Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1809: Is the transformation successful?

Starting from a pharmacy in Atlanta, it has grown into the world’s largest full-service beverage company. It sells well in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and provides people with more than 500 branded beverage choices. It is also accompanied by the growth of generations. From a perspective, Coca-Cola can be described as a business legend, but this brand that has been around for hundreds of years is facing an unprecedented crisis because of the advent of the Internet information age!

Innovative propaganda methods, novel flavors, and fresh juices, even the boss, only by constantly innovating in order to stay ahead and surprise consumers. This is the most commonly said phrase in the drinking industry, and it also applies to Coca-Cola.

In 1886, pharmacist John Pemberton was whimsical and wanted to replace morphine with his own formula, but accidentally created Coca-Cola, which everyone knows today, which can be called the most famous soft drink in human history. Since then, Through continuous experimentation, Coca-Cola has always prevailed in the market competition, killing countless opponents and becoming the undisputed industry leader.

At the beginning of its introduction, Coca-Cola had two main ingredients, one is cocaine, the other is caffeine, which is well-known to the public. Cocaine is extracted from coca leaves and its English name is'Coca', while caffeine is extracted from cola nuts, which is' ', for the purpose of marketing effect, the K word in the kola nut is replaced by the C word, which leads to the century-renowned name.

Of course, compared with the original formula, the Coca-Cola that people can drink now does not contain cocaine, and the caffeine content has also dropped to the lowest level in history.

People are fickle animals. Animals on the African savannah must have a fixed life pattern in order to survive. Unlike human beings, in pursuit of higher enjoyment, countless new products have been spawned, whether it is food, drink, Clothes, compared to a hundred years ago, no! Even compared with ten years ago or even five years ago, there are qualitative changes.

The demand for Coca-Cola is also the same. When people’s lives become better, sugar and sweets are no longer the novelties that can only be eaten on holidays, and people begin to pursue a healthier life, and the crisis of Coca-Cola arises at the historic moment.

In response to the decline in people’s demand for sugar-containing cola, Coca-Cola re-launched the formula of the inventor Pemberton. The current Coke company executives are trying to transform the Coca-Cola brand from a physical store business into a "user demand-centered" "The brand, so as to keep up with the times.

In the era of fast information consumption, the most important thing for traditional products to transform is the degree of user fascination with brands.

Compared with electronic products, which have relatively short product cycles, continuous product updates, and no need to work **** brand promotion, Coca-Cola certainly wants to make similar changes.

However, can such a change be successful? No one knows, one thing is certain is that before success, most investors will be skeptical of Coke. For safety reasons, someone will definitely choose to cash out, and then decide to take it according to further circumstances. Do not continue to invest in this century-old brand.

Obviously, not only small retail investors can't sit still, but institutional investors can't sit still, such as the same Yang family foundation that has been spotted in advance.

Yang Cheng has never made a certain fast-moving product, nor has it been involved in the fast-moving industry. Although he has invested in a restaurant, this is not a formal entry into the catering industry, but a casual investment.

Therefore, even if he scratches his head, he can't think of the transformation of Coke. How can he hook up with the Internet? Can people drink Coke online?

That would be too illusory!

"Uncle Ou, you must have received some noise? Tell me?" Yang Cheng asked.

Uncle Ou calmly thought about it, and said, "From the information we currently have, Coca-Cola seems to be accelerating the digitalization process. They have made many attempts, trying to find the most effective and most likely successful path. ."

Yang Cheng was confused again and thought, "The digitalization process? Change the cola formula to a QR code? Incorporate it into the computer?"

Uncle Ou said, "Now people like interactive experiences. Taking into account the preferences of specific users, real-time communication helps users make decisions.

Although Coca-Cola's brand is widely praised, it is always too far away from consumers. How to integrate its own platform with the center of users' lives is what Coca-Cola is doing. "

This is not difficult to understand. In the digital age, more and more innovations are driven by data. Data is essential for creating highly customized and personalized experiences. To put it bluntly, it is almost the essence of Toutiao, which is personality. Recommended!

Coca-Cola wants to better contact consumers and grasp their preferences, so as to make products that are more in line with consumer expectations. This is what Coca-Cola has to do, but it is not even the same. For Coca-Cola, who is its distributor? I don’t know, let alone collect and integrate user data to understand consumers’ geographic characteristics, psychological characteristics and consumption scenarios.

Uncle Ou motioned his assistant to play a video on the big screen. In the video was a vending machine in a shopping mall. It looked like it was in the Harrow department store in London. A few small guests were buying Coke through the vending machine, which was nothing strange. Yes, but Yang Cheng felt that the vending machine was a little different.

"this is?"

Uncle Ou pointed to the screen and said, “Coca-Cola has been strengthening its data strategy. This is what they have been doing a few years ago. In order to create a data set, Coca-Cola bet on AI-driven vending machines.”

Yang Cheng dumbly said, "AI-driven? Is it really AI? It started a few years ago. How long was the term AI at that time?"

Everyone laughed, because Yang Cheng's complaint made sense.

Uncle Ou explained, “I asked my colleagues over there to use this AI-driven smart vending machine. In fact, it is not as convenient as a traditional vending machine.

Of course, this is just an attempt, or for experimentation.

Regardless of success or failure, it is not difficult for us to find that the focus of Coca-Cola's strategy today is to make communication between consumers and brands more convenient by establishing a mobile-based platform with high user loyalty. "

Yang Cheng said, "If this is the case, I think this machine should be placed in Asia, not in London. The rigid British are full of resistance to new things, unless this machine is under the name of the sun never setting. ."

Uncle Ou also agreed with this point, "Yes, the implementation of this strategy is particularly important in Asian countries, because Asian countries have a huge market, and more than 50% of people live in Asia.

When they launched the AI ​​vending machine in London, they also used RB as the first front in Asia and opened a test field. They developed a platform called ‘CokeOn’.

This is a channel for incentives and feedback to loyal consumers. "

Yang Cheng sneered, "I understand, what cokeon is, it is Coke's own e-commerce platform. They are trying to build their own retail network and want to completely abandon the middlemen to make the difference.

The point is, who will go to the official website of Coke to place an order to buy Coke? "

Uncle Ou can’t answer this question. He just opened his hands and said, “The consumption method is escalating. This question is not good. However, among the measures currently taken by Coke, only the changes in advertising have made people shine. ."

After that, the assistant played the next video, which is the latest commercial for Coke, a commercial for ‘drinking’.

Compared with the previous ‘fool’ vending machines, Yang Cheng still finds this advertisement to be quite interesting, and it also made Coke a successful electronic leap.

Don't underestimate the influence of an advertisement. An excellent advertisement can drive the stock price up by several percentage points.

This kind of advertisement makes the protagonist'Cola Zero' look trendy and elegant. Consumers have not experienced this fresh propaganda method like advertisement before. It can be described as a propaganda method ahead of the times.

Coca-Cola can propagate this way in the next few decades and cultivate the next generation of loyal fans.

As for using AI to find new flavors, in the information age, it is not difficult to get data and perform calculations. Anyway, there are many alternatives to vending machines. That thing is so stupid that Yang Cheng can’t help it. Sell ​​tens of millions of shares to calm down.

Of course, no matter what, when the public is getting away from sugar, Coca-Cola feels the pressure ahead of time. The total consumption of Coke in the United States has reached a record low, even selling less than bottled water.

Being able to bravely take a step of transformation at such a moment, Yang Cheng feels that Coke’s senior management is still worthy of praise. As for whether it can succeed, I am afraid that it will have to be decided by their God.

"Actually, that AI vending machine is not useless~"

Uncle Ou's assistant, a cute girl wearing a round frame, raised her hand and said weakly.

Yang Cheng looked over, and Uncle Ou helped to say, "She had an internship at Coca-Cola before, and she collected all the information today~"

Hearing the Yang Cheng smiled slightly and encouraged, "You did a good job, don't hesitate to say if you have any ideas~"

Encouraged by Yang Cheng, the little girl was very excited and said excitedly, "The sales of Coca-Cola in the United States have been declining year by year since 2012. In order to face this complicated change, Coca-Cola has responded early.

The emergence of AI vending machines is the product of their high-levels who hope to strengthen communication with consumers.

They think that with AI, they can know where vending machines sell better.

In addition, its digital mechanism can obtain location-related information, and then contact the real-time inventory of the vending machine according to your consumption preferences to give a series of beverage choices.

This mechanism also has a reward mechanism for loyal consumers, without human participation, all completed on the platform.

But this is not all. The data from the vending machine network will be used when creating new flavored beverages. The system will understand the user's taste data. It is this data that made Coca-Cola launch cherry-flavored Sprite this year. "

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