Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1752: The person who sent the supplies?

Bid farewell to Dario, followed the trail back to the main road, and continued forward. For about half an hour, Yang Cheng and the others heard the euphemistic singing. This should be the mass held in the monastery. As the number of visitors increased, these Tibetans The monastery in the Sacred Valley also began to think of ways to generate income. After all, they can live a better life. Who wants to live in dire straits every day? Even if they are monks!

This is a convent. The small church is full of tourists, and the hymns are mellowingly.

Basically, 99.99% of the tourists who can come here are devout believers. People like Yang Cheng who come here specifically to find people may not meet one in decades.

These believers came here just for a Mass, which was considered a lifetime wish.

Yang Cheng did not stay here, he didn't think Gavin would be hiding in the convent.

Not far ahead, in another historic monastery, a young priest walked into the chapel alone, knelt in front of the statue of **** and prayed eagerly for a long time. After the prayer, he kissed **** with tears. With both hands, bowed his head and left.

I thought he was a monk living in the Sacred Valley, but when I asked him, he realized that he was actually a tourist from southern Lebanon. Yang Cheng couldn't help admiring the perseverance of the other party. Seeing his shaky appearance, it seemed that he hadn't eaten for a long time. It's dinner.

When they got here, Yang Cheng and the others had already climbed over a mountain, but looking around, at least 5 big mountains were waiting for them to climb. At this moment, they were located in the cols of the two mountains. Because of the way they opened up, this is also There is a rest point where people who are tired of walking can camp here. A mountain stream is left from the mountain to form a small stream that flows slowly into the valley bottom.

Yang Cheng squatted down and held the cool stream water in both hands. There was a bitter chill, and she adjusted a little. With the sweet spring water in the entrance, she instantly drove away the tiredness and refreshed her whole body.

Liu Junyu squatted down to drink water like Yang Cheng, but she was shocked by the cold water, wrinkled her face and said, "It's so cold~"

Yang Cheng washed her hands and stood up, and said to Hansen, "This is not the way to go. You can't walk the entire Sacred Valley, you still have to ask someone to ask~"

Hansen looked back at the hills he had just walked, "We should have only walked one-fifth of the distance, and we are still at the outermost periphery of the Sacred Valley. The monks I just asked didn’t know anything about Gavin. ."

Yang Cheng squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, "Yes, either he has never been here before, or he lives in a place with no people in a radius of several kilometers, and he rarely goes out. Someone may give him living supplies."

Hansen echoed, "This is very likely~"

Yang Cheng sighed, he can still walk, but Liu Junyu seems to be hard to hold on~

As if feeling Yang Cheng’s worried gaze, Liu Jun insisted, “I’m fine, I’m fine~”

Yang Cheng opened her mouth and shook her head, "Well, let's go up another mountain and ask if we see the monk, if we haven't harvested yet, we will go back the same way. On the other side, Hansen, you can take someone for a trip. It will be harder~"

Hansen immediately said, "No problem boss, I will walk all the roads here, as long as Gavin is here, I will definitely be able to dig him out!"

"The beautiful trees are the cedar trees of Lebanon, planted by the Lord, and they are full of sap."

The beautiful cedar tree in the Bible is actually the cedar of Lebanon.

More than 3,000 years ago, the Phoenicians who ruled this land used cedar wood to build ships so they could sail unimpeded in the Mediterranean countries and became the most successful merchants at that time.

In ancient Egypt, across the sea from Lebanon, the mysterious pharaoh used cedar to make coffins. For this reason, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to transport these natural cedar wood from Lebanon back to Egypt, even at war with the Phoenicians. This precious wood species.

In history, the great temples built by ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Solomon also used cedar wood as the main raw material. This shows the degree of cherishment. It is no wonder that it has become a symbol of Lebanon. At the center of the Lebanese flag, It is a cedar.

In fact, similar cedars grow in Mediterranean coastal countries such as Turkey and Cyprus. They are close relatives of Lebanese cedars, but Lebanese cedars are so famous that they become the collective name for all cedars along the Mediterranean coast.

This tall tree used to spread all over Lebanon, but after thousands of years of felling and use by humans, there are now only a few tightly isolated protected areas in the cedar forest covering the country. One of the protected areas is in the Sacred Valley. There are more than 300 cedar trees growing here.

It is said that the average age of the cedar trees in this reserve has reached 1,500 years old, and some of them are even biblical trees. If calculated according to the Old Testament, they are at least 3,000 years old.

They stopped for a while outside the isolation zone of the reserve, and were about to move on. At this time, an elderly priest walked by Yang Cheng and the others. He carried a bag in his hand with mineral water and bread. Some other foods Yangcheng did not see clearly.

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, and then called to the other party, "Hello priest, are you a monk practicing here?"

The other party was taken aback, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. Yang Cheng said in a whisper, Yang Cheng was also dumbfounded. The other party should speak Arabic, but the intonation was a little different, but he didn't think much, just thought it was an accent. problem.

It seemed that the two could not communicate normally, so they gave up their birth position, and made an apologetic gesture with their hands together, indicating that the other party can continue to go~

The old priest waved his hand in the direction opposite to Yang Cheng and walked along the isolation belt of the Cedar Reserve.

Hansen leaned over and asked Do you doubt him? "

"No, it stands to reason that a monk should be self-sufficient in his yard? Why would he waste time out buying food and water?"

Hansen hesitated, "Do you think he is giving people supplies?"

Yang Cheng curled his lips and did not speak. The old priest had disappeared and disappeared behind the big tree surrounded by several people. The fragrance of pine wood filled the air.

He hesitated, his instinct told him that there was a problem with the old priest, but he didn't want to waste time following it just because of a random thought.

After thinking about it for a long time, he told Hansen, "Send a brother to look over. Don't act rashly if you find it. If you don't find it, return to the town of Busheli to join us."

This is the best way, without delay.

Hansen responded, and randomly ordered a brother's order, and soon, the brother trot to follow.

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