Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1737: Heaven and hell

After staying in Dubai for about a week, Leiden, who had disappeared for almost a week, suddenly called and asked Yang Cheng to leave for Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

Yang Cheng didn't say a word, and took everyone on his private plane to take off from Dubai and marched all the way to the Asian border. Then he saw a country where heaven and **** coexist!

As the plane approached the skies of Lebanon, everyone was nervous, for fear that the anti-aircraft missiles from Israel or Syria would not come over without long eyes. The captain with fighter jet flight experience was also cautious all the way. Dare to use autopilot and manually control the aircraft throughout the entire process, enter Lebanese airspace tremblingly, and finally landed at Beirut Hariri Airport as a textbook.

That's right, it's the Hariri family of Sund Hariri.

Leiden found a car in advance to pick him up at the airport. Although he was visa-free, he still went through several procedures before leaving the airport. Before leaving, Yang Cheng specially asked the crew to stand by, but he was ready to escape at any time. No way, even if ten years have passed since the last war, Yang Cheng is still vigilant about this country like a gunpowder barrel. The flames of war from time to time may burn on his head at any time. Can you accidentally click it?

After getting in the car, Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. In order to keep a low profile, the car Leiden bought was domineering. In the Middle East, dominance is more practical than Mercedes-Benz.

Leiden drove, Hansen was in the co-pilot, Yang Cheng and Liu Junyu were in the back row. She didn’t want to bring her here, but she didn’t want to be in the hotel alone. She had to follow it. If there is no other way, just follow it. Anyway, protect one and two. This is not a big difference to Hansen.

The weather in Beirut today is very good. The bright sunshine is shining on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The window is slightly lowered, and the slightly humid air makes people feel good. If not for the ruins of the battlefield still remaining in the distance, the mood would be better. .

Leiden drove the car and said to Yang Cheng, "I have been here for a week. The only thing I feel is that if there is no war, this is a good place."

Yang Cheng asked, "What did you see?"

"What I see is a harmonious society, tolerant and open. People here are calmly optimistic and love life, but the gap between the rich and the poor is very serious. The prosperous coastal area is only across the street from the poor slums, one heaven and one hell. "

Yang Cheng nodded when he heard the words, and just passing a group of people, Yang Cheng found that *women in black robes and hot girls in fashionable suspenders and mini pants were actually chatting happily. This is a scene in any country in the Middle East. It's hard to see.

Especially Yang Cheng noticed the girl in shorts. She had dyed red hair, a low-profile tank top, and a hot body that is rare in Europe and America.

At this time, a bright red open-top Ferrari whizzed past them. The combination of rich and young with beautiful girls is often only seen in European and American countries, but it is not uncommon in Lebanon.

Just as Leiden said, Lebanese people are really rich and poor are really poor.

Objectively speaking, Lebanon may not be suitable for vacationing purposes. It has a more complicated social situation. Although Lebanon is considered safe compared with Syria and other countries, it still has its history and history. reality.

Just as a Middle Eastern country, it always gives people a sense of mystery. I want to find out for myself. If I go for this purpose, Lebanon will probably not disappoint.

This is the intuitive impression of Yang Cheng after arriving in Lebanon. It took about an hour to drive from the airport to the hotel. There are tall buildings on both sides of the city. The flashing neon signs show Yang Cheng these foreign ‘soil buns’ to show the modern prosperity of Lebanon.

The street in front of the coffee shop is full of casual citizens. In time, it is a bar and club that is still full of enthusiasm during the day. The blast of music flows out of the turning door from time to time; the beautiful display of fashion models in the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the fashionable Lebanese beauty The costumes I like, coupled with the fresh air, gorgeous natural scenery and mild climate, are worthy of the title of "Little Paris in the Middle East".

It was early evening when Leighton met with Sindhariri. Faced with the lively street scene, Liu Junyu was a little bit ready to move. Yang Cheng decided to get out of the car and stroll around. Now that he came to this country, safety can be guaranteed. Then it’s not a bad thing to go and learn more about this mysterious country.

Beirut was once the financial center of the Middle East, but because of the war 10 years ago and the global financial crisis that followed, Beirut’s financial system was close to collapse. But now, the presence of major global banks has revived Beirut as a financial city. The glory of the city, the shops and banks that can be seen everywhere on the street prove this.

The rejuvenation of the economy means that cultural development is also not inferior. The fact is also true. In recent years, Lebanese films have become frequent visitors of the three major European film festivals, and have even been recognized by Hollywood. This is also the epitome of Beirut as the cultural center of the Middle East. Performances, film and television production, press and publishing, cultural education and other cultural fields are among the best.

Not to mention the tourism resources, the natural scenery with mountains and waters is the main factor, and the historical relics are supplemented, because the history was ruled by Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Rome, Arab Empire, Byzantium and other empires, leaving many The mark of ancient culture, so tourists who are interested in historical sites are very yearning for Lebanon.

When they were shopping, Yang Cheng discovered that someone was holding a single against the old building to shoot.

But all this is just the coat of light. Underneath the coat are the high prices and the poor and destitute people. These people were troubled by the war and survived, but now they have completely lost the opportunity to change their lives because of the high prices. , If you see this scene, I believe that every tourist will never want to come again.

They walked and came to the slums inadvertently. They also experienced the scars left by the war for this country. The walls of residential buildings were covered with gun holes, the foundations of many houses were blown up, and the sewers were exposed in the open. Colorful children's slides are scattered in this mess.

But today's sky is extremely clear, and it is very uncoordinated to set off such a scene, like a scene from a movie, a prop made by man.

Leiden said that it was once a refugee camp after the war. With a little development, it became a slum in Beirut. It is only a two-way four-lane road from the waterfront across the street.

But Yang Cheng found that everyone here had a smile on their faces. They didn't seem to think that their life was bad. They had their own perfect little world in this city, including homes, small restaurants, and small vendors.

The only difference is that compared to the outside world, everything here is relatively shabby.

For example, electric wires entangled with tree branches become a huge hidden danger when it rains, but children and old people don’t care. They live their lives under such danger. Although simple, they seem to be satisfied. .

If you think about it, you can understand that compared with the wars and chaos of the past, such a stable life is now like a paradise, and they will not expect more.

Liu Junyu moved his compassionate heart, pulled Yang Cheng’s sleeves and came to a little boy. The little boy set up a stall to sell pancakes. The fragrant smell was very attractive. He was about to speak. One of them had microwave curly hair. The young white girl came out of the old building behind the boy, with a valuable SLR camera hanging around her neck, and a warm smile on her face.

She only exchanged a few words with the little boy in proficient Arabic, and then noticed that Yang Cheng and the others, two oriental faces surrounded by a group of white and black brawny men, this scene looked strange.

It may be known by a natural outgoing personality. The beautiful girl is not afraid. After a little dazed, she asked enthusiastically, "Hi, hello, welcome to Beirut, should you be tourists? My name is Maya, French~ "

The girls who love to laugh are very beautiful, and Yang Cheng smiled unconsciously, "Hello Maya, call me jason. This is the first time we came to Beirut, and we came here after walking around. I hope it doesn’t disturb you. ~"

Maya hooked her hair and waved her hand. "You misunderstood, this is not my home. I am an international student. I am studying at the American University in Beirut. I study Arabic. Photography is my hobby. I like to use my camera to record me in my spare time. Life in Lebanon."

Introducing herself briefly, Maya pointed to the little boy and said, "Are you attracted by the taste of pancakes? Semir's pancakes are very famous, and many rich guys across the street often visit here~"

Semir should be the name of a little boy, looking at the age of 10 years old, Yang Cheng's shiny black eyes made Yang Cheng a bit embarrassed.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Really? Then I have to try it, Samuel, can you understand English? Give everyone of us a pancake?"

Semir looked at Yang Cheng blankly, but he definitely didn't understand.

But there was Maya, so I didn’t worry about the communication problem. He translated it again. Semir jumped up excitedly, turned and rushed back to the room. Maya helped explain, "He went back to get the materials~"

Yang Cheng nodded, not in a hurry, and casually inquired with Maya, "Are you studying at an American university? Then you must know Hinde Hariri?"

Maya was taken aback, "Xingde? She is my senior sister. It's been a long time since I graduated. Are you looking for her?"

Yang Cheng denied, "No, no, I just asked casually. When I was at the airport, some people said she was the goddess of Lebanon, so I was a little curious~"

Maya smiled, "She is indeed very beautiful, and she is very nice, you are lucky, I will work part-time in her scholarship foundation~"

Yang Cheng was stunned. It was indeed a coincidence, "So can you contact her?"

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