Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1788: Co-production premiere

The STX thing is a blow, there is no room for negotiation, and resolutely resist this guy who makes money and insults IQ!

After sending away the guests, Lin Ximan also took the initiative to leave, but due to drinking, Yang Cheng specially arranged for the manor's driver to take her home.

Luo Yue naturally wants to stay overnight, after all, it is also his own home.

The young couple sat by the pool, leaning against each other, looking out at the beauty of the City of Angels. No one spoke, and they had a sense of peace.

Blowing the wind and watching the sunset until the twilight rewards, the City of Angels lit up the lights of thousands of houses, and Yang Cheng was so excited by the cool mountain breeze that she proposed to go back to the house. After all, it was December, and the night was still a bit cold.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw White coming in with a stack of invitation letters, and Yang Cheng called out, "Are there any activities worth participating in tonight?"

The city of entertainment, it is natural to open the entertainment nightlife at night, which does not conflict with the quiet time in the afternoon.

White immediately said, "Film premiere? Columbia and New Age Pictures jointly invested in "Space Traveler" tonight at the Dolby Theater premiere. It will officially begin in 1 hour, and it’s not too late now~"

The predecessor of Dolby Theater is Kodak Theater, which is very famous, and countless Hollywood blockbusters have held their premieres here.

Yang Cheng turned to look at Luo Yue, "Would you like to join in the fun?"

Luo Yue thought for a while, "I listen to you~"

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and instructed White, "Prepare the dress and the car, let's go to watch the movie~"

Then he told Luo Yue, "It's fine to transform it casually. It doesn't need to be too complicated. We won't walk on the red carpet. We will enter the arena directly from the side door at that time."

"Got it~"

. . .

Before arriving at the theater, Yang Cheng knew the details of the film. It was originally a project exclusively owned by Colombia. However, in order to show their sincerity in discussing the merger with New Era Pictures, the two parties each took out a major production and shared it, and the two parties cooperated in investment. Sharing revenue, "Space Traveler" came into being in this context.

On the red carpet, as one of the leading actors in the box office, Hollywood’s hottest female star Jennifer Lawrence has been on the line all the time. The goddess is full of looks, and an aqua-blue casual long dress was unveiled. The star embellished on the top shows fashion skills. It echoes the theme of the film's space travel;

This is just the look on the red carpet. After the official entry, Lawrence changed into a white casual suit, which coincides with Luo Yue's look tonight, because Luo Yue is also a white casual suit. The suit is more conservative and looks more capable, while Lawrence's suit is biased towards the sense of xing. From the wide open neckline, the Great Rift Valley is unobstructed.

The male protagonist Chris Pratt is accompanied by grace. The two not only generously hug the waist and face the camera with sweet smiles, but also stage a "small theater" with tacit whispers from time to time. They also have close contact with fans and media throughout the whole process, and the "love" is worth full marks.

Of course, these are all shows, and you can't fight on the red carpet. Then who would believe their roles in movies?

This movie is a typical Hollywood commercial blockbuster, a standardized product of the industrial assembly line. The structure and plot include the role arrangement, almost using the template mentioned above. The movie tells the story of two space travelers played by Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. When they were traveling in deep space, they woke up 90 years earlier, and then the two gradually fell in love. They showed their loyal partners in the face of crisis. The epic romantic love was thrilling.

It’s kind of a space board Titanic~

After entering the venue, she ran into Donna Lande who had just separated in the afternoon. She was even more surprised. She didn't expect Yang Cheng to come to the premiere~

After a daze, he introduced Sanford, the president of Columbia Pictures, to Yang Cheng. This temperament is a bit like a Silicon Valley coder, as long as he replaces his suit with a plaid shirt.

Watching the star on the stage being interviewed by the host, Donna asked Yang Cheng, "Boss, why are you in the mood to come to the premiere?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and hugged Luo Yue's shoulders, "I'm idle at home. I heard that this project has our investment, so I stopped by to watch the movie. How about? What are your expectations for this film?"

Donna pointed to the huge sea reports hanging on both sides of the stage, "From "Star Wars" to "Avatar", sci-fi movies mean burning money. How much money is burned determines the final visual effect.

The investment cost of "Space Traveler" is 110 million U.S. dollars, a large part of which is used for the production of special effects such as space scenes, spaceships, and gorgeous interiors.

Compared with previous space movies, in addition to whimsical and original breakthroughs in the fields of space suits and robots, many cool new skills have been developed in terms of shooting techniques and scenery design.

For example, the crew used photogrammetry to create a digital version of the male protagonist. It took 93 cameras to shoot every 22.5-degree angle of the face to generate realistic 3D images of the computer.

As far as the screen is concerned, "Space Traveler" is to a certain extent mixed with the luxury cruise ship of "Titanic", the magnificent universe of "Interstellar" and the thrilling rescue of "Gravity".

In addition, in terms of visual enjoyment, the interior decoration of the spacecraft in "Space Traveler" is high-tech without losing classic luxury. It can be said that it can satisfy the audience's pursuit of high-quality life on the screen, exquisite restaurants, luxurious bars, A space pool that can look up at the stars.

After a while, you can see that the bartender played by Michael Sheen is actually the humanoid robot Arthur. It should be a small surprise in this film. The dynamic control system tailored by the crew makes the actors feel comfortable. It's like a computer-controlled simulation robot. After watching the trial screening, I became very interested in this technology, and I believe the general audience is the same.

This restaurant waiter robot is proficient in multiple languages ​​and courteous. It takes one and a half months to make a It can be said that every detail is known.

With this basic visual guarantee, I believe it will be a good popcorn movie, and the cost recovery is not a big problem. It should be profitable if you count the surroundings. "

Yang Cheng was surprised, "You boast so much, but the expectation is only to recover the cost?"

Donna is also very helpless, "To be honest, this type of commercial film is not uncommon in Hollywood, it should be said everywhere, regardless of the large investment, but if there is not enough story support, it will be more difficult to hit the box office.

However, the two leading actors at the box office have a good appeal to the main consumer audience, so I dare to say that they are guaranteed and profitable. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help sighing, "So you are not optimistic about the script of this project?"

Donna hesitated for a moment and finally nodded and said with her throat, "The script has insufficient tension and lack of drama conflict. We can only use powerful visual effects to cover up the shortcomings of the script. Boss, you know, a hit. The script of the film must not be weak. This is the basis of everything."

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