Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1814: Still have to find a warship

"When? Where? The Gulf of Aden?"

After the surprise, Demien still said something, at least it sounded like he was caring.

"Just a few hours ago, in the Gulf of Guinea, the pirates had exposed the news to the media, and it is estimated that it is now known all over the world." Yang Cheng said in a bad tone.

"Guinea Gulf? It's not easy to do~" Demien's voice sounded a bit solemn.

Yang Cheng asked patiently, "How do you say?"

"First, according to what you said, this group of pirates is very professional. Then they must have activated the signal shielding device and completely disappeared from the tanker and themselves in the sea. The coastline of the Gulf of Guinea stretches for more than 6,000 kilometers along the coast of Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire. 10 countries, including Mauritania, Ghana, and Togo, and the transportation hub of the entire west coast of Africa, as far as Mauritania in the north, Angola and Namibia in the south, and a shortcut to the sea lanes in West Africa and South America, the voyage has huge profits.

In particular, the abundant oil and gas resources have led to the fact that oil carriers in the Gulf of Guinea have been the targets of piracy in West Africa. "

Yang Cheng angrily said, "I know all of these, you don't need to say~"

"Let me finish jason. There is also a world-famous fishing ground and one of the important channels for the export of cocaine from South American gangs. The coastal and neighboring countries have very weak maritime patrol forces. Only the Nigerian Navy has a slightly larger scale and its logistical support capabilities are far enough. No need, so the pirates there can be said to have no natural enemies. The Gulf of Guinea is their back garden, and it is difficult for the outside world to penetrate.

They randomly find a country's territorial waters to break in, and warships from other countries dare not enter, otherwise the crisis of public opinion will crush them first. "

Yang Orange said coldly, "That means the warship can't be counted on?"

Demien avoided answering, "I have a question. The usual targets of pirates in the Gulf of Guinea are offshore supply vessels and product oil tankers. Why would you hold your oil tankers carrying crude oil?"

Yang Cheng was wondering about this issue before, but after a while, he had almost thought about it, saying bluntly, “Due to the low oil price and the high risk of hijacking ships for theft of product oil tankers, pirates turned to kidnapping crews to earn money. It should not be difficult to understand that it is not difficult to understand that it is mainly to take the low-risk ransom, rob the crew's personal belongings and other high-priced goods on the ship."

Demien pondered for a moment, "I understand. I want to remind you that the intricate geographical environment of southeastern Nigeria and the Nigerian delta waters is already a hotbed for hostages. Once the Nigerian ZF army and the local militants break out armed conflict, whether it is Rescue by force or payment of ransom will become very difficult and high-cost issues.

So now you have to find a way to put pressure like Nigeria’s ZF, even if you can’t help you rescue the hostages, at least don’t make trouble at this time, otherwise even if you want to pay the ransom, you will be delayed by various accidents. Once the last time has passed, In order to avoid becoming a burden, torn tickets will be the first choice of pirates. "

Yang Cheng took a sigh of relief. If this were the case, even if they had a hundred mouths, they would not be able to explain clearly. The people would subconsciously think that Beihai Petroleum deliberately delayed the payment of the ransom and missed the best rescue time. The crew was slaughtered. At that time, don't care about your rich man, even Bill Lid can't escape the tragedy of Drowning Spit.

But Demien’s words are not finished yet, “Also, the pirates in the Gulf of Guinea usually involve two to three pirate ships or speedboats in joint operations, mainly at night raids, and the focus is on anchoring at anchorages, relaxing anti-piracy measures, and entering and leaving the port The slower ships launch attacks, mostly in waters 30-80 nautical miles offshore.

However, since this year, there have been at least 9 pirate attacks in the Gulf of Guinea, which occurred on ships 120 nautical miles offshore.

Although the pirates were somewhat restrained by the intervention of the coastal countries' military and **** operations, they sometimes ignored the muzzles of warships.

The exact location of their actions is still uncertain. If according to the news, they have already taken control of the tanker, which means that this group of pirates has good military literacy and has certain financial strength. After all, it is too far from the coast. , The boat can't arrive at all, at least it is a ship of hundreds or even thousands of tons!

In this case, the trouble will be even greater, because the general hostage rescue plan cannot be dealt with at all. "

He paused, "Finally, these pirates have a tyrannical character, and their desire to rob and kill is very high, so don't underestimate their threats. Killing is as simple as breathing for them, so under possible conditions, try your best Hold them steady, don't irritate them, only then will you have time to think about the next move."

When Demien finished speaking, Yang Cheng's expression was already ugly to the extreme. In this way, apart from paying the ransom honestly, they had to pray that the pirates would speak honesty and morality, and there would be no other way!

Demien sighed before hearing Yang Cheng speak, "But don't be too pessimistic, I just tell you the worst situation, so that you have the mental preparation that the bad situation is not as bad as we thought."

"You still tell me what to do?" Yang Cheng was really helpless.

Demien hesitated, "I will contact you to see if there is a naval fleet on duty nearby. Of course, you have to bless the group of pirates not driving the tanker to the coast."

"This is exactly where I want to ask you for help, it's troublesome~" Yang Cheng said solemnly.

"It's okay, you also said that we are friends~"

For the first time, Yang Cheng thought that Demien was a lovely man. At least he didn't fall into trouble at this time. After moving for more than a second, the phone hung up. Obviously Demien went to contact.

Seeing Yang Cheng hung up his cell phone, Conrad, who was afraid to show up just now, asked quickly, "How is it? She agreed to help?"

Yang Cheng um~ Demien will help contact to see if there are any warships nearby. "

Conrad exhaled, "That's good, godblessme~"

After he finished drawing the cross, Yang Cheng said angrily, "Your **** doesn't seem to care about you normally~"

Conrad wasn't annoyed at all. He didn't have the consciousness of the desecration of the gods he believed in. Instead, he ridiculed, "Isn't it possible that the old man is busy discussing business with female subordinates?"

Yang Cheng was speechless, almost laughing, "You are not afraid of being beaten to death~"

Even in the office, the cheers of the audience in the stadium can still be heard. From their high emotions, it is not difficult to know that the Nets played well today, facing the neighboring Celtics, whether they won or not, let alone the momentum. must.

After all, in another arena, the Yankees and the Red Sox have mortal hatred. It is normal for this hatred to be brought to the basketball court. After all, there is no conflict between liking baseball and basketball.

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