Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1763: Mid-cost movies

The most important thing is that Universal’s original gold-fishing series, the suspenseful horror film of love action between the overbearing president and Mary Su’s girlfriend, the Fifty Degrees series, was snatched away by New Era Pictures. Without this ginseng, it only depends on two The sequel masterpieces "Fast and Furious 8" and "Despicable Me 3", I am afraid that next year Universal will not be too easy.

There is nothing to say about the top six Paramount, which is always at the rear of the crane. Since the end of the collaboration with Marvel and DreamWorks Animation, Paramount has been on the high-speed elevator that is always going down. This is a project that can be taken this year. There are only three so-called big productions of "Star Trek 3", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2" and "Benxu". However, this one can only be shown in theaters, and the results are very stable-on the street, on the street, on the street.

The impact of the triple flutter was that it was targeted by the local tyrants of Country Z. After all, this brand is still very loud, and there is a golden sign of "Mission Impossible" in his hand, which can at least sell for a good price.

Of course, the people at Paramount don't think so. They are still dreaming of the former overlord, but they ignore the risk of losing the last life-saving ace.

Recently, New Era Pictures has been attacking Brother Tom. They are taking the boss route. The recent cooperation with Tom Cruise has been very pleasant. Yang Cheng and Brother Tom have also maintained a pretty good friendship. When meeting several times at the event, Yang Cheng mentioned to him the suggestion of kicking Paramount to cooperate with New Era Pictures.

Brother Tom is very tempted. The only hesitation lies in whether his interests can be guaranteed. After all, in every episode of "Mission Impossible", the biggest beneficiary is himself, not Paramount.

In fact, in this trump card series now, Paramount can only talk about the release for comfort. They are basically unable to intervene in the actual production, and Tang Ge is responsible for it. Except for the initial animation, Ramon couldn't find any more presence.

But if even this series is lost, what does Paramount mean to be alive? Do you expect the Autobots to save their lives?

Of course, next year, the Autobots have completed their mission of making money for Paramount on Earth, and they will return to the planet Cybertron to live their own lives. Without Atango, they will lose the Autobots, the prospect of Paramount. It's bleak.

Immediately afterwards, Donna Lande made a summary of the situation of the new era film industry. "This year, Hollywood’s total overseas box office reached 26.73 billion, and North America set a new record of 11.37 billion US dollars. The global cumulative total of 38.1 billion, but overseas box office Down 3.7%

Disney took the lead with 7.605 billion, Warner ranked second with 4.93 billion, Fox took third with 4.49 billion, Global 3.31 billion followed closely, and Sony ranked fifth with 2.15 billion."

After a pause, he said in a slightly higher tone, "It is gratifying that New Era Pictures ranked sixth with 1.98 billion in box office, placing Paramount’s 1.76 billion under its feet~

This is only the offline box office, and does not count the online and peripheral revenue, but even so, with the offline box office revenue, we also got a net profit of nearly 100 million. "

Ryze said happily, "Boss, are we going to open a champagne to celebrate? With an offline box office net income of 100 million, you deserve to be Donna, Hollywood's number one superwoman~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Go!"

Shouted at the door, "Junyu, come in and open a bottle of champagne~"

Liu Junyu heard the sound coming in, and seeing the joyful smiles on the faces of the four big guys, he was unconsciously happy, ran to the wine cabinet and chose a bottle of champagne, opened it with a bang, and poured four glasses over. .

Yang Cheng toasted, "Come on, let's celebrate Donna first, and hold a formal celebration party another day."

After everyone drank it, Yang Cheng asked, "In addition to the scheduled release of the scheduled projects next year, what plans does New Era Pictures have?"

Donna Rand put down the glass, "Boss remembers STX?"

Yang Cheng frowned and thought for a while, "I remember, a new company that performed very well?"

"Yes, it has only been more than two years since its establishment, but it has sprung up among many established companies.

I just moved to the top floor of an office building on the boulevard last year, not far from the world~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Do you have ideas for this new company?"

Donna Lande did not answer directly, but said, "STX defeated Fox, Universal and our New Age Films at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, and finally won the film "The Irishman" at a price of 50 million US dollars. Overseas distribution rights."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "A new film directed by Martin Scorsese?"

"Yes, Martin assembled Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. It is still his best criminal subject matter. This is just the prototype of a project whose script has not yet been released. STX dared to place such a heavy bet. This deal was concluded. The day before, STX also reached an agreement with Alon Sorkin's first director's work "Jasmine's Private Game" at a price of 9 million U.S. dollars to obtain the film's distribution rights in the United States and country Z.

Also because of these two transactions, STX has attracted the attention of the industry.

You must know that in this era when big companies like to make blockbuster films, accumulate big IPs, and insist on making sequels, STX appears to be maverick. They prefer medium-cost genres led by celebrities, and the highest investment does not exceed 80 million US dollars. Superhero, there is no CG special effects, just tell a story ordinary.

I think what STX is doing is filling a gap in the current market.

Hollywood has become an arena for capital and blockbusters, but while blockbusters are frequently released, some audiences have been left out. This has led to a large blank space in the market, that is, genre films that focus on storytelling.

This kind of project may not have a super high box office, but celebrities take the lead to ensure that the project is profitable. The key is a good reputation, which can help us establish a high-quality brand image, which cannot be bought with money. "

Yang Cheng pondered, "If this is the case, we don't need to acquire STX. We can follow their path and create such movies exclusively."

Ryze also nodded, "Boss is right, I don't see the shining points in STX that we must acquire."

Eddie used to be half an insider, and he has more say, "Today there are two consensus in Hollywood: First, if you don't build theme parks, sell toys, and only sell movies, you will die;

Second, if you make a medium-cost movie, you will die too!

From ten years ago to now dominating Hollywood, these two consensuses will hardly change qualitatively in the short term. "

Donna patiently explained, "You are right, but you can see the result of doing this. Hollywood prefers all kinds of big IPs. These kinds of movies do not rely on stories and stars to attract people, but rely on those The characters and stories already familiar to the audience in comics, comics and games bring the audience into the cinema.

To be honest, I personally don't like the setting of Batman vs. Superman or Iron Man vs. Captain America. It completely loses the beauty of the art of film, which is purely a spice for popcorn.

The magnificent and exaggerated visual spectacle has become the basis of blockbuster movies. The movies built on this do not need to be good movies, they can make sequels, but such movies are not suitable for repeated viewing. The ones that can be passed on are storytelling movies. . "

Eddie retorted, “But for Hollywood, the more money a movie costs, the better. Medium-cost movies cannot attract audiences. Their annual quota is only one or two, and the main target is just the petty golden man. This is the mainstream! "

Donna sighed fiercely, "I know you are right. Now the Big Six, including us, are focusing on superhero movies or sequel movies. In the past two years, every time I hold In the meeting, the discussion was not about the movie itself, but about what kind of sequel the movie should have.

This is not a normal phenomenon. Although I am not a director, as a film practitioner, I don't like to only shoot sequels or series of movies. "

Eddie said cruelly, "However, only this kind of movie can make money. We have to live first before we can talk about other things, such as the good movies in your mouth~"

Yang Cheng heard the argument between these two men, and suddenly found it very interesting. You must know that Eddie’s first impression of him is the stereotyped old pedagogy. He didn’t expect that one day he would hear the “interest-only” point of view. , Is this an improvement or a step backward?

Ritz interjected, "This is the era of capital. When the blockbuster strategy works, film companies can get more profits. The tide will rise, capital will pay more attention to Hollywood, and big capital will start buying film companies, and film companies are buying IP. , Forming a cycle."

Donna was rebutted one after another by the two, and she became a little temperamental, and said with a cold face, "But you have also listened to my report just now. Except for the two leading companies, for most film companies, this business is increasing. The harder it is to do, for example, Paramount’s parent company Viacom is already considering selling this golden sign of the past.

What do you say? "

Seeing that the two were silent Donna continued to question, "The merger of Disney and Fox is a general trend, and no one can stop it. What is the reason? It is not because apart from Disney, including Fox, it has been unable to produce. Enough quantity and good enough content to compete?

The time has come for the industry to reshuffle. What I am worried about is that the situation of one superpower and many strong players will not be maintained, and there will be only one dominant player. Then, where will the new era film industry go?

I have been in this industry for decades, and my deepest feeling is that I must not follow blindly.

At present, the big IP sequel is the mainstream, but how long can this trend last?

Shouldn't we respond in advance? Even if there is no need to rush to transform! "

Eddie and Ryze once again faced each other in silence. There was no way. Donna's questioning could not give them an answer for a while.

Donna said again, "The reason why I mentioned STX is that I still want you to realize that medium-cost movies actually have room for survival. Some medium-cost projects can also make money. This is why STX can stand out from the crowd!"

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