Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1794: 1 Unknown executives

At noon, Mrs. Henry made a special red beef stew, which is very suitable with red wine.

During the period, Yang Cheng's family was almost taken out by the enthusiastic Mrs. Henry. I heard that he already had a fiancée. Mrs. Henry's disappointment was overwhelming. It seems that this is also a master who is keen to introduce people to others.

This lunch was eaten tremblingly, because Yang Cheng only symbolically took two sips of wine and stopped drinking because he had to drive. Most of the bottle of red wine entered Mrs. Henry's belly. No wonder he was so fat.

After the meal, Duncan invited Yang Cheng to play golf, golf, one of the favorite sports of American upper class.

Yang Cheng was originally unwilling to go, but Duncan said that a senior from Lockheed Martin would also participate, so he wanted to get a familiar face, and just call directly after buying weapons.

There is a golf course in the community where Duncan lives. He said that the Loma high-level hometown is Riverside City. He will return to his hometown for Christmas at this time of the year. By coincidence, Duncan also came back, so he made an appointment to play golf.

In the locker room of the stadium, Yang Cheng met the Loma executive. After introduction, he learned that this guy with the same name and surname as the former director of the skunk factory, Benrich, was born in the skunk factory like Gavin and succeeded. Transform the management and take a post at the company headquarters.

"Jason, I know you, a rising star in the arms industry recently~"

Yang Cheng humbled, "Don't say that, I'm just making some pocket money."

"Ha~ I like your attitude, arms are no different from toys, just play around, don’t do it as your main business~"

Yang Cheng heard such a novel point of view for the first time, and it was from a population who made arms, which made him even more curious.

But now is not the time for a deep conversation. The three of them changed their clothes and were led by the caddy to the teeing ground on the second floor. They were not ready to play the game, they just played casually. Duncan could not wait to pull out the cue and stand on the teeing ground. on.

Ben Rich smiled, "You need to practice more if your skills are bad~"

Duncan pretended not to hear, Yang Cheng took the opportunity to ask, "Just now you said that arms are toys are very peculiar, can you talk about it?"

"Arms are like toys. They have high profits and scary audiences. The audience seems to be broad but it is very narrow. Parents always buy toys for their children, while arms are sold to people who need to fight.

In such a comparison, is there no essential difference between the two? "

Yang Cheng echoed, "It's true, but you can't sell arms as toys, right?"

"Why not? A simulated toy gun is not much cheaper than a real gun."

This is a well-made model of a simulated gun, sometimes even more expensive than a real gun.

"Listening to your tone, it seems to be a bit repulsive to arms?"

"It's not rejection, it's just that I can't like it, but I can't help it. I point to this to eat to make money."

This person was straightforward and not hypocritical, and Yang Cheng gave this person a comment in his heart.

While he was thinking about it, Benridge asked, "Duncan is bringing you here, what are you going to get?"

Yang Cheng's eyes flickered. This sentence is worthy of fun. It seems that Duncan's relationship with Lockheed Martin is the one who talks sternly and treats arms as a toy?

And it seems that the two of them have done similar things.

Can't help but tentatively said, "Do you know Gavin?"

Benridge frowned subconsciously, "Gavin? That traitor? Of course I know~"

Yang Cheng couldn't help being stunned when he heard this name. Although Gavin had parted ways with Loma, he wouldn't be a traitor, right?

"This guy didn't know where he went after he left the company, and he didn't know how he was going." Benridge muttered alone.

It seems that he doesn't know Gavin's movement, Yang Cheng said in his heart.

But he asked, "Do you know Iota?"

Benridge shook his head, very simply, not as if he was pretending, Yang Cheng wondered, didn't the arms provided with Gavin passed through Benridge's hand?

Or Gavin didn't use the name of Iota to make transactions?

He didn't figure out the inside story for a while, and he didn't dare to say more, so he changed the subject, "I heard that the F35 has a huge defect. Has it been solved?"

This is the problem that broke out during a test flight not long ago. After the problem of the stealth coating being too delicate, the second major hidden danger broke out.

If the aircraft is in supersonic flight for a long time, it will cause problems in the afterburner, and the afterburner will cause obvious structural damage to the tail of the fighter!

How dangerous is this result? The original F35's sawtooth tail nozzle is obviously inferior to the F22's binary vector nozzle for radar stealth in certain bands. The important factor that modern stealth fighters can show up is the optimization of the model. Small changes will make the radar cross section abruptly increase. , Which will greatly reduce the difficulty of detection by the opponent's ground radar or early warning aircraft.

Once the stealth aircraft has nowhere to hide in front of the radar, it means that it has lost its foundation, not to mention that the aircraft's long-term supersonic flight will also cause serious impact on the antenna on the back of the aircraft.

This is only a big problem. Since the F35 was in service, hundreds of small problems have appeared before and after. No wonder the old rival Boeing's undisguised ridicule, Lockheed Martin did not dare to say anything, everyone was guilty of this matter.

This is not a secret. Benrich didn’t sell it and said directly, “There are only two ways to solve the defects in supersonic flight. One is to switch to high-strength invisible paint that can withstand long-term supersonic flight. At this stage, there is no technology that takes both invisibility and durability into consideration, so this method is not feasible in the short air force is okay. This problem is a big trouble for naval aviation because of the paint filling and Structural repairs may bring chain damage, and thorough repairs must be carried out by the rear base, which takes several months at every turn, which is definitely a huge impact on the strength of the fleet;

The second is to limit the operating speed of the afterburner, so that the time of F35 supersonic flight is further compressed to ensure that it does not appear structural damage as much as possible. "

Yang Orange is dumbfounded, can you still operate like this? The way of restricting supersonic flight is almost a step to abandon the soldiers to save the handsome, because according to the recognized standard of the fifth generation aircraft, it is a basic requirement that afterburner supersonic cruise cannot be used.

The F35 series has been criticized by many people because of its inability to cruise at supersonic speeds and its low maximum speed. The old rival Boeing made a big fuss, claiming that the invisible and improved version of the ultimate F15 can replace the F35.

So it’s not hard to imagine that if the F35 finally had to compromise on supersonic cruise time and maximum speed, F35 would become the biggest joke in history. The so-called strongest fifth-generation fighter could not fly at supersonic speed. Isn’t it the same as a duck that barely flies? ?

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