Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1793: Legislator

By the way, in addition to Spider-Man, Sony also owns the role of Venom. In fact, they also own the copyright of more than 900 Marvel characters, all of which are related to Spider-Man. This is why Sony dared to open the Spider-Man universe. , 900 characters, if you take out each of the characters, you can shoot until you die!

Of course, although they have nearly a thousand roles, which ones are not disclosed.

The Marvel roles that Sony has so far can be understood, including Silver Mink and Black Cat, Hunter Craven and Mobias, etc. This is a gold mine, and it is also the confidence of Sony to negotiate.

Originally, Yang Cheng planned to leave, but after chatting with Sanford, he forgot the time. After the banquet was over, he remembered that Luo Yue was still there, and hurriedly left and took Luo Yue home to rest. It was late at night.

In the car, Yang Cheng apologized, "Sorry, I just talked about something~"

Luo Yue shook his head, "It doesn't matter, work is important. I have made many new friends with Donna~"

"Oh? Who do you know?"

"There are screenwriters, producers and directors, all from the entertainment industry."

"Yeah~" Yang Cheng hesitated for a while and then stopped. Luo Yue seemed to have guessed it, smiled and comforted, "Don't worry, I know in my heart, most of these people are here for you."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, people in the entertainment industry are too powerful, as long as you don't talk about feelings, you can talk about anything~"

"I understand, our circle is purer than ours~"

"Of course, but you have not yet come into contact with interest competition, otherwise you will know what kind of circle you don't care about, as long as interest is involved, it will become extremely dark~"

. . .

A happy and fulfilling day passed, and when we came together the next day, Yang Cheng found that Luo Yue was no longer there.

When I went downstairs to see White, the other party said, "Miss Luo has gone to work~"

"Well~ I know, I will drive out by myself in a while and come back for dinner in the evening~"


After breakfast, I drove the Bugatti, which hadn't moved for a long time, all the way east.

In the greater Los Angeles area, extending from the coast to the interior has always been the main theme of this land development.

The seaside area is naturally a coastal area, and the inland area formed a vast area called the "inland empire".

The "Inland Empire" is called by the locals and is composed of San Bernardino County and Riverside County.

For the greater Los Angeles area, the Inland Empire is a fast-growing suburban area with a large number of residents working in Los Angeles or Orange County. Compared with the coastal areas of western Los Angeles, the development here is relatively backward, just relative. This area was originally an important citrus production center and developed into an important industrial area in the early 20th century.

Riverside is an important part of the "Inland Empire". As the largest city in the Inland Empire, it is about 60 miles from downtown Los Angeles, adjacent to the Kochira Valley and close to Ontario Airport.

Hesitation City is located by the Santa Ana River, hence the name Riverside City.

Relying on the warm climate of California, the local navel orange industry has developed rapidly. Later, many buildings in the revival era were gradually developed here, and over time they have become tourist attractions. Many immigrants from the cold and humid eastern regions have moved to warm areas for health reasons. Settled in Riverside City.

The first golf course and polo field in Southern California was in Riverside.

In recent years, Riverside City has begun to attract immigrants from Country Z to settle down. Many Chinese with small achievements have also chosen to settle here. The main reason is that the land is cheap and there are many preferential policies. In short, it is a good treasure in the mountains.

Of course, Yang Cheng suddenly drove to Riverside City not for fun, but to meet someone, a member of Parliament who was born here, and therefore took a high position-Duncan Hunter.

The California congressman now serves on the Military Committee of the House of Representatives and is responsible for the approval of arms exports and procurement budgets. He is regarded as a real power in the House of Representatives.

At this time, he was on leave at his birthplace to avoid suspicion. After all, he was from the Donkey Party.

The reason why Yang Cheng found him was because Gavin’s secret notebook contained this name on the first few pages, and he happened to be in Los Angeles, so how could he not visit him.

Bugatti drove into the riverside city and was often photographed by passers-by while waiting for the red light. Yang Cheng was used to it and turned a blind eye to it. Of course, since he dared to drive such a high-profile car, he was naturally not afraid of being noticed.

On the contrary, he wanted to let some people know that he was here to see Duncan Hunter.

Hunter's home is located near the Santa Ana River, backed by the mountains, it is a good location by the mountains and rivers.

This is a typical American pastoral style mansion. There are a lot of navel orange trees planted in the yard. Unfortunately, after the picking season, the yellow orange fruits hanging on each tree must be beautiful.

The roar of Bugatti sounded in front of the gate of the manor. It didn’t take long for the white wooden door to separate automatically on both sides. Yang Cheng opened along the road. There was a fruit forest on the right and an open meadow with two horses on the left. A beautiful quarter horse is walking wantonly in the pasture. Not far away, an elderly man in a cowboy suit and a cowboy hat waved his whip to drive away mosquitoes. When Yang Cheng's car came in, he raised his hand and waved it. greet.

Yang Cheng took advantage of the trend and parked the car on the open space, got out of the car and stepped on the grassy field. Who else could it be Hunter.

"Good morning, Mr. Hunter~" Yang Cheng greeted politely.

Duncan Hunter folded his hands and smiled. "To be honest, I was not surprised to receive your call."

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Mr. Hunter, it seems you have received the news~"

Duncan Hunter sighed, "Yeah, poor Gavin~"


"You gave me away, so you say sorry to me?"

"Why not? It's just a different position, and even without me, Gavin won't live long~"

Duncan Hunter frowned, "The rumor is true. He has a strange disease?"

"Yes, a disease that cannot see the light, God is jealous of talents~"

Duncan was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "This is God's arrangement~"

After a pause, he asked bluntly, "Do you want to continue my cooperation with Gavin?"

Yang Cheng solemnly said, "Yes, I can give what Gavin can give you, and I can give more~"

Duncan Hunt shook his head again, "Cooperation can continue, but I need to see your strength before that."

Yang Cheng can understand that it is normal to understand the strength of partners, "For example?"

"Can I be re-elected~"

I thought it was something, this problem is easy to solve, and said easily, "Don't worry, I will say hello to Richard, now you and us are in the same group~"

Duncan was at a loss, and then he was surprised, "Richard? Richard Debin?"

"Who else can?" Yang Orange asked back.

Duncan, who was still holding the air, suddenly felt that his behavior was a bit ridiculous. This young Chinese rich man did not come to ask him for cooperation, but took the initiative to give him a chance.

Yang Cheng simply said, "The rake that Gavin gave you before, but now it's a little bit higher. It's my sincerity. Helping you get re-elected is just a gift from me. Now, am I eligible to cooperate with you? "

Duncan gave a wry smile, "Of course~"

Yang Cheng said again, "Mr. Hunter, everything that happened between you and Gavin in the past has been wiped out. From now on, we will start a new cooperation."

He is suggesting to the other party that he will not threaten you with the previous evidence. You have to put down your scruples and cooperate with me wholeheartedly.

Of course, he and Duncan both knew that this was just for superficial harmony. Once something happened, the evidence that promised not to be exposed would also be exposed.

Just kidding, there is no need to be a fool.

When the two walked into the horse, Yang Cheng patted one of the brown quarter horses on the neck and asked, "Are there any goods available recently?"

Duncan hesitated, "It is difficult to transfer goods directly from arms dealers, unless there are enough excuses, such as supporting Africa~"

"Support Africa? Do you mean to increase the layout in Africa?" Yang Cheng keenly perceives the key to the problem.

Duncan Hunt couldn't help but admire him. He didn't expect this young man to have good ZZ sensitivity.

"Yes, if the weapons out of our hands are shipped to Africa, the probability of passing it will be very high."

Yang Cheng frowned and murmured, "Let me think about it~"

"This kind of thing can't be rushed, sometimes orders will fall from the sky~" Duncan Hunter reminded.

Yang Cheng retracted her thoughts and nodded, "I know, I don't know, one day there will be a fight in Africa~"

Duncan snapped his fingers, "That's what it means~"

After a pause, he held the horse's rein, "Let's go, go back to the house and talk~"

Yang Cheng took a deep breath of fresh air, full of green grass, and exclaimed, "I like rural life~"

"Young people now yearn for big cities more~"

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "I am different. I am used to seeing the bustle and bustle of the city. I need the tranquility and greenery of the countryside to wash my eyes."

"Then you can buy a manor in Riverside City and come over for a holiday in your free time~"

"I have a ranch in Santa Barbara. I have the opportunity to sit there. You can ride horses or hunt."

"This is a good idea, can I take my family?"

"I can't ask for it~"

Entering the Duncan and his wife kissed, as if they hadn’t seen each other in a long time, but this woman with the body of Yang Cheng was really enthusiastic. Seeing Yang Cheng’s eyes light up, she opened her arms and hugged him. Yang Cheng, "Look at ~ whose handsome guy is this?"

Yang Cheng looked at Duncan dumbfounded, and got helpless eyes.

"Hello Mrs. Henry, take the liberty to excuse me, and I didn't bring any gifts. I have a box of red wine in my car, from the Moussa Winery in Lebanon. Try the exotic atmosphere~"

"Really? Go, I'll do it for you~"

After speaking, he pulled Yang Cheng out. When he saw Bugatti, he screamed again, "What a handsome sports car, as handsome as yours~"

What else could Yang Cheng say besides thanking him. He didn't expect that the House of Representatives would have such a funny wife.

The red wine was moved out from the co-pilot. As Mrs. Henry returned to the room, Mrs. Henry said, "You can visit at will. I will prepare lunch and fill this box of red wine. I have to exert my full strength."

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