Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1740: It's hard to handle with a gun

"Wait, you mean, there are also hunting ‘super toucans’ in the United States?"

Yang Cheng swears to the lamp. He really didn't think about it. Yes, how could there be no "Super Toucan" in the United States? If there is no demand for this, why would the Sierra Nevada Company produce it?

I can't wait to smoke myself, I'm really going back more and more alive, how can this mind not open up.

Leiden didn’t know, so he thought Yang Cheng didn’t know, and he gave a serious explanation, “I heard that some congressmen have submitted a proposal to the Congress for a new light attack aircraft project. Once it is reached, maybe the super toucan will usher in a blowout. Order."

Hansen also heard about this and immediately said, "Indeed, this light attack aircraft project is a plan of the US Air Force to improve the shortage of pilots and reduce the cost of use.

The U.S. Air Force believes that the old A-10 is not suitable for frequent close air support missions, while the cutting-edge F-35 is too low to perform low-intensity missions.

Therefore, some professionals have proposed a light attack project, LAS, which aims to provide a light and low-cost frontline aircraft to perform missions in low-intensity conflicts. "

Leiden nodded in agreement, "Yes, in fact, in 1965, the U.S. Army was equipped with an OV-10 reconnaissance bomber with a turboprop engine. During the Southern War, it gave the Marine Corps a huge help and later retired from the United States. , This aircraft still plays a role in the combat sequence of some countries.

Some of the requirements for the tender of the LAS light attack aircraft are basically the same as those of the "Super Toucan," which can carry air-to-air missiles and can also install ground-guided missiles, including a 12.7 mm cannon and a night vision system.

Therefore, the U.S. military purchased a total of 120 Super Toucans, with an order contract of up to 350 million US dollars.

However, the Sierra Nevada Company delivered only 6 Super Toucans in total, and the project was suspended and the order was cancelled. "

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "The project has been suspended? This is a bit intriguing~"

Leiden was convinced, "Yes, it stands to reason that with the super-toucan's ultra-low maintenance costs and low requirements for pilots, the various units should fight for it, but I didn't expect it to be stopped."

Hansen shook his head and said, "In fact, it is not difficult to understand that in order to adapt to low-level combat, the requirements are by no means low. The advantages and disadvantages of the'Super Toucan' are equally obvious.

The purchase price is low, and as a turboprop engine aircraft, its flight cost is only 430-530 US dollars per hour; its transition range is up to 2,800 kilometers, the space time is up to 8 hours, and the stall speed is only 180 kilometers/hour. This shows that it has excellent low-speed performance, and in ground attack, the excellent low-speed performance brings a more abundant attack window and higher accuracy when using unguided weapons;

At the same time, it has short-distance takeoff and landing capabilities, which has lower requirements for airports, making it more flexible in use and deployment and lower requirements for pilots.

The disadvantages are more obvious. Its too small size leads to its relatively fragile structure and poor survivability. The low speed means that it is easier to be attacked by enemy air defense weapons, and there is basically no survival under the hunting of enemy jet fighters. Possibility, in other words, the'Super Toucan' can only bully and bully aircraft that are worse than it, and can only be used when one has guaranteed absolute air superiority and the enemy has no advanced and reliable air defense weapons on the ground. To put it bluntly, At most, it is used for public security, and it is not enough to satisfy the US light attack combat mission. "

With this explanation, Yang Cheng immediately understood, "In that case, the 6'Super Toucans' that have been equipped for service have also become dispensable?"

Hansen shook his head, "I'm not sure~"

Leiden said, "I think it is, it is a tasteless to the United States, it is better to sell it for money~

But in Lebanon, these 6 Super Toucans are enough to ensure city security. As for air defense, I don’t think they have much hope. After all, the se-column F-35 flew over as soon as a putt. A super toucan is not enough for fireworks. "

Yang Cheng put on a profiteer's face, "You said how much should I pay for this second-hand plane? 2 million one?"

Hansen and Leiden looked at each other and smiled bitterly, "Boss, don't make a joke. If you don't have a premium, they are already considered a virtue~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Don't worry, what that sentence is like, there is someone in Bai Gong who can do things well~"

If Demien makes a move, 2 million won’t be able to get it. 5 million is always okay? At that time, it will be sold for 20 million. Is it black? It should not be counted, only 4 times the profit.

"Okay, don't worry about this, as long as you kill Iota, we will make the money."

At this time, Hansen’s cell phone rang, and he connected and said a few words in front of Yang Cheng, his face became gloomy, and then he clutched the microphone and said to Yang Cheng, “Boss, stare at the brother of the IOTA salesperson. Call, saying that he may have been found, the salesman is trying to get rid of tracking~"

Yang Cheng, who was originally a little happy, turned from sunny to cloudy in an instant, "How could it be discovered? Didn't the salesman stay in the hotel honestly?"

"The other party went out suddenly, our brother was not prepared in time, got up in a hurry, and was spotted immediately."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Forget it, now is not the time to be held accountable. Since I have been discovered, don't hide it at all, and just grab someone. Are we enough? Not enough for Andrew to visit~"

Without his instructions, Andrew had already rushed out of the room.

Hansen asked a few words to the phone and then hung up, bowed his head to apologize, "It was my negligence~"

Yang Cheng was not so angry. Accidents could happen at any time. "It's not your fault. The salesperson actually has the ability to detect and even anti-tracking. It seems that he is not an ordinary salesperson~"

Leiden has a deep understanding of this, “Iota’s salespersons have either been on the battlefield or have rich experience in intelligence work, and are not weak in skill, at least with the ability to protect themselves.”

Yang Cheng nodded That Gavin Glington is a bit powerful, no wonder Xingde said he was difficult to deal with, and even thought of finding a bunch of soldiers and spy as salesmen. "

Leiden worried, "Will the salesman inform Gavin?"

Yang Cheng nodded solemnly, "It's hard to say, what if it were you?"

Hansen affirmed, "Yes, as soon as he is discovered, he has to give a warning like his superiors. Of course, if he has other thoughts, he may choose to hide it."

Yang Cheng shook his head, "You can't pin your hopes on assumptions. I hope our brothers can do it fast enough and don't give the other party too much time to prepare."

After speaking, he smashed the armrest of the sofa fiercely, and made a muffled sound, "Damn~"

Not long after, Yang Cheng and the others heard a gunshot at the same time, followed by the screams of the crowd, and the faces of several people changed. Although the gun only rang, but the gun was fired, this matter is not easy to handle~

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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