Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1779: The wine market boom

"Really can?"

Roy’s pleading eyes make people feel soft, but this is fundamentally different from what he asked before. One is to spread news, which is also the job of the new era media; and now he hopes Yang Cheng can help him condemn his two uncles. This is different, Roy can't justify it without paying something.

Of course, Yang Cheng is not interested in the great masters, and he is not Master Rabbit.

But there are some things that Sol can say directly, but he can’t. Although most foreigners are going directly and directly, it does not mean that they are not implicit. If you don’t see it, you can only say that your level is not enough. Look at the performance of those hypocritical guests Know how much deviation your perception has.

Fortunately, Roy is not stupid. Seeing Yang Cheng’s embarrassed expression, he knew that this matter was not so easy to handle, so he groaned, “Actually, in my opinion, Gallo’s business philosophy and listing are not conflict."

Yang Cheng and Saul looked at each other. This was interesting. He promised that the other party should be suggesting something.

"Do you think the Constellation Group is developing very well?"

He used the Constellation Group as an example. Yang Cheng was a bit disapproving. Although the market value of the Constellation Group is high enough, it is out of the law of the development of the wine industry. How many of the world's top ten wine giants are listed?

And Constellation Group has gradually divested its wine business and focused on beer, so the two cannot be compared.

If Roy Gallo attracts external funds to go public in order to seek help, there may be good initial gains, but in the long run, this is definitely not a good idea.

Of course, if it is just to make money, Yang Cheng thinks it can be done. After all, good news will be released in the early stage of listing. Coupled with the volume of Gallo Winery, the skyrocketing listing is to be expected.

It seems that they feel that the conversation between the two is not nutritious, so Sol simply puts on a strong medicine, "We will help you regain the Gallo Winery and drive away your two uncles. You take the big head and the two of us take the small head, how about? "

Roy couldn't laugh or cry, "Saul, thank you for your kindness, but I want to say that Ernest and Giulio are not so easy to give up."

Yang Cheng felt the same way. After all, it was something that people have played with for a lifetime. Now you have a sledgehammer and ran to play with embroidery needles. It's weird if you can play it. It's light to get a hole in your hand.

Sol murmured a few words uncomfortably, and waved his hand irritably, "Clarify Roy, I am optimistic about the future development of the wine industry, and I am also optimistic about your personal abilities. Regardless of what Jason thinks, I must Participate, how do you plan specifically to arrange it? I am responsible for providing funds and ZZ resources. Of course, the wine brand you brew yourself still belongs to you, and I only need the shares of Gallo Chateau."

This was a complete showdown. Roy stopped playing sloppy and said straightforwardly, "Cooperation is okay, but you can hardly get the shares of Gallo Winery. Even if you kill both Ernest and Giulio, the shares will come. If you don't have it, they still have several heirs. Can you kill them all?"

I don’t know if Sol is really drunk or pretending to be drunk on purpose. He actually laughed, "Good idea, or I will find two killers to kill them..."

He wiped his neck, and Yang Cheng was speechless, "Do you think this is the Brain Remnant King? Wiping his neck at all times to kill, do you really want to get a 404?"

He didn't want to stay too much with this violent, so he went to the bathroom and withdrew first, but instead of going home, he returned to the company. He was really tempted to let Liu Junyu collect information on the global wine industry for the first time.

Although their family has a winery, including himself, it is more like entertainment. It is not a large-scale investment to improve the quality of life.

Unexpectedly, not long after, Ryze walked in and Yang Cheng glanced at his watch in surprise, "I haven't got off work yet?"

"It just happened to be a bit of work, so I added a class. I heard that boss you asked Miss Liu to collect information on the wine industry?"

Not surprisingly, Ritz knew that Liu Junyu must go through the electronic archives of Four-dimensional Space to find information.

"Yes, I just attended Roy Gallo’s banquet. I heard some theories and felt that this industry has a promising future. Moreover, we are now a hotel and we have our own sales platform. There is no need to re-build, and it is our promotion. I think we can consider expanding our business as a hedge investment."

Ritz agreed, "Actually, I also want to report this to you recently. The projects we currently invest in are too radical. Even if we start to get involved in traditional industries, they cannot be used as insurance investments.

The wine industry has always been an area that I have been paying more attention to. Based on the big data analysis of the past few years, our analysts have also given predictions that in the future, wine will become the mainstream of alcoholic beverages in the world, and even replace beer. status. "

Yang Cheng was taken aback. He didn't expect Ryze to come up with such a surprising conclusion, "What is your basis?"

"Country Z~"

"Country Z?"

"Yes, the economic rise of emerging markets headed by country Z represents that the world has ushered in the era of consumer sovereignty. In the next few years, wine will form a market growth pattern. You must know that more than 10 years ago, in country Z The reason why baijiu ushered in the golden decade is because baijiu has formed a trend of consumer growth. At that time, the mainstream consumers of baijiu were older people, such as those over 40 years old. They were the mainstream people in the zheng industry and business circles. People grow up drinking liquor, so liquor has an opportunity for growth.

And wine will usher in its own golden decade starting this year. It will become the mainstream wine in the future. Coupled with the development of the logistics industry, red wine from all over the world will continue to enter the Z country market, gradually expanding the global wine market. Consumption atmosphere, and now the global consumer population is becoming younger. The awareness of young people in country Z on wine is constantly improving. Coupled with the original wine atmosphere in the West, this will drive wine sales.

So we conclude that the wine industry will usher in a blowout period. "

Speaking of liquor, Yang Cheng has a deep understanding. Dongdong, who was inseparable from every entertainment in his previous life, was so obsessed with drinking that he felt like nauseous for a while when he smelled liquor.

Ritz continued, “After the mainstream consumer group has changed, more and more people invest in and operate wine, and many wine distributors are also supplementing this category of products. This is the accumulation of the previous blowout.

In addition, global wine companies are increasing their investment in wine. For example, several French giants have all bought wineries, and they have strengthened their publicity in the Z country market.

The reason why country Z was chosen is that the supply of wine in foreign markets currently exceeds demand. They need new markets to release production capacity. Country Z has a large population and strong consumption power, and its recognition of wine is gradually increasing. Based on this At this point, the global wine giants have reached a tacit understanding to jointly expand the wine market in Country Z.

After the blowout, the price of wine will inevitably decrease, and it will become a drink that is affordable to the public.

This is similar to the development process of liquor. I have done research specifically. Liquor has now entered the era of popular liquor in Country Z, and the wine industry will gradually enter this era.

According to the consumption power of ordinary people in country Z, our analysts believe that wines in the price range of 50-100 will become the mainstream in the market. As the middle class of country Z gradually develops awareness of the pursuit of quality of life, their consumption philosophy It will also move from sensibility to rationality. In the era of popular wine, it is not that the lower the product price, the better, but the cost-effectiveness supported by the brand, which is what they pursue daily.

Of course, the demand for high-end wine will also increase. After all, people have the pursuit and have the ability to drink better wine, and they will certainly not turn around and drink lesser wine. "

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and then asked, "Analysis is analysis. We can't follow the analysis completely. The gap between theory and practice is too big."

"I understand, so I also thought about it myself. I think once I decide to enter the wine field, then I must do a good job in product positioning."

Yang Cheng frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we should determine the type of business, such as fast food wine~"

"Fast food wine?"

"Yes, I think this will become the dominant wine market in the future~"

"You mean delegating wine to the beer class?"

"Yes, fast food wine and winery wine are two big categories. The big development era of wine requires small categories, but the growth in sales must only break out after the industry blowout. Those who are light drinkers and beginners will be more Choose fast-food wine more, and more in-depth drinkers and professional drinkers will choose winery wine.

In view of the fact that country Z will still belong to the fast-food society for a long time now and in the future, if calculated according to the sales volume of this category, I predict that it can account for more than 60% of the main market in the Orange was stunned, "Did you make a mistake?"

“I’m not wrong. I have a basis. Affected by the industrial policy, the free trade agreement between country Z and foreign countries, the country Z market has invested more and more in wine in recent years, whether it is an individual or a country. With increased investment, it will soon surpass Germany to become the world's third largest bottled wine importer. Combined with their total population, I say 60% is still underestimated."

Yang Cheng questioned, "Have you ever thought about local competition? Country Z also produces wine locally, and the output is not small."

"I have considered that this involves quality competition. I believe that imported wine occupies a greater advantage. In the same pricing class, people will inevitably choose higher-quality imported wine.

This is also related to brand power. I found that people in Z country have blind recognition of foreign brands. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help but embarrassed. He was a member of Country Z in his bones. He naturally understood that many people in Country Z admired foreign and foreigners, and firmly believed that the moon abroad was rounder than the domestic one. This is a fact and cannot be denied.

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