Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1813: West (T) Red (M) Persimmon (D)

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In fact, buying an oil tanker is completely unnecessary. It is not just for hoarding oil, nor is it to keep shipping oil. Besides, the global shipping is sluggish. It is a waste of tens of millions to buy one. It is better to rent one.

In fact, the tanker leasing business is very popular, and some companies even rely on the leasing business to complete the listing. Just like the sale, the rents of tankers of different models, different qualities, and different lease periods are different.

Generally, a lease is one year. Of course, short-term leases are also possible, but it also takes three months. After all, tankers sailing at sea are calculated on a monthly basis. Normally, like a Suez-class ship, it is about 60,000 US dollars per day. The operating cost About 8,000 US dollars per day, of course, the price fluctuates greatly, not necessarily, mainly depends on the market.

The average rent for such a super-large tanker is US$80,000. When it is the most expensive, hundreds of thousands a day are possible. The operating cost is also twice that of the Suez-class, usually at US$20,000/day.

Normally like this tanker, the load is between 160,000 tons and 320,000 tons, and it can hold about 1.9-2.2 million barrels of WTI crude oil. The next step is to calculate the problem. Take a calculator and knock it out. How much you can earn depends on how much you earn. Regarding how much the price of oil has risen, of course you have to pray that the price of oil will not fall, otherwise you won’t even know your grandma’s house.

A cigar looks short and is actually very long. If you want to smoke it all at once, it takes a while, unless you **** it to death, the kind of lung cancer in one bite!

But even though Yang Cheng didn't smoke hard, before he knew it, a cigar hit the bottom, showing how messy his thoughts were at this time.

"What did Roman say?"

"Don't mention it, this **** has gone to Antarctica for a trip, so I can't get in touch at all~"

"What? Go to the South Pole?" Yang Cheng was upset. Why is I here to wipe your butt? Well, this **** is half of your own, but is it too much if you can't get in touch?

"I can't reach the satellite phone?"

Conrad shook his head, "I didn't get through after playing twice. It is estimated that the satellite flew away and is not in the coverage space."

"In other words, are we the only people who can decide now?"

"Uh~ and CEO~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand. If the CEO was able to take charge, this matter would not be known by the two of them.

After smoking his cigar again, Yang Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Is the news blocked?"

"I blocked it as soon as I learned, but I'm not sure if it is blocked~"

Yang Cheng leaned forward, deliberately suppressing her throat, "Whether the news is leaked, there are different solutions~"

Conrad glanced at Yang Cheng, "To be honest, I thought about it too~"

Everything is unspoken, the two have guessed each other's thoughts, which is the hottest one!

However, I have said before that this is the worst strategy. Furthermore, no one knows if the news has been leaked.

The little demon in their hearts showed cruel smiles, but the smiles were not fully developed yet, the door of Conrad's office was pushed open~

His stomach was full of sorrow, and when someone was so scared, Conrad instantly roared, "Do you know knocking on the door?"

It was his assistant who came in, with an anxious expression on his face, "Sorry, but boss, you better watch the news."

Without waiting for Conrad's consent, he ran to turn on the TV.

Yang Cheng and Conrad glanced at each other, and they both saw the stupid face on each other's face, and even the same stink on their own face in the other's pupils.

Something happened!

The assistant came in so anxiously to report. It was obvious that the news had leaked out. Who was it?

The TV turned on, and the assistant called out the evening news of ABC. The host was interrupting emergency news. It was the news that the oil tanker under the name of Beihai Petroleum was hijacked by pirates.

After watching for a while, the assistant turned off the TV and directly reported, "It was the pirate who sent an email to ABC TV. The email was accompanied by a few live photos. They have already boarded the ship. According to the photos, it includes the captain. Thirty-five crew members were taken hostage, oh no, it should be 31. Three security personnel and a sailor were killed by pirates because of resistance."

"What?" Conrad was furious and killed the hostages before starting negotiations. This pirate didn't play cards according to the routine. As for the resistance that the assistant said, he ignored them.

The bad news is not over yet, "Also, according to the pirates, their hackers have already..."

Before he finished speaking, Conrad patted the table and stood up. "Fuck, there are hackers in this bunch of shit?"

Yang Cheng frowned at Conradnu's mouth, "Calm down, you are out, it's nothing new for pirates to hire hackers.

There was a case before, when a group of Somali pirates hired hackers to hack into the ship’s content management system and found the ship’s bill of lading in the system.

Later, after an expert inspection, it was discovered that a script was implanted into the server through a software vulnerability and became a server backdoor. This backdoor allows hackers to remotely access the server and download it to the shipping company's bill of lading.

Obviously, the technology of pirates has been upgraded. They can already understand the specific items in each container. "

"What happened afterwards?" Conrad asked in a daze.

"Later? They boarded the cargo ship, found a container according to the barcode, snatched the contents, and then drove away."

Conrad only smiled bitterly, "Doesn't that mean that a pirate with a hacker is equivalent to finding a treasure map, what you want to grab, and how do you want to grab it?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Almost, but I don't understand, what is the use of grabbing a ship of crude oil? They don't have a refinery, and they can't directly exchange it for cash. It would be too troublesome to expect to rely on ransom."

"Maybe this is why they dare to ask for a ransom of 20 million dollars? After all, the cost of hacking is not low." Conrad can only think so.

"West (T) red (M) persimmon (D), what's all this~" Yang Cheng once again exploded out of the country and said it twice in a row. Conrad remembered it. Is it that the Chinese scolded tomatoes? ?

He suddenly felt that he had learned a language. Didn't he say that if he wants to learn a new foreign language, he must first learn swear words?

The assistant reminded, "Boss, Mr. Yang, I must remind you that the pirates are running out of time. Starting from 12 o'clock, we will kill one person every hour until we promise to pay the ransom.

In addition, they will also record the killing process! "

"Didn't they say to give an answer at 12 o'clock? Why did you change your mind?" Conrad was furious, these pirates were too untrustworthy.

Yang Cheng knew that the signing of the signing would not be necessary. Now it is Christmas night in the United States. Although everyone is busy with the dinner party, there are not a few people watching TV. Coupled with the spread of the Internet, it will not be long before this matter. Will spread all over the world.

The whole world knows that your North Sea Oil tanker has been hijacked. If nothing is done at this time, North Sea Oil will never be mixed up.

Fortunately, the company has not yet been listed, otherwise, as soon as the news comes out, tomorrow's stock price will definitely turn red (US stocks will go up or down if green is green)!

Yang Cheng glanced at the time, "Conrad, there are less than four hours before twelve o'clock, something must be done~"

"what do you mean?"

"Be prepared for the worst and pay 20 million for your life~"

"Really want to give money?"

"Otherwise? Tell the world that we don't care about the lives of those 30 people? Whether they die or not?"

The assistant suddenly glanced at the phone, and then said with an ugly face, “A crew member’s family member saw the news, and the family members of other crew members jointly posted a message on Facebook asking Beihai Petroleum to pay the ransom. In exchange for their family members~”

Conrad is slumped. This is the worst thing. People sympathize with the weak. Once North Sea Oil is indifferent to the captive crew, the consequences will be devastating. If nothing else, at least there will be no more in the future. The crew worked for North Sea Petroleum.

Seeing that Conrad was silent, Yang Cheng sighed, "We still have to contact the nearby **** formation to see if they have a way to rescue them. We are too far away and there is no time to send someone over!"

He wanted to send Hansen and the others a trip, but when they flew to Nigeria, it was estimated that they were half dead, and it didn't matter if they could not be saved.

"Damn, the pirates in Somalia are not a threat to us, but the pirates in the Gulf of Guinea are more modern."

Yang Cheng also agreed with this sentence. The piracy activity in Somalia Dinh Bay is currently declining. This may be related to the intensified international crackdown. However, it does not mean that the group of pirates are dead. Maybe it is those who are attacking the situation. The bad Somali pirates ran away ahead of time and brought the piracy activities from East Africa to West Africa.

"Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is rampant, and it is inseparable from the connivance of Nigeria's ZF!"

"It's not a question of accountability. Even if Nigeria is blown down now, it won't solve our troubles. These pirates don't care about the existence of the country."


Yang Cheng thought for a while and decided to call Demien. It's time for the military to stand up and help his citizens. Besides, now he is holding D~L~A's private money bag, so I have to give some benefits. ?

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate or shy away from Conrad, calling Demien directly in front of him.

After the call was connected asked directly, "Did you watch the news?"

Demien was a little dazed, "No, has something serious happened?"

The two have never contacted since they broke up last time. To be honest, today Yang Cheng was able to call Demien on the initiative and felt quite surprised, thinking that Yang Cheng had figured it out and took the initiative to accept it?

As a result, Yang Cheng's tone was not very friendly, which made her feel frizzy.

"Of course something big happened. One of our company's oil tankers was hijacked by pirates. Whether you are a U.S. citizen or D~L~A and your Demien's best friend, should we help?"

"What? The tanker was hijacked?" Demien's volume was louder by a few decibels. Of course, there was no sense of gloating. Anyway, Yang Cheng could hear a little taste—you can drive away such an inch. on? Deserve it! Tell you not to cooperate with me, now you think of me? Why did you go?

Okay, Yang Cheng admits that he has a lot of dramas, but now he is the victim, it is understandable~

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