Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1787: Hypocrite

A pure-hearted, upright, and flawless protagonist is not feasible nowadays. It is easy to understand that everyone is human. What white lotus do you pretend to be?

On the contrary, what the audience loves is an anti-hero. What is an anti-hero? It's those guys who are all ill and won't survive one episode, but are essentially kind-hearted guys.

Of course, this is not enough. As a qualified Hollywood commercial screenwriter, you must learn to give the protagonist an impressive detail. The performance of this detail should not be too procrastinated. It must have a finalized effect and arouse the audience’s goodwill towards the protagonist. , The sooner this plot appears in the script, the better. You only need to convince the audience that the protagonist is kind, and then you can safely substitute yourself in.

In Hollywood blockbusters, all the protagonists are heroes. They follow a patterned process-everything is normal at first, and then they find that they need to achieve certain goals, so they set out to accept the challenge, and at the end their lives return to normal, but their hearts are already It has undergone profound changes.

The most classic representative of this set of procedures is undoubtedly "Shawshank's Redemption". Later, Li Yu's "Boy School" also used the same routine, and Nolan's "Batman" is the same, all through this heroic journey.

As long as this basic composition is ensured, the integrity of the film will be high and the results will not be bad.

After all, people have a longing for heroes, regardless of the audience’s gender, age, region, knowledge, experience, ideology, and social status. This is an aesthetic factor in everyone’s bones. The whole world is the same. No audience can reject it. The plot is not too awkward, and it is not difficult to identify and generate a good impression.

Having said so much, in fact, just to say one thing, Yang Cheng does not reject the commercial blockbuster of basic routines, and points to it to make money. However, from personal wishes, Yang Cheng wants to see more fresh things. , That is, original works that get rid of basic routines.

He certainly knows this is difficult, because commercial films are made to make money. From bosses to producers to directors, screenwriters and even actors, there is no one who does not want to make money. In this case, there are better and more successful models that can be used. , Who wants to risk innovation?

This is also the reason why Hollywood's influence can continue to spread all over the world. As long as there is a successful model or type, they can be photographed until death, or they can innovate only when they are forced to innovate.

But Adam is somewhat powerless about this. He is not a professional screenwriter, nor can he write amazing script structures or plots. If he could write them, he would not sit here and listen to Yang Cheng's opinions.

But no matter what, the dialogue between Adam Ferguson and Yang Cheng is quite pleasant. As for whether he can make up his mind to accept the move of the New Era Film Industry, there is no final conclusion.

At 12 noon, White came over with a smile, "Lunch is ready, please move to the restaurant~"

At noon today, there are precious ingredients on the table, and everyone can't wait.

It is not too complicated. It is steamed directly in the steamer. The chef personally adjusts a juice as an ingredient. If you are not used to the taste of steaming, you can eat it.

Yang Cheng held the wine glass and briefly said a few toasts, and then invited everyone to start.

In fact, he couldn’t wait. The scent rushed into his nose, white and snowy fish. The meat was delicate and sweet. The taste was creamy and silky. The scent was full of sweetness and a hint of fruit. After tasting, people can't help chanting "unforgettable".

Of course, for those who don't have bad money in this circle, no matter how good the food is, it is just a stunning moment at the entrance, and then nothing more. It doesn't matter whether it is really'unforgettable'.

Fish must have meat, and today’s lamb chops are also good, fresh and tender enough, with fresh vegetables, healthy and delicious.

What made the guests even more satisfied was the wine pairing today, the red and white wines from Moussa Winery, to experience the exotic atmosphere.

"Perfect meal~" Adam gestured to Yang Cheng with a wine glass.

With a crisp "ding~", the two clinked glasses, Adam asked, "What do you think of investors in your home country?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, some did not understand the other party's intentions, and said ambiguously, "At present, they are developing very fast, they have a lot of cash on hand, and they have a very persistent enthusiasm for international mergers and acquisitions."

Adam nodded when he heard the words, "What do you think about going to the Hong Kong listing?"

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded, thinking that she had heard it wrong, and the others were also taken aback, especially Donna, who seemed to be caught off guard by the news.

"Can you tell me what you think?"

He really can't figure out that an American film and television company intends to cross the ocean to make an IPO in Hong Kong. Is this planning to win by surprise? There is still another plan, and he believes that there should be Chinese support behind him, otherwise, if he is unfamiliar with the place, he ran to find out?

Adam smiled and said, "In fact, when our partners gathered together, we were determined to tap the country Z market. Looking at the world, no market is hotter than country Z, especially the development of the entertainment industry. They are still relatively In the backward era, this is exactly what we can use.

This is also the consensus of the industry when I worked at Global. It’s just that due to various reasons, we couldn’t flex our muscles. Now we like-minded people have no shackles. After the initial run-in, it’s time to finish. The original plan. "

Yang Cheng suddenly understood that STX Entertainment had set its business as a bridge between the United States and Country Z from the beginning, and had a deep relationship with the capital of Country Z. However, based on the current situation of STX's current losses for years, even if it is forced to be listed in Xiangjiang , I’m afraid it’s hard to get good results.

Of course, the premise is that there is no intervention from the New Era Film Industry.

One of STX’s partners is Robert Simmons, a famous producer who has produced "The Pink Panther" and "The Agent Next Door."

A 23-part film list has been planned for STX. In addition to the film business, STX Entertainment is also preparing to develop, produce and license scripted and unscripted TV programs and digital content.

The plan is good, but the degree of completion is very low. Although several films with good reputation have been released, most of them are not popular, and it is good to barely recover the cost.

Under such circumstances, when she went to Xiangjiang to go public, Yang Cheng had to compliment a true man, thinking that the people of Z had never seen money? Still think that the people of Country Z are too cheating?

Yang Cheng suddenly became disgusted with this person, and wanted to make money, but don't be so insulting people's IQ.

Of course, in essence, it is not impossible to go to Hong Kong to go public. On the other hand, after all, as the connecting point of the US and Mainland film and television markets, Hong Kong has sufficient basic guarantees.

Adam continued, "Our next B round of financing is ready to contact some investors from Country Z and Xiangjiang~"

Yang Cheng added, "Xiangjiang is also part of Country Z~"

Adam was choked and didn't dare to answer the conversation. It was important to save his life.

Since Adam started this topic, Yang Cheng has no interest in chatting, but just coping with it mechanically. Fortunately, his acting skills are good, shouldn't be seen, otherwise it would be too rude~

After the meal, while everyone was moving to the entertainment room, Yang Cheng took the opportunity to pull Donnato behind and whispered, "This matter has to be reconsidered. I am not optimistic that STX can achieve success in country Z, and we are in Z The country also has a layout, there is no need to support an outsider."

Donna curled her eyebrows and said with deep anxiety, "This is a mistake in my work. I didn't know Adam's thoughts in advance~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It’s not to blame you, I just think he is a bit eager for quick success and quick gains. If you focus on developing medium-cost movies according to the initial assumptions, even if you follow a fixed pattern of filming, at least you will not lose money, and you can enter the market of other countries. The variables are too great."

After a pause, he simply stood still and said, "If I'm not mistaken, he should be preparing to go public in Xiangjiang for the purpose of cooperating with the Z film company. To put it bluntly, he wants to earn money."

Donna gave a wry smile, "I think too~"

Sighed, "I didn't expect Adam to become like this~"

Yang Cheng patted Donna on the shoulder and continued to move forward, "People will change, so there is no need to care too much, but I still want to remind you that cooperation with STX must be carefully considered. It is really impossible for us to form a satellite company by ourselves. It is specially used for the development of mid-cost feature films. Profit is not important. Recovering costs and winning prizes will be the main purpose of this company."

Donna shook her head, "There is no need to reorganize. I originally made two preparations. Once STX refuses to buy, I will change the strategy of Focus Films and increase the development of mid-cost commercial films while rushing for awards."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but nodded, "This is a very good idea, so let's make it~"

Focus Pictures is one of the earliest companies acquired by New Era Pictures, which was snatched from Universal. Now it is developing well with the support of New Era Pictures. There is not much supervision and it gives them enough freedom. In the past two years, he has won many awards for the company. Although there is still a lack of the most critical figure, Yang Cheng believes it is only a matter of time.

"Then I rejected Adam?" Donna asked.

Yang Cheng shook his No need to say it straight, just be cold, I believe Adam can guess what we mean. "

"I know what to do~"

"Let's go, relax, relax, work hard every day, and the body can stand it, but the spirit can't stand it."

Donna laughed and said, "Yeah, I haven't relaxed for a long time. I promised a family gathering before, but I didn't expect it to be realized in your house today~"

"It seems that my fish is very worth buying~"

"Very delicious fish. It's the first time I ate it. When I look back, I ask someone to help find it and make it at home~"

"You still cook?"

"Of course, my cooking skills are great. Many people say that I chose the wrong industry when I was young and I should open a restaurant~"

"Ha~ I must taste your craft if I have a chance~"

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