Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1754: Passionate fear

Yang Cheng did not rush into the next corridor. In fact, he was surprised to get here smoothly, and even felt a little unbelievable. With Gavin's cautious character, he shouldn't let people go deep into his seclusion without the slightest precaution. .

Don't mention him, if Yang Cheng changes to this position, he will at least ambush a secret whistle outside and arrange agencies and monitoring inside. He is very afraid of death.

Gavin is also the person in charge of an arms company. He must have offended many people in the past, so he is not afraid of being called by his enemies?

Or is he too confident about his hidden location, don't believe anyone can find it?

So what did Yang Cheng say, could it be that his protagonist's halo was too wide? Does the villain set off the same as the mentally retarded?

Yang Cheng stood there for two full minutes at the exit of the tunnel, and looked up and down the left, right, left and right of this huge space, but did not find a surveillance camera.

Hansen turned around and asked, "Boss, shall we continue walking in?"

Yang Orange shook her head, raised her neck and shouted, "Gavin..."

Hansen and his brothers were taken aback, and at the same time raised their guns and aimed them at any place where Tibetans might be possible.

Yang Cheng yelled not enough, and continued to shout Gavin, "Gavin~Gavin~Gavin~"

The voice was louder than the other, causing a great reverberation in the confined space.


There was another sound, the name was not yet called Quan. Everyone vaguely heard the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor on the opposite side. Everyone except Yang Cheng kept up with the clockwork. At the same time, they turned their muzzles right. Beat the opponent into a hornet's nest in the first time~

The footsteps were light at first, maybe due to the distance, they became a little heavier, and then, a figure appeared in the tunnel, a dark, violet-colored priest’s robe, with a hood buttoned on his head, showing only half of the pale white. The face is bloodless white, very oozing.

He was wearing leather sandals under his feet, with a small stride, and walking steadily at each step. Facing a dozen guns, he walked straight out of the tunnel without any fear.

Yang Cheng squinted and asked, "Are you Gavin?"

The purple-robed man slowly sighed, and reached out his hand to take off his hoodie, revealing his complete face, just like the appearance of a vampire in a TV movie. His face was as pale as paper but extremely smooth, not showing signs of morbidity. What surprised Yang Cheng was that , The slippery scalp was as white as his face. Comparing carefully with the Gavin photos he had seen, he found that Gavin now seems to be more handsome than the photos.

"Looking at what you look like, it shouldn't be a tourist who accidentally hit and bumped in?" Gavin smiled brightly, his tone was like a gentle spring breeze, which made people very comfortable.

Yang Cheng had to admire the personality of this person~

Putting on the same warm smile, Yang Cheng stood up and said calmly, "Of course not, I'm here just for you, luck is good, I found your hiding place after just looking for a day in this mountain~"

Gavin did not follow common sense to ask who Yang Cheng was and why he was looking for him. Instead, he asked like a curious baby, "How did you find this?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Follow the old priest who sent you supplies to find it~"

Gavin tilted his head and said suddenly, "It turns out that this is the case, it's not surprising, your luck is really good~"

In other words, this sentence may be full of irony, but from Gavin's mouth, he actually heard a trace of sincerity. He really felt that Yang Cheng was lucky and sincerely praised.

But Yang Cheng actually heard a hint of envy from it. It was strange, is this something worth enviable?

Without waiting for Yang Cheng to speak, she directly ignored the muzzle of the gun that was stubbornly facing him, stretched out her hand and said, "Please sit down and have something to drink?"

The warm tone seemed to be entertaining VIPs, Yang Cheng couldn't see through this guy.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa following the other party’s invitation, he said naturally, "Just a bottle of water~"

Gavin opened the refrigerator and took an unopened bottle of mineral water and threw it to Yang Cheng, "Want to eat fruit? I have freshly picked wild fruits, a specialty of Sacred Valley~"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Sit down, let's just chat?"

Gavin sat down very obediently, his words were not surprising, he said, "I have seen you~"

Yang Cheng almost stayed in a cold sweat, "When? Where?"

Gavin smiled shyly, "On the Internet, my life is very boring. I just spend time on the Internet when I have nothing to do. I have downloaded the apps developed by your company. They are very good. They provide a lot for my life. entertainment."

Yang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, can't you speak well? Must pant!

"I want to convey your words to my chief experience hall, he will be very happy~"

Gavin nodded, "If I have the opportunity, I am willing to tell him personally~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "You have already done this, because I am the chief experience center~"

Gavin was stunned, and smiled while patting his thigh, "You are so funny~"

Yang Cheng really wanted to reply to him: You are humorous, and your whole family is humorous. If Lao Tzu is not for the bravery, he must be scared to death by this strange scene!

At this time, Gavin asked as if he realized it later, "By the way, what did you come here for? Ammunition?"

Yang Cheng said in his heart: I finally got to the point, and it's almost too late~

"Almost~" Yang Cheng was thinking about how to say it, no way, the traditional virtues in his bones, not to hit the smiley people, people treat you so warmly, and then say that you want your life, is it not enough?

Gavin waited patiently for Yang Cheng to organize the language, but suddenly said, "Are you here to kill me?"

Yang Cheng's face became stiff, we are still good friends if we see through it.

He chuckled, "Almost the same, but if you cooperate, you don't have to die~"

Gavin still has a smile on his It's pretty good, anyway, I won't live long anyway, so you can give me a good time in advance~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "What? Are you kidding me?"

Gavin opened his hands, "You look at me like this, like a joke?"

"You are fine, except that your face is a bit pale~"

"That's the problem. I have a strange disease. I can't see the sun. When I get out of the sun, my whole body is red and swollen and itchy. After a long time, I will suffocate and die. Otherwise, why do you think I live in this uninhabited place?"

What he said was very indifferent, and he seemed to look away~

And Yang Cheng finally understood why this man who controlled Iota and played with applause would hide in this cave and not go out. At first he thought he was a pious retreat, but now he knows. But I was forced to be helpless~

Gavin drank his mouth, his smile was still brilliant, "You were sent by C~I~A? How come you, such a rich man, willingly do things for those hypocritical bastards?"

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