Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1778: 1 pin first

In fact, as early as the early 1990s, Gallo Winery had already created mid-to-high-end wines.

At that time, Gallo’s Chardonnay was listed as one of the top ten famous wines by "Good Appetite" magazine, and was evaluated by the famous magazine "Wine Observer" as "the best Chardonnay in 1991. It has a rich taste and beautiful packaging. This wine makes you look at Gallo’s products differently."

Today, this wine is priced at US$30 per bottle, which also marks Gallo’s entry into the mid-to-high-end wine market. Not long ago, Gallo launched a self-grown and self-produced Cabernet Sauvignon. The bottle is priced at $60.

No, I think that a bottle of wine for dozens of dollars is very cheap. You have to know that 80% of the wine prices in supermarket chains are in single digits, or just over double digits. This is also the largest-selling wine in the US market.

And higher positioning and pricing will undoubtedly bring higher profits, because the development cost is actually not much higher than ordinary wine.

The most important thing is that the development of mid-to-high-end wine brands is conducive to elevating the position of Gallo Winery itself and plays a vital role in the building of its overall brand matrix.

This is why Roy said that once he succeeds, he will never have a chance.

In his opinion, the only thing that Gallo Winery can use at present is that its brand positioning is too complicated. When they complete the integration and sorting, Roy will really lose the opportunity to take advantage of it.

But what exactly does he plan to do? Yang Cheng and Sol tacitly glanced at each other and said, "Are you going to use this wine against Gallo Winery?"

Roy grumbled, "My positioning of this wine will surpass any of Gallo's wine brands. We all know that Gallo sells a lot of wine, but when it comes to top wines, no one will pay attention to this brand.

I know that Ernest and Giulio’s last wish in their lives is to create a top-quality red wine comparable to the Bordeaux region, a red wine that is priced at more than US$300 and truly reaches the entry level of luxury.

My wine may be their only hope. "

Yang Cheng knew that if Roy's wine was really valued by the Gallo brothers, they would definitely try to get this wine under their banner, and the only thing they could do was to accept Roy's lion's open mouth.

For example, if you get a share of Gallo Winery, or enter the management of the winery, just let him in, and wait for these two people who are almost 200 years old together to lie down in the pit. Then who has the final say in this winery Not necessarily.

It’s a good calculation. Roy’s planning is really exciting enough. For this reason, he also made a foreshadowing. With Story Three, the brothers’ reputation outside was to the bottom, forcing them to respond and how to respond best. ?

Naturally, Roy Gallo is accepted and his surname is re-incorporated into the Gallo genealogy, which can dispel criticism from the outside world.

Of course, they don’t care, but Roy may have made two preparations, that is, Constellation Group. Once his luxury wine brand enters the arms of opponents, the blow to Gallo Winery is not ordinary. Big.

It's just that this is a trick that kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800, not a last resort Roy shouldn't use it.

After smoothing his thoughts, Yang Cheng didn't even think about it, but saw a strange light gleaming in Saul's eyes.

Obviously he had thought clearly, and felt that this was a good opportunity to intervene.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Yang Cheng felt a greedy stench in the air.

Immediately after hearing Saul bewitched, "Roy, you need help~ It is difficult to achieve your wish on your own. You need a strong partner. After all, Constellation Group is an enemy in the industry. If your father knows that you are taking revenge To the enemy, I don’t think he will be at ease."

This is more detrimental. Using Roy's father to'threat' the opponent, it is too overcast.

Yang Cheng didn't interrupt, and watched Roy's reaction quietly. Sure enough, he trembled his shoulders with excitement, "No, I didn't turn to the enemy, I~ I just..."

There was no reason to justify for a while, Roy's depressed look seemed to be about to die suddenly.

Sol further said, "What do you think of me? I can provide you with all the support and money you need! Networking! ZZ resources, everything you need, I can't understand what your two uncles did, you deserve it back Everything belongs to you."

Roy is just drinking, it doesn’t mean that he really lost his IQ. He guessed at least seven or eight on what Sol was playing, but he has to say that his proposal is still very exciting. After all, he knows very well. I’m afraid it’s really hard to deal with the two cunning fox uncles on their own. They can only step by step, insert a foot in, open the closed door, and wait until the people inside are dead. I want to occupy the magpie's nest.

Bah~ What is account, it should be to get back the property that belongs to me.

Sol winked at Yang Cheng: Look, I'm about to succeed~

Not too lazy to care about this screaming guy, Yang Cheng took a sip and asked, "What conditions does the Constellation Group give you?"

Luo Yue was stunned and muttered, "There are no conditions, just invite me to join the Constellation Group and promise to help me sell alcohol."

Yang Cheng didn't believe it was as simple as that, "How about the brand ownership? It still belongs to you? Or?"

Roy gritted his teeth and said, "I keep 30% of the brand and give the rest to Constellation Group~"

Upon hearing this, Sol eagerly said, "We cooperate, the brand ownership is divided into half, and the operation rights are also entrusted to you."

Yang Cheng is speechless, this guy is too anxious, isn't he afraid of backfire?

He felt that Roy still had a compelling This condition was attractive enough for others, but it was hard to say to Roy.

Sure enough, Roy chuckled and shook his head, "Thank you for your kindness. If I don't have 100% equity, Ernest will never agree to my request. Constellation Group is just a way for me to leave myself, not my first choice. ."

Saul was a little frustrated, he also realized that he was too anxious, and gave a bad idea.

But if he gets discouraged so easily, he won’t be a'Thunder God'. He then said, "Well, what you have to do now is to put pressure on your two uncles and force them to compromise with you. I can ask Jason to be here. If the public opinion supports you, I don’t believe that your two uncles can really ignore the voices of the people. They even point to consumers to buy their wine."

Yang Chengbai glanced at him, and Xiaoye was standing there, using you as a second dealer to make a wish for himself? Wouldn't it be a good thing to give it to yourself with this favor?

But Roy took heart, looking at Yang Cheng with hope, as if asking, "Is it really possible?"

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