Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1756: New ideas

"A drink?" Gavin pointed to the red wine on the coffee table.

Yang Cheng is not in the mood to drink, and shook her head, "If you want to drink, please feel free to drink, don't care about me~"

Gavin shook his head, "Forget it, the doctor asked me to drink as little as possible, but I'm so bored, I don't know what to do except drinking~"

Yang Cheng is also very strange. It stands to reason that with Iota's financial resources, Gavin can live a more luxurious life, such as a crowd of beautiful women.

"You don't like women?" Yang Cheng asked bluntly.

Gavin sighed, "Since I was diagnosed with the disease, I have been taking medications continuously, which has completely destroyed my body~"

Even if Yang Cheng can't empathize with her, she at least understands that if a man loses his capital, he can still be considered a man?

Turning to the monitors, "How do you make sure that your subordinates listen to your instructions? If you don't show up for a long time, you are not afraid that your subordinates will be rebellious?"

Gavin smiled triumphantly again, "Every supervisor is restricting each other, and I give them enough benefits, the most important thing is that they have my people around them."

Yang Cheng thought, "You mean their woman?"

Gavin was surprised, "Have you found this?"

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't say a word, she looked inscrutable, but in fact he was also guessing.

It's just that poor Garrett, I'm afraid he would not have thought of killing him, the goddess he admired was actually a **** in Gavin's hand.

"You are amazing~" Gavin was not clear, so he admired.

Yang Orange shook his head, "One more thing, since you fell out with D~L~A, where did you find a large number of American weapons?"

"It's not difficult. You should know that country. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do, even if you want to be a general manager~"

Yang Cheng never doubted this, but arms are different from other things. As far as he knows, D~L~A blocked Iota’s arms resources, but Iota’s business has never been stopped, so it’s impossible. I don't admire Gavin's skill anymore, and he can easily do things that are unthinkable.

How to do it Yang Cheng couldn't figure it out.

"Demien should have told you? I have a very good relationship with some members of the country~"

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "I said, but the congressman has no right to sell you arms, right?"

"They don't have direct power, but they can put pressure on arms dealers, and I was born in Lockheed Martin. I used to have a lot of contacts in the American arms industry. For the sake of money, they are willing to do business with me. D~L~A can only control second-hand weapons, but the first-hand new weapons can be completely ignored by arms dealers."

Yang Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened. Yes, he seems to be in a dead end. If he can, there is no need to pass D~L~A in the future. It is fine to go directly to the arms dealer, but in this way, it will be approved by Congress. , It would be more troublesome without D~L~A to help public relations.

Of course, as long as your order is large enough, arms dealers will pave everything for you, what? My billions of orders are not allowed to export? Then I dare to strike! My business is going bankrupt, who will tax you?

Arms dealers have 10,000 ways to interfere with the congressional approval of the export of weapons. Except for the sophisticated weapons that are likely to cause damage to the United States, the ones that have been controlled after 9-11 are relatively strict, and the remaining aircraft cannons Basically, they are all on the sales list. The big deal is that I will sell you a castrated version, and then I will sell you the original parts and the system at a premium in the form of spare parts, so that there is always no one to three or four?

There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. This statement applies to the whole world.

On this point, Yang Cheng and Gavin reached an agreement on understanding-don't underestimate the shamelessness of arms dealers, only more shameless and not the most shameless.

When you think that a certain behavior of the arms dealer is enough for the three abuses, it will not be long before his colleagues will come forward to refresh your perception of ‘shameless’!

Many tourists from country Z are now rushing to buy the RB toilet cover, which makes many people sad, but in fact, this thing was not invented by the people of country Z. American talents are the masters of grabbing toilet covers.

Gavin once worked for the super arms giant Lockheed Martin. His predecessor was actually two big companies, one is Lockheed, which is good at developing military aircraft, and the other is Martin Marietta, which is very powerful in the aerospace and electronics fields.

As early as 50 years ago, the U.S. Navy ordered a P3C anti-submarine aircraft from Lockheed. After 20 years, the special fiberglass toilet seats on these aircraft should be replaced. So the U.S. military approached Lockheed, but the latter On the grounds that this toilet cover has long been out of production and the mold and equipment have to be redesigned and manufactured, a quotation of US$34,560 was made for 54 toilet covers, with an average of US$640 each. This figure is well documented, and it is by no means fabricated. .

I don't know who stabbed this news out, and the American people couldn't sit still: your toilet lid is inlaid with gold? Think we haven't taken a plane? Who do you look down on? Can the gadget on the plane sell for more than $600?

With the purchasing power of U.S. dollars at the time, more than 600 U.S. dollars is enough for a family to eat and drink for half a year. Even if it was made for going to Mars, it wouldn't be that expensive!

The news reached Lockheed, and it brazenly claimed that it was expensive, but in the end it was “to contribute to the country” and had to choose to “bear the humiliation” and claimed to the public that in order to avoid the continued hype of “making something out of nothing”, every A toilet seat is sold to the military at a loss of one hundred dollars!

Americans are not stupid. Can people believe this kind of fooling reason?

That is, Lockheed rarely produces civilian daily products, otherwise the stock price would have to fall to grandma's home.

In the eyes of arms dealers, as long as they can make money, there is nothing that cannot be sold. If they can sell a box of bombs for three times the profit, they can serve you as a **** and mother-in-law, making you happy like a fairy, not to mention PR. Congress has come, and it's not impossible to kill people in the street if you are anxious!

If anyone uses morality to defend arms, that would definitely be blinded. What do arms dealers like best? The arms race! A further step is war. Only in this way can they have a steady stream of profits. Just like the funeral industry is happy to see people die, even if they pretend to be unhappy and more painful than your own son, they are ultimately for making money. Don't kill and set fire on purpose, just to sell the coffin.

In addition to arms dealers, the military certainly wants more military spending and more advanced weapons. This will ensure that when war starts, they will take the lead. Therefore, the relationship between the two is actually complementary.

The First World War promoted the explosive development of the U.S. military industry and directly led to the United States' victory in World War II. Later, with the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, a powerful interest group dominated by the military industry and the military quickly emerged in the United States, Eisenhower said It is a military-industrial complex.

Therefore, even if the arms dealer does not sell D~L~A face and sells weapons to Yang Cheng privately, there is no need to worry about the two falling out, because they rely on each other and no one can do without each other, no matter how big the contradiction becomes in the face of interests Shit is not.

Gavin saw through this point and dared to break out with him. This guy is really shrewd, he can see everything.

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