Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1810: Boss appreciation

While talking, Uncle Ou’s assistant took two bottles of Sprite wrapped in pink and purple wrapping paper from the ground and put them on the table, "This is it~"

Yang Cheng is really the first time I have seen it. I have only drank cherry-flavored cola before.

Under curiosity, let someone pass a bottle, twist it and taste it, oh~ this taste is hard to say (it’s not an advertisement, you can know it once, it’s hard to say a word, it depends on the mood~)

"You keep talking~"

The assistant nodded, and then said, "Not only that, during my internship, the Cola Company frequently contacted Amazon and Google, trying to develop a software that uses natural language processing to search the entire network and understand how users feel about their products. I don’t know if the development is successful now~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "This is not a difficult thing. 98% of the companies in Silicon Valley can do it. They have completed the development a long time ago and have already put it into use."

In the current era, people spend more and more time online, and 90% of their purchasing decisions are affected by the content they see online. On the Internet, rich and colorful multimedia content is the most important thing. The use of this to collect data shows the decisiveness of its senior management.

"In short, they collect colorful content on the Internet, let the algorithms show their magic, and then get consumers' overall views and feelings about their products and brands, and these data are generally sent from the mobile terminal.

That's why Coca-Cola sponsors various events in all corners of the world, such as the Olympics, the World Cup, etc. A large number of reports, a large number of videos, and pictures will be circulated on the Internet, among which there will be Coca-Cola, which is invisible publicity. "

Hearing this, Yang Cheng had a new understanding of the Coca-Cola Company, and at the same time, he felt that he had made the right decision to hold the Coca-Cola stock.

"By the way, Coca-Cola is already trying to collect sales data from retail locations, such as data from large supermarkets such as Wal-Mart, so that Coca-Cola can guarantee sufficient supply.

Coca-Cola will use several years to establish a file for each merchant to promote different links in the supply chain, such as forecasting, monitoring real-time sales, and replenishment processes.

At the same time, Coca-Cola has made great efforts to keep the supply fresh. "

"The supply is fresh?" This is the first time Yang Cheng heard the word, of course, this refers to the beverage field.

Coke has a long shelf life, and it is almost hard to be affected by its freshness.

Seeing that Yang Cheng's face was full of doubts, the assistant explained, "It's not a Coke, but a juice series~"

Suddenly, if it is juice, Yang Cheng seems to have to ask him about the freshness. After all, it is a very complicated task to produce orange juice with the same taste in different seasons throughout the year.

You should know that oranges have a season when they have a larger output, and there is only one season per year.

"Cola Company has developed its own algorithm. After inputting satellite images, the algorithm can predict the output, cost limits and other details of more than 600 different varieties of oranges in different regions, and then combine the preferences of local consumers and the natural performance of local oranges. It is recommended to mix different varieties to continuously output orange juice with the same taste, and the recommendation will even be as detailed as the pulp content."

It is indeed not easy to apply big data to this, and Coke can succeed for hundreds of years.

After the little assistant finished speaking, Yang Cheng looked at Uncle Ou and solemnly said, "Thank you for your work. I have a new understanding of Coca-Cola. Of course, I believe that based on such meticulous research, you can better complete the investment work. "

The Chinese are still modest in their bones, "This is what we should do. Then, for the Coca-Cola stock, shall we continue to increase our holdings?"

Yang Cheng said without hesitation, "Originally, I was hesitant. In the face of the unknowable results of the transformation, it seems that we should buy high and buy low. But I think the old stock god’s words are quite right-I am afraid when others are greedy. I am greedy when others are scared. When everyone is not optimistic, it is a good time for us to eat Coca-Cola for a large amount.

How many shares do we hold now? "

With this data in his head, Uncle Ou blurted out, "We hold 100 million shares, accounting for 2.3% of the total share capital, and are currently the seventh largest shareholder of Coca-Cola."

Yang Orange nodded, "My 4D space company still holds less than 1%~"

After all, his strength in Coca-Cola should not be underestimated.

Don't underestimate this combined 3%, you have to know that Coca-Cola's current market value exceeds 150 billion.

"Continue to increase holdings~" After a short period of thinking, Yang Cheng made a decision, "Increase holdings to 3.5%"

"That's the fifth largest shareholder~ Do you want to join the board of directors?"

Yang Cheng flatly refused. He is not interested in Coca-Cola's board of directors, nor is he ready to interfere with Coca-Cola's operations. The main reason is that he doesn't understand that he has specializations in the field of technology, so let professional people do the professional work.

"No, as long as we hold enough shares, Coca-Cola will not ignore our opinions."


He paused, "But these shares should be dispersed. The family foundation should be low-key. Coca-Cola is too eye-catching~"

Being able to choose to work in the Yang family's foundation, Uncle Ou was not a happy character, and he would not do anything radical in order to be famous.


Yang Cheng looked at the assistant, "I have to trouble you to submit an analysis report on Coca-Cola to me every quarter. If you connect with my assistant, I will see it myself~"

Uncle Ou gazed at the assistant with satisfaction. This white girl is an honest He admires it very much. Now she can be appreciated by Yang Cheng. In the future, she will undoubtedly stay at the foundation. Maybe in the future. She is the one to pick up her class.

The little assistant didn't dare to think so much. She was still immersed in the excitement of being appreciated by the big boss. She knew who said the future of the foundation, and it could be reused before Yang Cheng officially took over, which would be useful for her future career. , Is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

Therefore, the assistant is determined not to miss this life-changing opportunity.

"Okay, let’s end today’s meeting. Thank you again. I booked a banquet in the restaurant at noon. Let’s go home for the holidays after everyone’s eating. In addition, I have prepared some small Christmas gifts. I hope you will enjoy them. See you next year."

It is indeed a small gift. It cannot be too small for Yang Cheng. It is the second-generation applewatch released by Apple a few months ago. He also decided to buy it after doing a simple research. After all, most of the foundation’s work The personnel are not wearing them, and very few of them can be taken back and given away.

The employees of all foundations have a share, and it's fair to the rain and dew!

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