Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1764: Fill in the gaps

Eddie and Ryze both have reservations about the development of mid-cost movies.

Donna added, "I sent someone to do a survey and found that the global developing film market is very interested in this type of special storytelling film, especially Country Z and India, which are the two most populous in the world. The market, I think their needs deserve our attention."

After a pause, she retrieved a set of data from IPAD, "In addition, according to our survey calculations, the gross profit margin of medium-cost movies led by celebrities is around 24%, which is twice the average.

Although mid-size movies are not currently the mainstream of Hollywood, they may not be the direction of Hollywood.

In fact, the six major studios have not completely isolated the production of mid-cost movies. Every year they compete for Oscars, which is actually very close to STX's positioning.

I don't think this is a good path. The popularity of watching Oscar-winning films every year proves that audiences actually need such films.

Besides, Adam Ferguson, chairman of STX Group, is also worth our investment. No one in Hollywood doubts his sense of smell. "

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Adam Ferguson?"

Seeing that he didn’t seem to know this person, Eddie helped explain, “He was the chairman of Universal Pictures before. It was when he saw "Teddy Bear" which was rejected by Fox and immediately decided to take it. This movie became the same year. Explosive style.

The three years when Adam was in power were the most profitable period in the history of Universal Pictures. Of course, this was inseparable from the cooperation between him and Donna. Today, the foundation of Universal is almost laid by the two of them back then. "

Donna nodded and said, "Yes, Ferguson is still very capable, but he was fired by Comcast for various reasons. They directly parachuted an executive from the parent company to replace him. This is also the one I decided to leave. The important reason is that the newcomer doesn't understand movies at all."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "So you want to invest in STX, more because of Ferguson?"

Donna hesitated and said firmly, "It can be said that Adam comes from a family of movies. When he was a child, Adam's father was the head of the marketing department in Columbia Pictures. At that time, Hollywood followed a law: There must be clear good people in movies. And the definite bad guys, so the audience knows whom to support.

This is the wisdom of Hollywood in that era. With stories as the core, shooting genre films that can attract audiences. Adam has been fascinated by him since he was a child. This concept is deeply imprinted in his bones. "

Yang Cheng suddenly said, "No wonder he joined STX after being fired."

Then he said with emotion, "Actually, I can understand that the best movies of that era are multiplying, and the main reason is that everyone is willing to tell stories with their heart, unlike now, as long as you build a superhero, you can make a lot of money."

Eddie also admitted, "Yes, the movie hero used to serve the story, but now it is the story serving people. In other words, as long as the protagonist is charismatic, the story is no longer important, such as Tony Stark~ "

Donna finally smiled, "I am very happy to hear you say that. In short, medium-cost movies are not without market, as long as they tell the story well, they can become classics.

Adam made "Teddy Bear". After he came to STX, the first movie "Fatal Gift" he was responsible for was released last year. At a cost of US$5 million, he won nearly US$60 million in the box office worldwide. This is definitely a hit. Up. "

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, Eddie also had to admit, "STX can find the selling point of the movie during the project development, and at the same time have precise budget control and schedule management capabilities, it is definitely Adam Ferguson's credit."

Donna corrected, "Not only that, they are also very good at using a weapon-a star.

STX will always try to cooperate with celebrities to make its films stand out among similar movies.

For example, the key movie "Jones's Freedom" released this year, starred Matthew McConaughey.

In addition, "The Irishman" discussed in Cannes is even more star-studded. With these stars joining, the film naturally has a degree of attention. Although this invisibly increases the cost, the threshold for recovering the investment is also lower. "

Donna took a sip of coffee and leaned on the back of the sofa, "Adam, I have worked with him for three years. I dare not say that I fully understand him, but at least I know what kind of person he is?"

Yang Cheng was curious, "Oh? Then what kind of person is he?"

"He is very pragmatic. He knows that the ultimate goal of movies is to make money. If you don't make money, no one is willing to engage in this industry. Only by maintaining profitability can the industry continue to develop.

So he never loses money to build a "Fight Club" or "Shawshank's Redemption", these movies are good, but not easy to sell.

He knew this well, so he proposed the route of stars driving mid-cost movies.

In Adam’s view, the box office numbers of superhero blockbusters are indeed good-looking, but the cost is too high, the cycle is long, and the profit margin does not reach the desired number. The consequence of all this is the decline in total movie production, and a large number of star resources and theater resources are idle. , If these empty and idle resources can be used, it will definitely make money.

The quality is not enough to make up the quantity. The money to make a Marvel blockbuster is enough to make more than 5 medium-cost movies, even if each earns only tens of millions, it is definitely not a small figure. "

Yang Cheng understands what Donna said. He also has theaters himself. No matter whether it is in Korea or Country Z, there is no essential difference.

Indeed, depending on blockbusters, theaters can get higher box office revenue, but film companies only need to worry about the 10 weekends when their films are released each year, but theaters have to worry about the 52 weekends of the year ~ ~ You can’t just close the door and thank you for the big movie, right?

From this perspective, medium-cost movies not only have room for survival, but also have a lot of resources available.

As long as you stagger the peak period of blockbuster releases, the more thought-provoking and more complicated movies launched by STX, with their good reputation, will still attract more and more extensive audiences to the cinema, not just those The 20-year-old young man who came to see the explosion scene.

Relying on the theater's demand for different types of movies, STX can even ensure that its own movies can be drawn on at least 3,000 screens as the Big Six, and get the same proportion as the Big Six.

Calculating this way, it doesn’t need to be too much. As long as 8-12 high-quality films are released a year, STX is enough to get a net profit not weaker than the top six. Thinking about this, I can’t help but become enthusiastic. Making money is only one aspect to expand the impact. Li is what Yang Cheng values ​​most.

The reason why the Big Six can become the Big Six is ​​that while they are focusing on their own projects, there are still a sufficient number of satellite companies to make up for them in the blank space. In this regard, the newly emerging New Era Film Industry is far from it!

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