Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1785: Success mode 1

"Yes, I have watched the trial screening of that film, and it is not easy to get back at the box office."

Donna looked at everyone, "Aside from these failed universes, even for Marvel, which has created the most successful movie universe, the unlimited expansion of the movie universe is also full of problems.

After all, the entire series of movies has lasted for ten years, and the change of actors is inevitable.

In particular, Downey, who has starred in Iron Man since the first movie, has been in his fifties, and his salary has risen from the initial $500,000 to $100 million.

Chris Evans, the actor of Captain America, also paid 500,000 when he starred in the first Marvel movie. It is said that the pay will reach 8 million in the next step, and Thor actor Chris Hemsworth paid 30 for his first movie. Million, the lieutenant will reach 6.5 million.

The rising remuneration of actors will cause the cost of Reunion 3 to rise sharply, further compressing benefits.

Of course, as the boss said, Disney never points to the box office to make money.

However, we all know that this will be the end. When these actors and faces that are already well-known by the audience are replaced, no one can predict the impact. It may be better, but it may become worse!

After all, it’s hard to change the habit. When people have formed the impression that Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man and Chris Evans is Captain America, are they willing to accept newcomers to destroy their impression?

So after knowing that all the actors will be replaced, the most likely thing is that they don’t want to watch the new version of the superhero~"

Adam was excited, "This is what I want to say. The universe movie seems to be hot, but the problem is just being covered up by the high box office. It does not mean that there is no, but it will become more and more serious with the passage of time.

When these accumulated contradictions erupt together, it is the end of the universe movie! "

Donna answered, "Yes, in addition to the issue of remuneration, another issue is the plot. The Marvel universe is becoming too large and complicated. It is difficult for Marvel's movies to be independent and requires a lot of content from other movies.

This has greatly increased the barriers to entry for new audiences. Watching a movie has to complement a dozen movies before. In the current era of fast consumption, apart from diehard fans, who would spend so much time watching the movie?

Moreover, in order to ensure the continuity of the plot of the movie universe, it is difficult for a single film to form a truly independent and complete story structure, more like a large-scale TV series broadcasting two or three episodes a year.

When the number of members of the Avengers swelled to the point that no matter how big the wide-angle lens is, the growth of characters in a single-episode movie has become almost impossible. In other words, there is almost no room for actors to play because they have no story. You can act, just read the lines in the prescribed scene.

These are not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that Marvel has turned superheroes into a gold mine and used strict quality control to keep every Marvel movie in a similar style. The boss also said this before. point.

For the unity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is impossible for Marvel to present impressive innovations or works with different styles like this.

So when the audience is bombarded by dozens of similar industrialized movies, if aesthetic fatigue occurs, this gold mine will quickly depreciate. "

Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "This is the law of inertia, just like western movies in the past. One day, superhero movies will follow in their footsteps and usher in a periodic decline.

Adam was even more excited. He sat up straight, and said happily, "Today's Hollywood, superhero movies dominate the movie market, but once the movie universe collapses, the blow to Hollywood will be devastating. This is how I established STX. The significance of this, once the market collapses, at least we have to save face."

Donna further said, "Actually, aesthetic fatigue has already begun. Haven't you noticed that Marvel’s movie box office has stopped growing? The so-called increase is just a bonus brought by the increase in movie ticket prices, and has nothing to do with the movie itself. The number of filmmakers is declining.

Many young people would rather choose to watch with ‘fast forward’ on the computer rather than step into the cinema.

The most important thing is, after the reunion is over, how should Marvel go? None of us knows. "

Yang Orange smiled at Adam, "Now you know my attitude?"

Adam was stunned, and said suddenly, "I see, you actually value STX very much, but because of the general trend, you have reservations about the development of STX. Am I right?"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded and raised a finger, "Basically correct, but I have to add one more point. I hope to see STX can produce real originals, not fake originals~"

Donna looked at Yang Cheng in surprise, a little unclear, so Adam frowned deeply, "What do you mean?"

Yang Cheng spread his hands out, "I just don’t want to see STX, like other companies, making Hollywood industrial assembly-line movies. If I’m a viewer, after watching the visual bombardment of popcorn movies, I would definitely hope to calm down and watch a movie. An original movie that tells the story attentively, rather than watching a movie that will always look familiar.

Please note that we are not discussing the plethora of sequels, prequels, remakes, and restarts, but stories that claim to be completely original and the infinite similarities between them. "

Adam gave a wry smile, "I think I understand what you mean, but I have to say that for all Hollywood movies that have commercial ties, screenwriters must follow a fixed pattern to write scripts."

Of course Yang Cheng knew this, and he did not say it was wrong. This is a golden rule, and it is by no means self-reporting that it is short. This is also the reason for Hollywood's success. It can make you complain about the formula of the film and the old story. Holding popcorn into the theater every weekend night.

This is one of the secret weapons that Hollywood relies on to sweep the world, including New Era Pictures, which is also doing this. Of course, Yang Cheng will not take the initiative to give up the weapon to make money. That is not high, it is stupid!

All he wants is a little green among the ten thousand flowers~

Of course, when it comes to the model of Hollywood commercial film scripts, it is actually not a secret. If you have a good grasp of it, almost everyone can be a screenwriter, but whether there is a company that uses your scripts, that's two things.

First of all, you have to understand something called the "three-act structure". Don't look at the sophistication of this thing by Hollywood screenwriters, but the three-act drama is not a Hollywood patent. It has been passed down from the ancient Greek theater era to the present.

Of course, movies cannot be divided into scenes like dramas, but it is the same truth. If you master the three-act structure, you can make a mainstream commercial film on a standard line. The first third or fourth is used to pave the way and elicit The main story line establishes the motivation and purpose of the protagonist’s existence;

The middle third is used for confrontation, the pros and cons, the confrontation between good and evil, escalation, and finally develop to the point of irreversibility;

The last part is used to resolve the contradiction, that is, the so-called GC, the ultimate contest, coupled with a satisfactory ending in line with the public's emotional catharsis, this is a highly completed commercial film.

After using it purely, you can appropriately increase or decrease the details for each part as appropriate. If you are not confident in your ability to control the plot, just follow the fixed pattern, and divide the 90-minute movie into three equal parts. Well, strictly control the role of each part, and don’t make too many mistakes. This is basically a guarantee for the film.

Once the structure is set up, it means that a person has a skeleton. The next step is to enrich the body. What is the body? Naturally, each character in the movie.

This step is also very important. The character must be authentic and credible. Even if the audience knows it is fake, it must be substituted and believe it is true.

In Hollywood movies 20 years ago and 30 years ago, there was always the kind of madman clamoring to dominate the world. Nowadays, it seems so funny and too exaggerated. Therefore, the bad guys now have to be subtle and know how to package themselves like A visionary revolutionary, not an ambitious villain.

Isn't it ridiculous? Are the bad guys more subtle?

It's ridiculous, but this is what the audience likes. The screenwriter must satisfy the audience's appetite to make a good movie.

Observe carefully, the ultimate boss Thanos in the Marvel universe now has the shadow of the villain of the past movies. After all, this character was born out of comics. How many years has Marvel drawn comics~

Of course, in order to conform to the public's "aesthetics" of bad guys, Thanos, who appeared in the movie, not only possesses unmatched abilities, but also gives him a certain amount of scheming to turn him into a courageous and courageous villain, so that the audience Only after he was defeated, he would have that kind of hearty refreshment.

In short modern commercial movies, the villains must have a sense: they don't think they are doing evil, which is more in line with the reality.

To create such real villains, not only must they be given enough motivation, but also a certain connection must be established between the villain and the decent.

It is not feasible for a simple good person to get rid of violence, and a bad person to be extremely evil. They all gamble everything for the purpose of self-recognition, and this is in line with his mother's logic.

Why are you swearing? Because at this time, you must speak foul language in order to better express the atmosphere of complaints!

Basically, those two hero movies that are regarded as classics to a certain extent are written in this way. For example, in the two men who are struggling in the vortex of fate, Bond and Silva have been abandoned and left psychological trauma. All of Dr. Jones’s opponents are as enthusiastic about archaeology as he is. The different choices of the two sides lead to different positions, which can more subtly reveal the difference between the protagonist and the villain.

This is the standard for the role of qualified commercial films.

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