Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1724: Gold makes money

"Damn~ How many days have you not been out?"

Yang Cheng searched for a long time and didn't find an open space, so she stepped on the box and walked to the desk with a deep foot. Only then did she reveal Alan's increasingly burly body.

To describe it as burly is definitely beautifying, and it is more appropriate to be fat, and it is impossible to stop this guy by visual inspection of 300 kg.

From a distance, if he doesn't raise his head, it will be just a pile of meat stuffed on the huge boss chair, it fits tightly without any gap.

Allen looked up from the table in a daze, fumbled for a while with both hands, did not know where to pull out a pair of glasses to put on, and then saw Yang Cheng's face clearly, "~ What are you doing? Excuse my dreams. ~"

Yang Cheng smiled unkindly, "What are you dreaming about? You don't have a girlfriend~"

Unexpectedly, when Allen heard this, he waved his hand fiercely, "Don't mention her, she actually asked me to eat less hamburgers to lose weight, what kidding, what can I do to feed her if I don't eat hamburgers?"

Yang Cheng was stunned when he heard it. It was because he had an extraordinary IQ, and he didn't want to understand the inevitable connection between the two~

The key is that Ellen and her girlfriend were very affectionate before, and when they reached the point of talking about marriage, why did they suddenly split?

Allen was too lazy to explain, yawned and leaned back, the boss chair let out a painful ‘wailing’.

"Squeak~Squeak~" I feel sad for the chair~

"Why are you here?"

This is asking, this is my company and my building, and there are places where Xiaoye can't come? Of course, except for female WC~

"Can't you come and see you when you are bored?"

"OK~OK~you are the boss~"

Yang Orange frowned, "You haven't answered my question yet, how long have you not been out? At least let someone come and clean it up?"

Alan yawns one after another, it seems that he is very sleepy~

"When cleaning came, I was sent away. In my opinion, the taste of fries is far more charming than perfume. Without fries, my life is meaningless. Life is better than death!"

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded. I have seen it for a long time. Someone actually compares the fragrance of French fries with the fragrance of perfume, and finally won?

Perfume: "Who provoked me?"

In shock, Yang Cheng drew a few circles with his index finger up in the void, and asked, "Don't you think you have a sour and rotten atmosphere here?"

Allen sniffed very seriously, "No!"

"OK, you win, it's up to you, as long as you don't order the house, you can do whatever you like~"

"Okay, okay, do you have any business? If not, go out quickly, I want to sleep~"

Allen patted his pig's head and forcibly raised his spirits.

See you, the whole building, no! Few people in New York dared to talk to Yang Orange like this, Allen took the two!

Why do you occupy two? Nonsense, he is fat, one person weighs two, no, three people!

Yang Cheng was fine at first, but didn't want to go back to the office alone, so she had to bite the bullet and stay here.

"Okay~ OK, I don't have water anymore, let's talk about business now~"

Allen became a little serious, and heard Yang Cheng say, "Do you still remember the things you mentioned to me before?"

"I told you many things, which one do you mean?"

"The time when the pound crashed~" Yang Orange reminded.

"Oh, I remember, what happened?"

"I want to know if this matter has anything to do with Joe Lewis?"

"Who? Joe Lewis, the boss of Tottenham~"

"Oh, I know him, that damn, stingy Jew~"

"This is what you said, I have no racial discrimination~"

"I said it, even in his presence I would dare to say that~" Allen didn't care, it was. In his mind, it is estimated that only cutting off his junk food would be equivalent to the collapse of the sky, God he The old man never thought that he would create such a product.

"Well, you have a lot of opinions on him?"

"Yes, I don't like him very much, because he is too stingy, and his trading style is extremely nasty. As for whether you said the'fat finger' was deliberately made by him, I can only say that I am not sure, but there is a possibility. ~"

Yang Cheng pondered, "He once invited me to short the British pound, but I declined~"

Allen hummed, and shook his head suddenly, "You did it right, but this doesn't make him the messenger behind the "fat finger"~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It doesn't matter if it's him or not, I just remembered this suddenly, and I asked you to see if it was really him, I can only say that he was too courageous~"

"Who cares? But as you said, if it is really him, I think many people are willing to issue missions to killers~"

Yang Cheng smiled, indeed, this time the sao operation can be a pittance to people, and it is easy to buy murder and murder~

Speaking of this, Allen suddenly became serious, tapped a few times on the keyboard, then turned the screen to Yang Cheng, and said, "By the way, after fat fingers, I played a handful of London Gold.

Look, the return is good, it happened to be stuck at the high level of 1370 to buy. With the shorts gaining the upper hand, the price continued to fall. I expect to reach around 1150 at the end of the year. By then, I will close the position and do long backhand, and then I can hold it for a long time. Up.

It is difficult to have a clear result of Brexit in a short period of time. At this time, the market will definitely look down on the United Kingdom. Gold will play its role of avoiding suspicion. I expect gold to return to historical highs in the next few I made some back~"

Yang Cheng glanced around and then looked at the current position. He couldn't help but smile. He is still a fat man. This wave of short positions is very stable. After closing the position, he should make a small tens of millions of pounds. He is so easy to be satisfied if he is rich.

He snapped his fingers crisply, "Goodjob, it seems that your burger was not in vain~"

To others, this is definitely not an admiration, but to Allen, nothing makes him happier than this, "Of course~"

"Recently, your funds are still sufficient, right?"

Allen nodded affirmatively, "Yes, last time you emptied the funds, we people rarely slept for a few days and now they are busy again, but no one complains.

And everyone admires your foresight. In addition, don't give up on the arms line. This thing is too profitable. It is more profitable than robbing a bank. "

"Don't worry, if there is no strong external force, I will never give up on this line~"

"Great. With this line, we will have a steady stream of cash flow, and I will be more confident in the financial market~"

Yang Cheng smiled and punched the dead fat man, "Don’t worry, but you have to be careful. We Chinese have an old saying that we’ve been very popular in the past two years. This is not a good thing. It’s easy to get caught. People hate and even besiege.

When appropriate, we can tactically lose some money. We eat meat and we have to give people a sip of soup~"

Allen took out a hamburger from the table like magic, um~ the beef burger, bit off a third of it in one bite, and nodded as he chewed, "I see, I will arrange it."

Yang Cheng felt a little hungry when he saw him eating so much. She gulped and swallowed. No, no, no longer in this place.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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