Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1753: Cave mansion

Returning to the Busheli Hotel with nothing, at this time it was almost dusk, and the exhausted group of people lost the mood of watching the scenery. The beautiful sunset scenery in their eyes was not as comfortable as a cup of warm coffee.

Yang Cheng and Liu Junyu were sitting on the terrace. It was cold in the morning and evening in the valley. Even if the sunset was radiating the last heat, it still couldn't resist the cold air that filled the valley.

"Tired?" Yang Cheng was helpless. When he just walked back, Liu Junyu was completely relying on perseverance to support herself. She did not let Yang Cheng carry her on her back. This girl was really stubborn.

Liu Junyu gave him a blank look and deliberately said, "Not tired!"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Go and lie down when you are tired, and call you when you are eating~"


Yang Cheng ignored her and said to herself, "Tomorrow you will stay in the hotel, don't follow, you can't hold on."

This time Liu Junyu didn't refute, he took a sip of coffee and said, "Is that Gavin important to you?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Said it is not important nor important, but I can find the best~"

"I see, I will rest in the room tomorrow, you don't need to worry about me~"

"Um~ don't worry, we will be back in the evening. You can learn flower arranging with the old couple, or go around the town and buy whatever you want."

"I know~"

Don't talk about Liu Junyu a weak woman that day, even Yang Cheng almost didn't stick to it. Now her legs are soft, stepping on the ground is like stepping on cotton, after hurriedly ate dinner, washed herself and fell asleep.

. . . . . .

The next morning, Yang Cheng felt that his bones were about to fall apart when she got up, but she insisted on getting up and going to the restaurant while having breakfast while listening to the report from the brother who followed the old priest yesterday. He didn't come back until midnight yesterday.

Liu Junyu was still asleep, and Yang Cheng asked the boss and his wife to save a breakfast for them to eat after they woke up.

I took a piece of staple bread, tore into small pieces and threw them into my mouth, and asked, "How is it? What have you found?"

"The old priest walked very slowly. He passed through the cedar forest and walked along a difficult path for two hours. He came to another valley, and finally disappeared suddenly. I suspect he entered a certain place. The monastery built in the cave, but the entrance was hidden by dense forest, and the sky was pitch black. I was afraid that I would be caught too close to the monastery, so I marked the place where he disappeared and came back alone."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Your guess is very likely, do you remember the route?"


"That's good, you have to work hard today to take us there~"

"It's not hard, my physical strength is very good, I haven't been tired from training before, at least I don't need to bleed!"

. . .

I walked once yesterday and walked again today. I didn’t stop along the way. I arrived at the cedar forest faster than yesterday. I followed the brother’s guidance and walked for another two hours until I came to a dense forest valley. It was really hard to walk. I have been walking on the paved stone road, but now I am walking on the unrepaired dirt road. Several sections of it have to climb steep slopes and will roll down the valley if you are not careful.

Walking tremblingly all the way to a narrow platform, the brother pointed to the front and said, "A distance of about tens of meters from here is where the old priest disappeared."

Yang Cheng raised his eyes and looked around. The dense forest blocked most of his sight. Even the sky was obscured by the wide tree canopy. It was only a few square meters wide, which seemed like sitting on a well.

"Can people live here?" He couldn't help but question.

Hansen was about to reply when he suddenly noticed something strange, pointing his finger at the sky covered by leaves, "Boss, look~"

Yang Cheng followed his fingers and saw nothing except the leaves blown by the breeze and the sky cut into pieces by the leaves.


Hansen pulled Yang Cheng closer, "There is a black line there~"

Yang Cheng took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a black line passing through the densest leaves.

"That is?"

Suddenly his pupils dilated and he was surprised, "Is it a cable?"

Hansen confirmed with a smile, "Yes, it's a cable. Someone put a wire here~"

Yang Cheng, who had been retreating in the first place, was full of confidence for an instant, "It should be him, otherwise, who would be struggling to wire up here!"

He patted Hansen on the shoulder, "We are lucky~"

Hansen grinned, "The boss still has good eyesight. If we miss the old priest, we won't find it here~"

Yang Cheng laughed loudly, but it stopped abruptly after less than a second. He suddenly remembered that Gavin might be in a cave not far away.

He said in a deep voice, "Take the guy out, even if you light up all the bullets, no one will hear~"

A dozen people followed Yang Cheng's instructions and pulled out their guns. Among them, several automatic rifles were bought from the black market. As long as there is money in the Middle East, let alone a few guns, even missiles can be sold!

In such a dense forest, the sniper can't do its job, and even heavy machine guns are not necessarily good. There are tree trunks everywhere, and more than half of the bullets have to be stopped by the tree trunks when they fly out. It is far less accurate than the point shot.

The brother in charge of the assault mission rushed forward, looking for the hole while guarding against ambush.

Yang Cheng was firmly in the middle of Hansen's eyes. Once he started fighting, his identity as a boss was not easy to use. Everything had to be listened to by Hansen. This was also the safest way to specialize in surgery.

However, the sound of a dozen people's footsteps is inevitable in this quiet valley. If there is an ambush, all have reached this distance, and they should have done it long ago. What are you waiting for?

And Hansen didn't have any warning all the way, at least it proved that the cave was safe.

The brother who led the way before made a fist in the void, signaled everyone to stop, squatted down and stared at the ground for a few seconds, then pulled back and said, "Boss, the old priest will disappear here~"

Yang Cheng said, "Then start looking. The cave must be nearby."

Hansen stopped everyone, "No need to find, I know where~"

Yang Orange asked in confusion, "You know?"

Hansen pointed to a weedy clump that was one-person tall in front of him. "It should be there. People come in and out all the year round, causing the grass to grow on both sides."

Yang Cheng looked over, stared for a few seconds, and agreed with Hansen's analysis, "Then go and take a look. Be careful~"

Everyone led the order to separate the weed pile, and as expected, in the depths of the grass, a hole that was not too big or small enough to accommodate one person appeared in front of them.

Yang Cheng was overjoyed and said in his heart, "Gavin, Gavin, I finally found you, it's really not easy~"

He now has the sense of accomplishment that he slaps Monkey King to death, and you can't reach my Five Finger Mountain no matter how much you can.

Take a deep breath and say, "Go in~"

Hearing that, the leader brother did not hesitate to raise his gun and enter the cave. After about a few seconds, he stuck his head and came, "Boss, it's safe here, there is a lot of space inside, you can come in together~"

Yang Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and walked inside. When everyone entered the cave one by one, Yang Cheng realized that there was a cave inside. The high cave was 3 meters high, and a dozen people stood on an open space less than 20 square meters. It didn't feel crowded. There was a station lamp hanging on the rock wall on the left side of the cave entrance. The yellow light was a little dim, but it was enough to let people see the environment at this time.

There is a tunnel obliquely in front of the entrance of the cave, and the inside is pitch black, making people daunting~

Yang Cheng cursed, "Insane, good days, but I have to run this deep mountain and old forest to pretend to be mysterious~"

Hansen also couldn't figure it out. Why did Gavin keep a good company and not manage it, but hide in this inaccessible valley and still live in such a dim cave. Is it really a pious retreat?

Yang Cheng exhaled a sulky breath, "Don't think about it, go in and have a look~"

The first brother who entered the hole took the lead again, raising the gun with his right hand on his left wrist, and holding a flashlight in his left hand to illuminate the road ahead. This is a standard night search attack.

The people in the back follow the same pattern, every time the muzzle rotates in a direction staggered with the people in front, so as to ensure the largest coverage of firepower.

Yang Cheng was caught in the middle. Hansen was the last line of defense in front of him. He was nervous. He had to mobilize every nerve in an unfamiliar environment in order to make the fastest response when danger appeared.

The length of this corridor is not clear, but it is two meters wide, and there is a dim corridor lamp every five meters, which is better than nothing.

But as he walked, Yang Cheng sighed that this Gavin really used luxury in the wrong place. I don’t know what's inside, but just to open up this tunnel will inevitably cost a lot of manpower and material resources, and pay attention to quality and efficiency. Keep it secret, I don't know what his mind thinks.

Potholes and bumps on the road are not so plain, and you can easily trip over if you don't pay attention to it.

I don’t know how long I walked, maybe a few tens of meters away, my vision suddenly became clear. The eyes that had just adapted to the dim environment were very uncomfortable with the sudden bright light. Yang Cheng subconsciously blocked the front vision with his hands~www.wuxiaspot. com~ After the eyeballs are adjusted slowly, I put my hands down and found that this is a hole larger than the entrance area. If the entrance area is considered to be a foyer, this is a huge living room with an area of ​​100 square meters and the same three meters. The ceiling is high, and a huge crystal lamp hangs from the ceiling.

The floor is covered with handmade Arabic carpets, burgundy leather sofa set, bar counter, and 100-inch projector. This is a mansion born in the mountains.

But there is no one in this living room, and the bright lights make it difficult to distinguish whether it is day or night.

However, on the opposite side of the tunnel exit, there was another tunnel entrance. Yang Cheng didn't rush in this time. He was 100% sure that this was Gavin's hiding spot. If not, he would hit the wall now.

"Fuck, this guy is too extravagant~"

The brother who opened the way stepped on the smooth carpet and couldn't help cursing.

Yang Cheng also stepped on it and rubbed it, um~ it's very soft and slippery, and the familiar foot feel should be the same carpet used in the Presidential Suite of the Sailing Hotel.

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