Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1742: Lost the title

"How is it? Has anyone caught it?"

Yang Cheng had been suffering in the room for half an hour. Just when he was hesitant to call to inquire about the situation, Hansen called first and said, "Boss, you can be sure, the IOTA salesperson hid Hinde Hariri’s room didn’t come out~"

Yang Cheng, who had little trust in the TS face woman, had already planned the worst in his heart. Once the Hariri family and Iota joined forces, he had almost no chance of winning, and the thirty-six plan was the best plan, and he didn't run away. Stay here as a living target?

Only by running off the road before it is safe to have time to think about countermeasures.

"what should we do?"

Hansen didn't hear Yang Cheng's voice and asked further.

Yang Cheng sighed, "Wait first. If someone comes out of the room, start arresting someone. If you don't come out, don't act rashly."


"Be careful, don't be found again~"

"I understand the boss, this time I personally stare at it, I can't run away~"

"Okay, pay attention to safety~"

After hanging up the phone, Leiden looked at Yang Cheng hopefully.

Angrily said, "People entered Xingde's room and didn't come out. This **** really hides somewhere~"

Leiden heard the words and said solemnly, "If these two people partner~"

"Yeah, I'm also worried, or just let Hansen and the others rush in and grab someone?"

Leiden smiled bitterly, "It's best not to, after all, this is the territory of the Hariri family, no matter what, we can't do such violent things to their family's young daughter~"

Can Yang Cheng know? He can't help it, "Damn, the plan is completely messed up~"

After a long silence, he suddenly asked, "Is there no office in Lebanon?"

This is the famous Middle East gunpowder keg. It’s hard to say that it will go to war any day. For arms companies, this is undoubtedly a vast market. There is no reason not to set up an office to deal with emergencies at any time~

Leiden hesitated, "I'm not sure, but the salesman seems to have not gone anywhere else since arriving in Beirut~"

"If you don't go, it doesn't mean you don't have it. Check it out for me. If you give me this office first, I still don't believe that Gavin Glington is so calm~"

To be honest, Yang Cheng was a little bit angry in doing this, but right now he couldn't find a better way to break the game. He praised Haikou again, saying that Iota would be solved within a month, so the use of violence is the only and the most The best choice!

Leiden went out to investigate. The room became silent for a while, and Liu Junyu was driven back to the room by him. At this moment, he was the only person in the living room.

Not long after, Liu Junyu's door opened slightly. This girl sneaked a few glances along the door, and saw that everyone in the living room was gone. Only Yang Cheng was alone on the sofa with her eyes closed and rested. Come out boldly.

After hesitating for a long time, he sat next to Yang Cheng, gently pulled his clothes, and said concerned, "Are you okay?"

Yang Cheng slowly opened her eyes and shook her head, "It's okay, why did you come out? Hungry?"

Liu Junyu also shook his head, "I feel something has happened, you are all serious, I am a little worried~"

Yang Cheng laughed suddenly, stretched out his hand and pressed a button on his cousin's head, relieved, "Don't worry, our safety is okay."

Liu Junyu is obviously a cousin, but in front of Yang Cheng, she is always taken care of like her sister, which makes her a little annoyed, "I am not worried about safety, I am worried about you~"

Yang Cheng looked playfully, "Worry about me?"

Liu Junyu blushed, "It's okay, I just said casually, I'm really hungry~"

This girl seems to have something on her mind, Yang Cheng said in her heart.

But he did not pierce, reached out and picked up the phone to call the front desk, casually ordered a few common Western dishes, of course, Lebanese specialties are indispensable, he was a bit hungry after a whole afternoon of brainstorming, if it wasn't for Liu Junyu to mention him feel.

Speaking of Lebanese cuisine, it has become more famous in the world in recent years, and it can be regarded as a more famous kind of Arab cuisine, which is a bit similar to the status of Cantonese cuisine in country Z.

However, it is different from Arab cuisine in the traditional sense. Lebanese cuisine is more or less influenced by Europe, especially French and Italian cuisine, because of its relationship with the Mediterranean coast. The production process is more delicate and exquisite. Since Middle Easterners like spicy seasonings, Lebanese prefer lighter flavors.

As a result, it is even more favored by the upper-class society in Europe and the United States. Nowadays, Lebanese restaurants can exist as high-end restaurants alongside French restaurants in all countries in the world. After all, the healthy and delicious exotic flavors and those who like to pursue the quality of life are happy to try it.

There is a very special sauce in Lebanon called'Homs sauce'. The reason why it is special is that the use of chickpeas as the sauce itself is very special. The special here refers to the mainstream cuisine in the world , It is quite common in Arab countries.

In fact, it is a sauce made by grinding chickpeas into powder and adding various spices. This sauce tastes very fragrant. Lebanese generally use this sauce to dip flatbread together. It's very appetizing to eat. Sometimes this sauce is used when eating some barbecue or seafood.

When eating Semir’s scones in the afternoon, Liu Junyu felt that the sauce was delicious, so he asked for the name. Just now Yang Cheng asked the kitchen to send more ‘Homs’ sauce to the kitchen when he ordered.

The chef of the hotel is also very sincere. He specially used a large bowl for the sauce. In addition, he also specially put on a kind of eggplant sauce, which is said to be very popular. At first glance, this sauce is a bit similar to tomatoes. The sauce, of course, may also be related to the addition of tomatoes. It tastes a little sour and is also very appetizing.

Similar to Western food, Lebanese cuisine is also divided into appetizers, main dishes, and desserts. Yang Cheng has opened his eyes today. He has been to the Middle East many times, and this is the first time he has seen such exquisite Arabian dishes. It is completely different from what he has seen before. Different, very in line with the aesthetics of Westerners, but compared to the state banquet of Z, the degree of exquisiteness is more than one grade.

According to the chef’s introduction, Lebanese cuisine is based on "purity" as the principle of cooking, and all cooking materials and seasonings are based on freshness. The so-called "purity" emphasized by the chef is natural and clean from the inside out, so everyone thinks Lebanese cuisine is very healthy and it makes sense. Yang Orange hasn't been eaten yet, at least it looks healthy. The first salad in front of me looks healthy.

Often the salads that are given to Arabic dishes before Chinese meals are without salad dressing, or the salads in Arabic dishes are not called salads at all. That is a plate of raw vegetables. Guests can only chew on this pot of fresh vegetables. People in country Z are very unaccustomed.

There are some well-known or unknown leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and lemons.

The Lebanese salad is essentially the same, but the amount is larger, it should not be called the first dish, it should be called the first bowl salad, served with pickles and jujubes, dipped in ‘Homs’ sauce, and has a different flavor.

It’s just that the salad is so sour because of the squeezing of the eyebrows, and it’s even more sour with the appetizing sauce, but this sourness is not unacceptable, but it will make the people’s tongue produce fluid. Kind of a feeling of appetite.

Compared with the Holmes sauce Liu Junyu likes, Yang Cheng prefers the pumpkin sauce and spicy sauce specially for autumn, which is more in line with his taste buds.

The main dish is Lebanese special lamb sausage. Lamb occupies the mainstream position in Lebanese cuisine. They think lamb is the cleanest kind of meat, but the seasoning is too light. It is set off with shredded carrots and green parsley. A taste of lamb is rich It's not greasy, and it feels good with a bite of yogurt sauce, but it's still too light, and it's better with spicy sauce.

Deep-fried white cauliflower with crispy scorched skin. The first bite is very fragrant, but the familiar citric sourness immediately diffuses. It feels very blurred. The crispy is sour, and there is a hint of sourness in it. The peculiar feeling of Si Tian is probably difficult for ordinary people to accept.

But Yang Cheng thought it was pretty good. It was the first time I had tasted this special taste. It was very novel, but that was it. It was good to try, and let him consciously eat it a second time.

Liu Junyu frowned because of the acidity. Fortunately, the chef had been driven away by Yang Cheng, otherwise he would be speechless to see this scene.

Yang Cheng thought it was funny, and passed a cup of milky white drink called'Ailan', which is also full of Arabic flavor. To put it bluntly, it is yogurt, and it is salty yogurt. Basically, it is yogurt mixed with salt water. It is reasonable to eat Eat the sour and then the sweet to neutralize the taste.

But Yang Cheng passed the salty drink over, not only did not make Liu Junyu feel good, but the mouth was full of bitterness and almost spit it out.

Seeing her uncomfortable Yang Cheng has a sense of success and accomplishment in a prank, smiling is a joy, even the troubles just now have been thrown behind her, and Liu Jun’s speech is exploded.

But Yang Cheng turned a blind eye. He was facing a plate of grilled meat. This was his most satisfying dish. It was called shawarma. It was almost similar to Turkish grilled meat, except that they would cook during the roasting process. Serve with tahini or holmes sauce, so that the gravy will be locked by the sauce when roasting, and the taste will be richer than the turkey meat, and the tender juice will ooze with a bite.

Liu Junyu's preference for meat is not as deep as Yang Cheng's. She ate two bites of the barbecue on that plate, and Yang Cheng took care of the rest. She was dissatisfied and called for another portion. She was rich and headstrong. !

They are eating here, but Garrett hiding in Xingde Harry’s room is sitting on pins and needles. The reason is that after borrowing Xingde’s phone, he has never contacted his superiors. He was afraid of delaying major events and called the vice president. No one answered, and he was calm and calm at first, but he was a little panicked at the moment. He was not afraid of being caught, and news of what he was afraid of could not be spread.

From this point of view, he is quite loyal. When his life is threatened, he is still thinking about how to spread the news instead of thinking about how to get out.

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