Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1738: Meet "TS"

At the end of the chaotic street, there are a few small shops selling vegetables and fruits. Vendors have put their stalls on the street and yelled from time to time, but for a long time no one patronized them.

However, Yang Cheng and the others lined up in front of his pancake stall to take care of Semir’s business. They became little stars on the street for a while. Everyone looked at this side with envy and looked forward to Yang Cheng. Can take care of their business.

Semir moved quickly. It took less than 10 minutes to make pancakes for dozens of people. Yang Cheng didn’t ask for the price from beginning to end, only a piece of Benjamin was left, so happy that the child’s nasal blisters came out. Yang Cheng thanked them in Arabic that they did not understand.

Maya touched Semir's head, "Thank you, you are all kind people. When this child was born, his father died in the war. A few years later, his mother died from the war. He is the only one in this world. If it weren’t for the help of neighbors, I’m afraid it would be difficult to grow up like this."

Sensual Liu Junyu was whirling with tears, but if Yang Cheng hadn't stopped her, this girl would have prepared to pay for Semir to go to school.

It's not impossible. The key is not to. Shengmi's principle of fighting against miracles is universal in the world. Even if you want to help him, you have to plan carefully before you act?

Saying goodbye to Semir, the enthusiastic Maya took the initiative to take on the responsibility of the tour guide and took Yang Cheng and the others around Beirut for an afternoon. Before parting, Yang Cheng paid her 1,000 US dollars. Of course, in addition to compensation, there is a large part of it. It was used to help Semir. He believed that this beautiful and kind girl would not let him down.

Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to use her to help monitor Xingde Hariri, but considering the identity of the other party, it is estimated that it would be difficult to get in-depth contact with Xingde, so she gave up this plan and did not drag this good girl into the muddy water.

In the evening, Beirut was the most romantic. The intoxicating sunset reflected the whole city. Walking on the coastal avenue, enjoying the sea breeze and admiring the ancient buildings under the sunset, I finally found a bit of Arabian style.

After passing through the Great Mosque donated by Hariri, Yang Cheng and the others came to the hotel built by the sea. Xinde Hariri should have been waiting in the room for a long time.

Yang Cheng left Hansen and the others outside the room, and followed Leiden into the room.

At a glance, she saw the TS face of Xingde Hariri. She was sitting on the sofa, looking at Yang Cheng with a scrutinizing gaze, her eyes unclear.

Yang Cheng showed a gentlemanly demeanor and leaned slightly to greet him, "Beautiful Ms. Hariri, I am Jason Yang. It is an honor for me to know you. I am sorry to contact you in this way, but the important thing is currently, you must be kind. Mind, right?"

Xinde Hariri can speak fluent English and French, and communication is naturally not a problem.

Before she could speak, Yang Cheng discovered that she was not the only one in the room. Four female bodyguards in black suits with bulging waists were in the corner, staring at him like the prey. One of them looked at him. There was also a hint of hunger and thirst, and Yang Cheng couldn't help but shiver.

"You have said everything, if I still anger you, am I not kind and beautiful?"

Yo, I didn't expect this woman to be quite humorous, she deserves to be a student taught by an American university, completely different from a conservative Arab woman.

Yang Cheng didn't step forward without authorization. He could feel that if he was not cautious, it would cause a fierce attack from the female bodyguards.

"Naturally not, I'm just expressing my apologies, I hope my men didn't run into you~"

Xingde waved his hand, "He didn't bump into me, but when I went back to the room unprepared, I suddenly found a strange man sitting on the sofa. I was a little scared~"

"Apologize to you again, this is not my intention~"

"Forget it, sit down, I'm also very curious, why the Chinese tycoons who are in the limelight recently contact me suddenly~"

Yang Cheng knew that his identity had played a role, so he sat on the solo sofa unceremoniously, and at the same time he felt that the eyes of the female bodyguards looked at him softer.

"There are some things that you don’t need to keep from you, should you know about IOTA? I came here mainly for them. I didn’t intend to contact the Hariri family. But who would have thought that my people would find Iota’s salesperson? Even if I entered your hotel, I couldn't make such a move."

Xingde's expression remained unchanged, and asked faintly, "Does it mean something to do with me when entering my hotel?"

Yang Orange smiled, "Ms. Hariri, you are a smart person, and I am not stupid, so we don't have to say these nonsense, it is better to open up the conversation, trust me, I have no malice towards you."

"So you have hatred with IOTA?" Xingde tentatively asked.

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and being able to ask this question meant that the other party was interested, and if he was interested, he could continue to talk.

"No grudges, let alone acquaintance~"

Xingde frowned and asked puzzledly, "Why do you want to deal with IOTA without grudges? Is there a conflict of interest?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Almost, you just need to know that it's not me who wants Iota~"

Most people don’t understand what he said, but Xingde obviously has a complicated connection with the United States, as Yang Cheng guessed, so his words are clear~

Seeing Xingde's expression darkened, and then he returned to normal, the change that took less than a second completely fell into Yang Cheng's eyes.

"Then why did you find me?"

Yang Cheng turned his head and glanced at it. It was obvious that there were outsiders, so it was hard to say these words.

Xingde hesitated for a moment and waved to the bodyguards. Yang Cheng was also very cooperative to let Leiden out. When only the two of them were left in the room, Yang Cheng pressed his throat and said, "I hope you can cooperate with me. It’s just that I’m holding IOTA, and everything else remains the same~"

He is hinting that Xingde will not interfere with the sordidness of your Hariri family and certain American forces. All he wants is Iota.

With Xingde’s wisdom, of course, she would not miss this but she did not nod easily, "How can I trust you?"

Yang Cheng simply said, "Cross over Iota and contact the people over there for confirmation. I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing, because it's not good for me~"

Xingde took a deep look at Yang Cheng, believed these words for the time being, and said, "Do you know why the people of Iota found me?"

Yang Cheng smiled lightly and said confidently, "No matter what it is for, I can do it for help!"

After a pause, "If I guessed correctly, it should be for the plane?"

Xingde smiled meaningfully, "I can't hide it from you~"

Yang Cheng opened his hands and said, "I also have a business in arms. No matter what kind of plane you want, I can get it for you. Believe me, I can do everything Iota can do. They can't do it. I can do it when it arrives. You should be aware of the arms trade between Qatar and Oman in the past few months, right?

It's all my handwriting, I believe these are enough to prove my ability? "

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