Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1783: A miracle hard to copy

It used to be an ordinary lunch, because of a fish, the grade was changed several times, and soon people gathered together. It was the first time to meet Donna and Adam Ferguson's family.

Yang Cheng was very polite, and the other party was even more polite. They sent a bottle of red wine one after another.

It's been a long time since the manor has a visitor, and White seems particularly excited. This is his favorite job, none of them.

The lunch was still cooking, and everyone was sitting around the fireplace next to the outdoor swimming pool, and the view of Los Angeles and the Pacific Skyline combined with panoramic views.

Adam sighed, "This house is awesome. I heard that there was a record of transactions?"

Yang Cheng smiled and hugged Luo Yue, looking very lazy, and nodded slightly, "But that's just a number for publicity, and it doesn't actually cost that much."

Adam also knows the routines of real estate agencies, "That's also very expensive, I can't afford it~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "It's definitely affordable, but is it necessary~"

"That's right, but I do plan to change my house. I don't know if there is any property for sale near you? How about being a neighbor?"

Yang Cheng looked at White upon hearing the words, "You have to ask White about this, no one knows better than him."

White immediately answered, "Dear Mr. Ferguson, as far as I know, about two minutes' drive down from Jason Manor, there is a manor that has just been listed. The former owner was a real estate tycoon, and it had to be listed because of funding problems. Sales. He has only bought this house for less than 2 years. It has been renovated and its facilities and furniture are very new.

Of course, the area is smaller, less than 800 square meters, but the scenery is good, the view is wide enough, surrounded by green trees, it is very quiet. "

Adam was quite interested. "What about the price?"

"The listed price seems to be 14 million U.S. dollars. It should be possible to negotiate. If Mr. Ferguson is interested, I can help contact the intermediary. Of course, you need to discuss the details in person."

"Of course, please contact me for help."

"This is what I should do~"

White went to call, and Adam turned to say, "This time I specifically asked for a meeting, I want to hear your big boss's attitude towards STX and the current route we are taking."

Yang Cheng knew that his next words would determine Adam Ferguson's final choice, so he appeared very cautious, did not rush to talk, took a sip of wine, and slowly said, "In fact, your question is equivalent to asking Marvel’s tyrant. When will the game be broken, or will the future still be the era of blockbuster movies?"

He answered this question from another angle, and the initiative was in his hands.

Seeing Adam nodded in recognition, Yang Cheng said in deep thought, “The reunion 2, which was released last year, had a global box office of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars, which shocked the industry, although it was 100 million less than the first film. It has also risen, but the fact that the big profit is the same. It is currently expected that Fulian 3, which exists as the ending chapter, will surely trigger a frenzy again, of course, because the stars gather dumplings and the high production cost , Will further reduce profits.

But we all know that Disney has never only made a profit at the box office, but the real profit is IP peripherals.

However, this volume obviously cannot support Marvel's ambition to win a thousand miles in ten years.

Since the first "Iron Man" in 2008, for more than a decade, Marvel has linked together a total of 19 movies with plots, and an astonishing total box office estimated to exceed $15 billion. It has transformed from a comic book company on the verge of bankruptcy. It has become a huge IP film and television empire.

More importantly, the ten years of Marvel not only subverted the pattern of Hollywood, but also changed the rules of the game in Hollywood.

In the past five years, the production of the six major Hollywood films has become more and more inclined to the extension of the existing big IP, and medium-cost original movies have almost disappeared. Looking at Hollywood's filming plans in the next few years, almost 80% of the movies are certain A sequel to the IP universe, the living space of original movies has been compressed to the extreme, but the appearance of STX gives people a bright feeling.

It's like a green plant suddenly emerges from a tens of thousands of flowers, even if it is not big, and it does not have a magnificent shape, it can still make people look at it. "

He inadvertently held a few words to Adam Ferguson, everyone suddenly smiled, and someone carried the sedan chair. You can hear Yang Cheng's personal praise of such a handsome man. It must be better than ordinary people's 10,000 praises.

But everyone knows that the next step must be a turning point, "but this situation is not stable, at least in my opinion, it is very dangerous. If you understand the ancient history of the Z country, you know that Marvel’s current practice can be called the Three Kingdoms period. The chain-linked boats seem to be connected to a large aircraft carrier with strong iron chains that can withstand wind and waves, but the disadvantage is that all the ships are kidnapped. Once a disaster occurs, it will be destroyed.

Stars are getting higher and higher salaries, production costs are getting higher and higher, the entry barrier is invisibly too high, small companies can't afford to play, large companies are difficult to play, and audience iteration and aesthetic fatigue are potential crises. It is no different from firewood placed on the hay, without sparks, a gust of wind can set off a monstrous fire.

In this sense, although Marvel’s success has led the direction of Hollywood’s industry for the past decade, with the end of the decade, Marvel’s future is equivalent to Hollywood’s future.

This is also the reason why STX currently seems to survive quite well, because everyone is waiting and watching. The giants hope to have more choices when the crisis comes, and STX is undoubtedly one of the options. "

Adam Ferguson stunned, "You mean, STX can only passively accept choices, and can't actively change anything?"

Yang Cheng hesitated and shook his head, "It's difficult!"

After drinking her own wine, she simply took a sip from Luo Yue's glass, making her amused and slapped him.

"The reason why Marvel was able to counterattack was based on its own resources, and their desperate situation forced them to fight back.

Twenty years ago, with the rise of new entertainment methods such as video games and the Internet, the bubble in the comics industry in the United States burst and a large number of comic shops went bankrupt and closed. Marvel’s sales channels were severely hit. After only five years of listing, Marvel had Filed for bankruptcy and reorganization.

In the case of an urgent need for funds to rejuvenate, Marvel Pictures began to sell the film adaptation rights of its superheroes at low prices in exchange for funds.

They sold their own signs clean, Universal bought the Hulk Hulk, Sony bought the rights to the Spider-Man shooting, and Fox selected the Fantastic Four and the X-Men.

All are Marvel's first-line heroes, but if they still have one, they will not be there today, and they may still be lingering in desperation.

Everyone knows that the two series of "X-Men" and "Spider-Man" swept the US box office. The Spider-Man series alone earned Sony more than 2 billion in the box office. Whenever Sony Pictures could not support it, Take "Spider-Man" to the rescue, but these two series of movies only brought Marvel a box office share of less than 100 million.

This number will undoubtedly change nothing, but slightly delay the time of Marvel's death.

However, when Marvel, who didn't want to marry anyone anymore, decided to make his own movie, he discovered that almost all of the most popular superheroes were sold.

There was really no way. I flipped through all the heroes under the banner and found Iron Man ready to make a desperate move.

When the film was first filmed, Marvel was exhausted, and could only mortgage the copyrights of more than 20 superheroes to the bank to loan out 500 million US dollars.

At the time, Robert Downey Jr., who was also at the bottom of his acting career, had just returned from drug abuse and needed to stand up. In Stan Lee’s original idea, Iron Man is a villain who is both right and evil. Ni’s yuppie temperament is very consistent with the ups and downs in Hollywood.

The movie became a hit when the two sides made it together.

In the same year, the mediocre "Invincible Hulk" was released, and the ending egg actually connected Hulk with Iron Man.

Of course, none of this has escaped the fate of being acquired. When it comes to this, do you think it is a bit like the situation in front of you?

At that time, Hollywood was also in a critical period of transformation. The six giants were in confusion. They didn't know how to take the next step, whether to continue traditional large-scale production or transform to 3D production?

At this time, Disney took the first step bravely and acquired Marvel with US$4.2 billion in cash and stock. Marvel has since then possessed the most powerful marketing and derivatives production chain.

Disney has completed a key step in its transformation. With Disney's support, Marvel’s marketing costs have increased several times, the entire industry chain has been completely opened up, and the IP value of superheroes has finally been shining.

Starting from "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk, Marvel began to attach importance to the value of IP, gradually withdrawing the IP copyrights that were sold, and building the Marvel Cinematic Universe through one single film after another.

Each movie has common story elements, plot settings, and roles included. The easter eggs are used to pave the way between each movie, and the suspense is used to connect the whole story logic to continuously extend the vitality of Marvel.

At that time, this kind of collective commercial film operation thinking connected all the films of a production company ~ was unprecedented in Hollywood. Of course, looking at it now, this concept has also achieved unprecedented success.

After the failure of "Invincible Hulk" and the success of "Iron Man", Marvel no longer uses hard-to-control first-line actors as the leading role, but boldly uses second-line actors with image quality in line with the role in the selection of superheroes, and the directors also choose Non-famous directors, on the one hand, reduced production costs, on the other hand, they also ensured Marvel's absolute control over the film style.

Throughout Marvel movies, apart from "Spider-Man", which has relatively more light comedy elements, other movies still show a relatively unified visual style under the direction of different directors.

This is the key. If there is no uniform style, the audience will feel confused. It doesn't need to be too many. Just one movie can prevent a considerable part of the audience from entering the cinema.

And Marvel has a good control over the production costs of all films, mostly around 200 million U.S. dollars, and the global average box office of all films easily surpassed 800 million U.S. dollars. This profitability makes us envious, but still that sentence, The rise of Marvel is indispensable.

At this point, it is difficult for STX to replicate Marvel's miracle. "

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