted to the extreme, she couldn’t say anything heavy~


   The two were silent for a while, or Yang Cheng said, "Hey~ haven't you answered me yet?"


   "What?" Liu Jun's tone is unsatisfactory, and his attitude is naturally not good~


   But Yang Cheng knew that he was wrong, and didn't dare to care about others, Quandang didn't hear it.


   "My question just now, if your boyfriend..."


   Before he finished speaking, Liu Junyu interrupted coldly, "I don't have a boyfriend. Even if I have one, I have to break up with him. Never allow a scumbag to be scumbag~"


   Yang Cheng’s anger, my heart said, ‘Little Niang Pi, you should thank the New Era River Crab God for saving you, otherwise orthopedics won’t be able to cure you~’


  , knowing that he couldn’t ask the answer to this question, he sipped coffee and changed the question, "If you were a vegetarian, what would you do?"


   "What do you mean?" Liu Junyu felt that he had been insulted. How could I be the kind of coquettish **** that ruined other people's families?


   Isn't it right? Isn't it a curse of Susu?


   The relationship between them is still very good. Susu withdrew her thoughts and forced herself into Susu's identity. After thinking about it for a long time, her face became ugly.


   It seems to have reached this point, there is no better way except to accept the fate and give birth to the child~


   But this is not cheap, this scumbag?


   Liu Junyu's facial features slowly became entangled, as if thinking about something that made her extremely painful.


   Yang Cheng smiled instead, "Okay, you don't need to answer, I already got the answer from your expression."


   Liu Junyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was still very difficult for her to confess in person.


   After laughing, Yang Cheng sighed deeply, looked out the window, and said quietly, "Aside from the woman's question, I am a good person. You have to admit this, right?"


   Su Su had a complicated complexion. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that he positioned herself. At least he never took the initiative to kill or arson, nor did he take the initiative to cause destruction. From this point of view, he can indeed be regarded as a good person.


   However, can some things really be avoided? For example, Yang Cheng's problem with women, in Liu Junyu's view, is a stain in his life, a black history that cannot be washed away no matter what!


   "What on earth are you trying to say?" Susu doesn't understand at all. Is it important to be good? Isn’t it a fact that it’s an adult belly? On the premise that you have a fiancée, in that case, why do you insist on being a good person?


   Yang Cheng laughed and said, "I didn't want to say anything, just to remind you that there is no need to be so hostile to me, no matter what, we are a family~"


   Liu Junyu was taken aback, is there a problem with this? No problem, no matter how you count it, Susu is an outsider. He and Yang Cheng are blood relatives. Even if the relatives are so far apart, the blood relationship cannot be denied.


   In this case, she is so angry, isn't she helping outsiders deal with her family?


   Liu Junyu was messed up for a while, and she was successfully brought into a dead end by Yang Cheng and couldn't get out.


This is exactly the effect Yang Cheng wants. He doesn't want the people around him to be indifferent to him. He is willing to make a remedy for the face of his cousin. As long as the other party can figure it out, he will not be able to drink spicy food. Not to mention, on the contrary, in the future, we will go our own way, and don't want to take advantage of him again.


   Fortunately, Liu Junyu can still be saved. The conservative and traditional ideas in her bones have the upper hand at this moment. No matter how good the relationship is, she is not a family member.


   Yang Cheng really didn't intend to take advantage of this at first, it can only be said that it was a mistake.


   He is also very ashamed to speak of it. It's really bad for him to play routines with a simple little girl.


   But he can’t help it either. He is preparing to deal with Luo Yue. Don’t you always say that women understand women? It’s better to practice Liu Junyu ahead of time than to be caught off guard, right?


   It is a pity that Liu Junyu didn't help and didn't say anything. He almost provokes sao. Forget it, let it go.


  . . .


   After Liu Junyu left, Yang Cheng sat alone for a long time, feeling blocked, and continued to change his mind to find inspiration to solve the problem.


As a result, it is rare for the employees in the New Era Building to see the big boss inspecting their work, but they are very scared, especially those programmers who let themselves go, do not know what they think, and sleep in the company most of the day. The whole floor was filled with a sour Yang Cheng pinched his nose, just a few steps out of the elevator, he was pushed back by the smell, but he was not angry. He knew that he could not treat the programmer. Too harsh, freedom is the best praise for them.


Wandering one floor by one floor, the overall situation is satisfactory to him. Although some departments are not busy and the employees seem a little lax, it does not mean that they are irresponsible. At least Yang Cheng has not heard of that department from Eddie. The report of the problem is enough.


   was strolling around, unknowingly, came to the four-dimensional space floor, the team in charge of the Asian plate went home to rest, the whole floor was very quiet, except for the occasional keyboard tapping, not even talking.


   Compared to the sour smell of programmers, the air on this floor is full of the aroma of fast food. No way, who would let them have an investment director who loves junk food.


   The entire financial investment department has been infected by Allen. Now there is no way to concentrate on the trader without eating fries, so that the finances have complained. The snack expenses in the four-dimensional space have risen sharply, and everyone is a big appetite.


   Yang Cheng picked up a bag of freshly fried thick French fries on the table at the entrance, filled with mayonnaise, one by one, let alone eating French fries is really addictive.


   nodded casually, smiled politely at the employee who greeted him, and went straight to Allen's office.


   Push the door, good guys, fast food boxes all over the floor, I haven’t found room for a while~


  :. :

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