Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1741: Really hiding place

Once this matter rises to a thermal weapon conflict, it is generally relatively large, especially on other people’s turf. Yang Cheng worried that something might change, and said to Hansen with a sullen face, "You also go and check it out, and be careful not to be JC. Caught."

It was enough to have Andrew to go, but Hansen didn't dare not listen to Yang Cheng's request, and rushed out of the door in response.

Although Hansen’s participation can maximize the success rate, Yang Cheng still feels uneasy, and the whole person is pacing back and forth in the room nervously. In the final analysis, it is because of insufficient preparation. If the initiative is in his hands, he I can do it calmly.

The time between Leiden and Yang Cheng was too short, and he didn't know what to do at this time, so he had to persuade softly, "Boss, with Hansen's help, the other party will definitely not get away~"

Yang Cheng said, "I don't doubt Hansen's ability, but the other party is not a rookie. Now that an experienced veteran has discovered tracking, he will definitely try to get rid of tracking. Staying and fighting is the most unwise choice.

Now we don’t know who fired the gun, but no matter who it is, the crowd has been messed up because of the gunshot. This is a godsend for the salesman. I’m afraid that Hansen will not be there before Hansen arrives. Lost the trace of the other party. "

Leiden scratched his head. Even in the special forces before, he rarely dared to detect and track tasks. He is a big boss, holding a Gatling gun to play with fire suppression, or single-handedly, this is him. He's good at it. Simply put, brainstorming is not for him.

. . .

Just when Hansen had just left the house, Andrew found the brother in charge of monitoring to join him. He was a little embarrassed by the panicked crowd all the way. He was so skillful, like a lion in a herd of bison who lost his way. In the middle, it is also difficult to find the target and direction of breakthrough.

The brother had a sullen face, holding a gun in his hand, his teeth were bleeding.

"What's the situation? Who fired the gun?"

"It's me, the salesman is very cunning. He suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at me. I instinctively took out the gun to fight back. I didn't expect that this was his intentional act of tempting me to shoot. When the crowd became confused, he As the chaos disappeared from my sight, I followed the direction where he finally disappeared, and I haven't seen a trace yet.

I really subconsciously retaliated with a gun~" This brother was very wronged.

Andrew calmly looked at the direction of the salesman's fingers, and said coldly, "I know, but the boss is very angry, we must catch people~"

"I understand, but where are we going to find someone now?"

They were at a crossroads right now, with the charming Mediterranean on the left, the old slums on the right, and the prosperous and wealthy districts on the coastal road.

Andrew pondered for a moment, "If it were you, which direction would you run in?"

The brother thought for a while and analyzed, "First of all, you can't run towards the sea. Unless he arranges a speedboat to catch him in advance, it will be a dead end;"

Andrew nodded, "Yes, so the left is ruled out. We just came from the back. He can't run back under our noses, so either forward or right~"

"I think to the right, the environment of the slums is more complicated. The staggered low-rise buildings are good for hiding. Even if they are found, they can use the complicated terrain to escape. If they get into a house, they will disappear from our sight."

Andrew murmured a few words and shook his head slightly, "I think it's the opposite. You see, if you continue walking on this road for about one kilometer, you will be the hotel of Shindhariri. The other party suddenly found you were following. His first reaction must be to find someone. Ask for help, then in Beirut, if he has no accomplices, the best person to ask for help is Shinde Hariri~"

"you sure?"

"No, I'm not sure, but I can't delay it anymore, so let's be separated. The brother who is behind will be here soon. I will check it out at the hotel in Shindhariri. You are waiting here. When someone arrives. Divide into two groups. One group catches up with me. The other group you take to investigate the slums. Remember not to let go of any corners where Tibetans may be possible. Don't be too vulgar. The poor people live here~"

"Understood, I know what to do~"

. . .

At this moment, the room of Hinde Hariri was broken into again by a stranger, but it was silent last time. This time it was a bit violent. The female bodyguards who pityed her, it is estimated that this will happen in the future. Facing an unemployment crisis.

With a sullen TS face, Hinde Hariri looked at the man sitting opposite and panting, and asked faintly, "Garret, you are getting too much. Not only did I not make an appointment, but also used violence You hurt my bodyguard, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

It turned out that Iota’s salesman was named Garrett. He had a face like a custard boy. At this moment, he was sweating because of his adrenaline soaring, and he seemed to have a sense of'wet temptation', of course. , This is for women.

"Dear Xingde, don't be so serious. I can't take your room to take refuge. Don't worry, I'll be safe for a while. I will walk on my own~"

Hinde Hariri frowned, "Refuge?"

Garrett pretended to be relaxed on the back of the sofa, "Yeah, someone was following me and shot me a shot after I found out. If I didn't hide fast, you would never see me again. ~"

Xingde frowned and asked knowingly, "Who wants to kill you?"

"How do I know, but it must be the enemy. By the way, I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went out. I borrowed your phone. I need to report to Mr. Glington~"

Xingde Hariri did not simply take out the phone, but fell into a deep entanglement. She knew that more than 90% of this incident was under the hands of Yang Cheng's people, but why was it so wasteful that she was discovered and shot. Forget it, he didn't kill anyone, and made people run into his room.

What should I do? Borrowing the phone will surely startle, but don't borrow it, it will inevitably arouse Garrett's suspicion. With his hand out, these bodyguards can't stop it at all.

It's really difficult~

Annoyed that Yang Cheng implicated the disaster on her But there is no good way to get the best of both worlds, so she can only respond in silence for a while.

But Garrett is not an ordinary person. He keenly perceives the strange behavior of Xingde Hariri, and asks meaningfully, "Xingde, you don't want to borrow my mobile phone?"

Xingde was taken aback, cursed **** secretly, and reluctantly took out his cell phone and said, "I'm just worried that you will lead the killer to me~"

Hearing this, Garrett heaved a sigh of relief and took the phone and said, "Don't worry, no one knows that I am here, there will be no danger~"

Xingde secretly scolded an idiot, and you exposed it. Can others not find out your relationship with me?

Fortunately, she didn't scold these words, and was praying in her heart. Yang Cheng's people had better find them quickly. She didn't want the cooperation to end before it started.

Although she has not agreed to Yang Cheng's invitation to cooperate so far, the balance in her heart has already tilted when she hesitated.

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