Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1757: It's another day of overtime

The so-called military-industrial complex is easy to understand and refers to major weapon manufacturers, that is, arms dealers.

The military naturally represents the interests of the U.S. military. The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Energy, which develops nuclear weapons, and the Aerospace Agency are also regarded as members of the'army' because they are involved in national defense. Of course, the logistics of D~L~A is indispensable. The existence of the housekeeper.

But no matter how it changes, the core themes of the military and industry will not change.

Yang Cheng didn’t want to drink, but Gavin inspired him to have a new idea, so he decided to sit down and have a good chat. In his opinion, Gavin had already touched both the military and the industrial sides, so that he could be like a fish in the water, between the two cores. Chenghuan.

People are seniors in this respect, so naturally they should not be ashamed to ask.

"How did you move between the arms dealers without being targeted by either side?"

Gavin took a sip of his drink. He enjoyed the time when someone accompanies him to drink and chat, "I want to correct you a bit, I am not untargeted, I have been targeted, until now D~L~A let you treat me It’s also because they think you are a good substitute~"

Yang Cheng muttered, "Alternatives?"

"Yes, replace me! Become a new buffer zone~"

Yang Cheng thoughtfully, "Do you mean that both D~L~A and the arms dealer need a third party to buffer them to avoid direct conflict between the two sides?"

Gavin gave a thumbs up, "You are really smart~"

Taking a sip of wine, he grinned and said, "First of all, you have to understand that for legal and ZZ reasons, weapons and equipment such as aircraft, tanks, and warships produced by these companies can only be sold to the ZF of various countries. Of course, the United States ZF is the No. As a priority, private individuals are not allowed to buy and sell high-precision weapons, and companies must first obtain the approval of the US ZF to sell these weapons and equipment to foreign customers. Of course, this must be the case. Everyone must be within the framework of'rules' Playing games can ensure that the basic order is not chaotic~"

Yang Orange nodded to express understanding.

Gavin added, "However, such regulations greatly restrict the source of profits for arms dealers. In other words, it cannot allow them to maximize the profits of their products. Human nature is greedy, especially arms dealers. They want to make more money.

The U.S. defense budget is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Excluding headcount and daily operating expenses, how much is spent on R&D and purchasing products? At least half of them. But there are so many arms dealers in the United States. If one family is divided into one piece, no matter how big the cake is, it is not enough for an adult strong man to stuff his teeth. Maybe billions or tens of billions of large projects are enough. Small arms manufacturers have been eating for several years, but for top giants such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing, it is just a must-eat dish for every meal. It is far from enough to eat.

How to do it? If we don’t have enough food at home, we have to find food outside. We can’t make family members dissatisfied. People like us have the space and need to exist! "

After a pause, Gavin said again, “Of course, our existence is actually illegal, so if we want to make money for the arms dealer, we must first make our existence legal.

How can we be legal?

Naturally, we have to start from the Congress and even Bai Gong, as long as they nod, we will be legal~

Many civil critics think that Congress has been kidnapped by arms dealers. This is neither true nor wrong. The relationship between the two is indeed very deep, but they are not kidnapped. They need each other. How to describe it, a bit like Stockholm syndrome. In the beginning, arms dealers did'kidnap' congressmen, and then'kidnapped' Congress. But over time, everyone became accustomed to this way of getting along and began to cooperate with each other.

Relatively speaking, the Elephant Party puts more emphasis on security and diplomatic issues, which means that it has a deeper relationship with arms dealers, but the military industry should not be too indifferent to the Donkey Party. After all, they may also be elected or in power.

Therefore, in recent decades, the election funding of the US military industry has usually been a double bet. The elephant party has taken relatively more, but not much, including the heavyweight members of Congress who have a great say in defense funding. Naturally, it is also the focus of arms dealers. "

Yang Cheng suddenly interrupted and asked, "Wait, is Jim Morant yours?"

The Jim Morant he said was the bigwig of the House of Representatives and the most important member of the Appropriations Committee.

Gavin shook his head, "correct you again, it's not mine, it's Lockheed Martin. Of course, I used to be in charge of the contact, and our relationship is okay~"

Yang Cheng gave him a white look, isn't this nonsense?

"You go on~"

"In addition to funding, they will also apply and campaign from their own hands, that is, people with a military background. Once they succeed, they will naturally support and take care of the original company."

Yang Orange nodded. Many senior officers in the U.S. military are from Lockheed Martin, Thor, Grumman, General Dynamics, etc., and several of them even climbed to the highest level of the military. It can be seen that the arms dealers Penetration ability.

"In addition, they will brainwash the people through the cultural and media circles, and instill their ideas into the people. Only by doing this will there be no greater opposition.

After this series of combination punches, we have a broad and fertile living soil, but this is just the beginning~

Next, they will use the'resources' they control to directly or indirectly convey the views that are beneficial to the military industry to decision makers, and then promote the introduction of policies that are beneficial to the military industry, such as expanding military spending, increasing defense research and development and procurement Projects, national defense procurement procedures, giving the green light to foreign arms sales, implementing tough foreign policies and even launching wars, and so on. In the middle, what we can play is to do things that cannot be seen for them.

For example, secretly selling some weapons to to support them in launching an offensive against the ZF army of a certain country. Once a war starts, they have sufficient reasons to promote domestic sales of weapons to support the ZF army, or simply support the opposition to overthrow it. Existing ZF, after they take the stage, they will sell more expensive weapons. "

Although Yang Cheng knew these routines for a long time, she still couldn't help feeling: This Nima is a series of routines, and it is impossible to guard against!

Gavin said, “Of course, the laws of nature’s ecology are like this. It is impossible for a single thing to be dominant. There must be checks and balances to achieve stable development and complete the ecological cycle. Arms dealers are not omnipotent. The media is the most Good constraints~"

As he spoke, he said in an enviable tone again, "So you should be thankful that you have the media of the new era to rely on. Once you completely replace Iota, whether it is D~L~A or an arms dealer, you will not dare to take it lightly. You, because you have the weapon they fear most-the microphone!

As long as you can raise public opinion against it, Congress will absolutely not dare to regress and pay for arms dealers. This is certain, so I envy you very much. As long as your ambitions are not too big, you should not follow my old path. "

Yang Cheng felt that there was something in his words.

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