Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1725: Obstacles from trade unions (1)

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Susu returned to her apartment after resting in Yang's house for a whole night, mainly because she was frightened by Liu Yun's concern. Have you ever seen someone who has to hold on to the bathroom for less than two months after pregnancy?

It's not to blame Liu Yun, she is also concerned and confused, thinking that when she was pregnant with Yang Cheng, she was so frightened to be served by her mother-in-law, and now it is finally her turn to serve others.

Yang Cheng personally sent Susu home. Seeing Susu sitting on her ass, as if she was a survivor, Yang Cheng laughed and said, "As for? But your place is really not suitable for raising fetuses. My mother was right. Wait. Go back and buy you a house near home, right?"

Susu shook his head like a rattle, "No, I have money, I can buy it myself~"

Yang Orange waved his hand, "You keep your money to buy clothes and food. You don't need to worry about the house. Let me stay here for a few days with peace of mind. Old John has already gone to see the house. I believe there will be results soon."

After a pause, he pointed to the two female men guarding the door, "I will take them with you in the future. They are all female soldiers who have been on the battlefield. They are enough to protect your safety. You must be nice to them so that they will protect you. ~"

Susu did not refuse this time. Well, she knew that it was useless to refuse. Regarding safety issues, she couldn't be too cautious, and the Yang family would never give in on safety issues, "Got it~"

Bow his head and clasp his nails, "The company is there~"

"Don't worry about company affairs. There is Liu Junyu. I took a long vacation for you yesterday. I said that you are in poor health and need long-term recuperation. You need to pay according to your salary. You don't need to work every day. By the way, Liu Junyu guessed that you are pregnant."

"What?" Susu panicked, she didn't expect to be known so soon.

"Know it, you have to know it sooner or later anyway~"

"Yes~ but..."

"Stop it, it's no big deal. I'm young and vigorous, and I can wear Yang with a hundred steps. Isn't it normal to get pregnant?"

Susu glanced at him strangely, "Humph~"

A woman is pregnant for Yang Cheng. No matter who it is, it is more or less an exciting thing. Without him, it at least proves that he is a complete man. He has not lost his basic functions because of the benefits of the traveler. When the boulder fell to the ground, it was a lot easier to see the whole person.

This is the day when Morgenthau and Besidworth meet. Yang Cheng must be present as the referrer, because the identities of both parties are more sensitive, and the meeting place must be very careful.

In the end, Yang Cheng chose to arrange the meeting at sea. The two parties arrived at the pier by car respectively, quickly boarded the yacht, and discussed matters after going to sea. This way, it is safer to see, at least there is no need to worry about being photographed by the caring person as evidence of the direct meeting.

Yang Cheng personally drove the yacht out of the pier and slowly headed for the open sea. At this time, Besidworth and Morgenthau had already met and began to conspiracy.

When the coastline gradually disappeared from sight, Yang Cheng gave the control of the yacht to Andrew and turned back to the salon area. The huge leisure space allows guests to deeply feel the magnificence of the sea.

"Hey~ Two people, how is the conversation?"

Yang Cheng entered the bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey, because today’s meeting was highly confidential. Except for the necessary pilots, there was no service staff on board. Even the pilots were asked to stay at their jobs before boarding the ship. Posts, without permission, are not allowed to enter the sight of guests.

Therefore, Yang Cheng can only serve herself.

"It's not bad, Mr. Morgenthau is a great zz family~" Bessedworth made praise.

Morgenthau also came to a wave of business exchanges, "Ms. DeVos is the most attractive and thoughtful female zz family I know. She will do a great career in the field of education. Let's look forward to it~ "

Yang Cheng is almost vomiting, or your "zz family" can talk, can you be sicker?

He couldn't help but interrupted, "Should we be on business?"

Morgenthau immediately changed his style of painting, "Actually, there is not much I can help. The appointment of cabinet members is the power of the General Tong, and Congress cannot interfere."

Yang Cheng knew that the two hadn’t talked about the actual situation. Morgenthau’s words could not be wrong, but it was not right. The Senate was a cabinet member who could reject the nomination of General Tong. Of course, most of the time, the Senate would pass. Will not cause trouble to the general tong on this issue.

Of course, Besidworth wants more than just agreeing to this barrier. He needs to use Morgenthau's relationship to get through the hostile attitude of public schools.

"Mr. Morgenthau, I know you have a good relationship with Mr. Nathan Sanders of aft~" Bessedworth pointed out her demands directly.

Aft is the abbreviation of the American Teachers Union, which is also the second largest teacher union in the United States. The first largest union is nea-the abbreviation of the National Education Association.

nea was established earlier, with the largest number of members, as high as 3.2 million; while aft was established about 60 years later, but it has developed rapidly, with more than 1.7 million members.

Teachers are the industry with the highest proportion of union members in the United States. Therefore, the teachers’ union is one of the strongest among all guilds in the United States. It has the largest number of members, the most sufficient funds, and is extremely united. The fighting force is super strong. And due to professional advantages, teachers The trade union has the right to speak to a certain extent.

In the ongoing big xuan, the teachers’ union has appeared on Mrs. Zipten’s list of large donation organizations.

In the past 20 years, the teachers’ union aftnea has ranked second in zz’s donations, showing its explosive combat effectiveness. The teachers’ union not only possesses strong human and financial resources, but also develops contacts in the two dang and shows a strong influence, especially It is at the state zf level, which is a very powerful force. At present, many officials who are afraid of teachers' unions even call them terrorist organizations, which is not excessive.

With this background, it is not surprising that Morgenthau can know the president of aft.

As for the reason why the teachers' union is so awkward, as long as you understand the relevant American system, you will understand.

Basic education in the United States adopts a school district system with multiple financial support from the federal and state zf. The leadership of each school includes the local education committee, the state zf education department, and is managed by the federal education department, as well as the head of the school district central office and its affiliated institutions .

Under multiple management, it is an education rule system that is not subject to each other. There are 8 leaders on top of an employee. Who do you let the employee listen to?

One of the most typical phenomena is that the same student fails to pass the pass standard in one school district, but reaches the assessment standard after taking a car dozens of kilometers away to another school. In the end, a large, complicated and conflicting education management system has been formed. .

Bessedworth’s proposal, to a certain extent, is a sorting out of these systems. By holding the financial power, the relationship between the upper and lower levels of the education system is clarified, but this is equivalent to touching the cake of countless people. It’s strange if people don’t oppose it. If we have to grasp the core contradiction, then there are teachers’ unions that exert influence in countless organizations, which is the biggest problem.

The teachers of early public education were often held by housewives and were not well paid. Therefore, the purpose of the teacher union is to ensure the employment of disadvantaged low-income groups.

However, with the help of the special status of education and large membership, in the civic zz movement since the 1960s and 1970s, the union and its leadership have become more and more aware of their own zz influence, and eventually become the special interest group of today.

So how do you maximize your influence? Quite simply, participating in the election is the two largest sponsors in the United States. Each year more than 55 million US dollars of activity funds are donated to all levels of parliamentary elections. The total amount exceeds the National Truck Union and Rifle Association. On that day, 9% of them Ten donated to the donkey party.

Between this kind of relationship and influence, all levels from the federal to the state are unwilling to conflict with the teacher union. Nonsense, conflicts are equivalent to cutting off their own future, and fools will do this.

Having established its own advantage, the education union began to seek benefits for itself. In the United States, an average of 57 doctors had their medical license revoked; an average of 97 lawyers had their lawyer's license revoked. For teachers, this The number is 1 in 2500.

You know, teachers are a profession that is easy to judge. Whether you have a high level or not depends on your teaching quality. Under such a standard, you have a completely unmatched elimination rate, which shows the role of the teacher union.

The reason is that the school has a "lifetime tenure system" in signing labor agreements with teachers under the intervention of the labor union

This concept originated from universities, which stipulate the tenure of professors in order to protect academic freedom and independence.

However, the qualification standards for university professors for tenure are very cumbersome and lengthy, and only a few people can get them, which can be described as rare.

However, public school teachers automatically got their tenure tenure after teaching for two years. It doesn’t matter if you teach a pile of shit. Once there was a principal who tried to expel a teacher who was playing movies for students and letting students chat freely. Under the intervention of the union, he had to pay a year's arrears to re-employ him.

To put it bluntly, the trade union requires all teachers to be treated uniformly, without individual differences.

In the past two decades, many people have tried to touch this big cake. For example, they have tried to use standardized tests to evaluate schools and students as a standard system for evaluating teachers’ abilities. As a result, the two major teacher unions have received nearly 500 The strong opposition from Wan members finally came to nothing.

Think about it, how can a union that rejects even the evaluation standards agree to Besidworth's attempt to change the school selection rules and allow free school selection, a mechanism that may cause the division of teachers' status, to pass?

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, even if the complex and cumbersome evaluation standards are implemented, there is basically no binding force for teachers.

Anyway, public education administrators can neither expel bad teachers, nor give performance rewards to excellent teachers.

The only thing the principals can do is to kick the worst teacher in their hands to other schools in the school district every year, and then accept a teacher kicked over by another school. They are all stinky chess baskets, with the left hand inverted, the difference is not much. It's like making Uncle Pan and Guo Xiaosi taller than they are. It is estimated that they can't distinguish between them with fine measuring instruments.

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