Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1812: Hoard oil and make a fortune

Yang Cheng was also very upset, and asked Conrad to smoke a cigar.

Conrad vomited, "I knew that the price of crude oil had turned up so quickly. I also used two tankers to stock up oil. The key is that there were no pirates at that time. I drilled deep into the Atlantic Ocean. Now I have properly doubled the income. ~"

Yang Cheng was amused. This is really not a casual talk. It is even harder for ordinary people to make money by hoarding oil, but for Conrad, it is not too easy for Conrad to make some pocket money by hoarding oil.

Even ordinary people, as long as you have enough funds, can do this. For example, if you are a dick, you suddenly win tens of millions in lottery tickets. If you want to make more money, you can do it. No background, People, as long as you have money!

How to do it It's also very simple. First of all, of course I want to buy crude oil. Where can I buy it? Who are you looking for? For ordinary people with no avenues and backgrounds, considering all kinds of tedious procedures and restrictions, the most convenient and direct channel is to find a crude oil futures trading center that can be traded freely.

For example, CME in the United States-Chicago Mercantile Exchange, NYMEX-New York Mercantile Exchange.

WTI light crude oil is generally traded here. Of course you will not see barrels of crude oil piled up on the ground on the exchange, but they are also selling real crude oil spot and futures. In short, it is absolutely right to buy and sell here. .

Regardless of spot or futures, the transaction is the same as other commodities. Sign a contract and specify the type and quantity of the delivered goods, the delivery location and date and other details. When the contract expires, the seller's physical crude oil will complete the delivery with you .

So don’t worry about being deceived~

Of course, there is still a difference between a commercial exchange and a shopping mall. It is impossible to buy it when you go. Just like stocks, you must open an account first. Of course, to trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange, you need to obtain membership.

How to obtain membership? There is no need to find someone to trust the relationship, or the same sentence, as long as you are not short of money and your personal identity background is clean, there is no problem in entering the transaction, that is, paying a deposit, not much, hundreds of thousands of dollars are almost enough.

Once you have obtained the admission qualifications, you can officially enter the venue.

What you have to do at this time is to screen suitable sellers and buy their crude oil. Of course, the so-called screening is actually not very useful. It mainly depends on whether there is a suitable quantity for you. After all, there are tens of millions of oil, 100 barrels of oil, just A profit of hundreds of thousands of dollars on a business trip.

Although this set of operations and applications is not difficult, it is just too troublesome. Besides, the price of oil does not wait for others. Maybe after you finish this series of procedures, the price of oil will skyrocket. What should you do?

Find a broker!

There has never been a shortage of smart people these years. When middlemen make price differences, there are many people, so so much money is spent. Don’t be stingy with the small money. Directly find a futures trading broker to help you complete these complicated operations. You only need to be responsible. Just pick out the check and move your lips.

Well, at this point, even if you have entered the threshold of the oil hoarding army.

Then comes the exciting part-buying oil.

For buyers, there is a wide range of choices. As long as you are not difficult to choose, you can always find the crude oil you like.

But this is not about picking a wife. You don't have to pay so much attention to the crude oil from the major oil fields in the United States and the crude oil produced by some oil fields in Canada.

The rest is not difficult. When buying a futures trading contract, choose the one with the shortest delivery time and the most severe price drop. When the agreed contract time comes, just drive the ship and pick up the oil.

For crude oil futures bought on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the designated delivery location after expiration is in Cushing Town, Oklahoma, in the central United States. Remember this place. Don't go to the wrong place and be punched out. You are not responsible.

Cushing Town is an important town for oil delivery in North America. Oil pipelines extend in all directions. The oil produced in many North American oil fields is transported here through pipelines, and then transported to various delivery places through pipelines, just like the central hub of high-speed rail.

This small town now has more than 3 billion barrels of WTI crude oil futures contracts traded here every week, which is large enough!

Some people wonder, although Cushing is the delivery place for crude oil, it does not rely on the sea, how can it be transported to the tanker?

The reason is the same. There are countless oil pipelines connecting to the crude oil port in the Gulf of Mexico, the southernmost point of the United States.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, as long as the delivery date of the physical crude oil is reached, you drive an oil tanker to the Gulf of Mexico port and load the crude oil transported from Cushing Town onto the ship. This is considered as the completion of the delivery, commonly known as ‘delivery’.

Don't underestimate the bulky guy like the tanker. It is both a means of transportation and storage equipment. Tens of thousands of tons of crude oil are stored in the tanker, so it is "stocked" and stopped at sea, which is safe and convenient.

Stop on the high seas, and when the oil price rises, just dock and unload the cargo. Simple?

The process is okay, is it still missing a tanker?

Buy it! Anyway, the money is not bad, a certain treasure can be bought on the rocket, let alone a tanker!

Of course, if you are worried about buying online, you should find an intermediary company. There is an office of an intermediary company at the port without going to a far place.

They have complete sales information. Tankers of various models and origins are available. The price ranges from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars. You can also see the one hundred million and two hundred million. Anyway, it depends on your ability. How bold it is to be more productive, how big a tanker to buy and how much fuel, don’t consider the problem of overloading, this is not a large truck, it is easy to capsize!

There are not many types of oil tankers, roughly six types, and the aforementioned Suez tanker is one of them.

The smallest is the offshore type, with 10,000 to 60,000 tons, most of which are used to transport refined oil. They run along the coastline and cannot go far.

Further up is the Panamax,000 tons, with the upper limit of being able to pass through the Panama Canal.

Aframax, 80,000 to 120,000 tons, this type of tanker is relatively cost-effective, cheap, has a high load capacity, and has good ice adaptability. This is more suitable if you stock oil in North America.

Then there is the Suez type, with 120,000-160,000 tons, the largest tanker that can pass through the Suez Canal under full load and can sail across the ocean.

Then there are super-large oil tankers, as many people often hear, 160-32 million tons, absolute maritime giants, think about the largest aircraft carrier is only a little over 100,000 tons.

The largest is the giant tanker, also called, 32-55 tons, like a sea castle.

The size of the ship you buy depends on how thick your wallet is. You are going to pick up the cargo in the Gulf of Mexico. If you need to sail across the ocean, the boat is definitely not suitable. It is more than 300 meters long and 300,000 tons. It is also the mainstream oil tanker on the ocean now. Keep the value, sell it when it is used up, and pay back.

The price depends on the service life. It is produced 10 or 20 years ago, and now it is only 20-30 million US dollars, which is not expensive!

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