Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1815: Nepal's richest man

(Sorry for the late post, and I have to work overtime on Children’s Day, although I’m just 彡(-_-;)彡)

"It's a pity Jason, your bad luck, the nearest warship to the Gulf of Guinea is near Brazil."

Unfortunately, when Yang Cheng received Demien's call again, he did not receive good news.

"It's really bad news, so, is there any other way you can help me?"

Demien pondered for a moment, "If it doesn't work, you can only pay the ransom. Of course, you can contact the bank to make false accounts for you, but I find it difficult~"

"False accounts?"

"Yes, the bank can initiate a virtual remittance. As long as the hostage is rescued, the transaction can be regarded as not happening, but the premise is that the bank is willing to help."

Yang Cheng frowned, "It's very difficult. This will make the bank lose its trust. Although it is reasonable to do so, I am afraid that some customers think that the bank can manipulate their accounts at will, creating a crisis of trust, and the bank's loss may be It's too big, even if everyone knows that is the truth!"

"Yeah, you are right, so... I can't help it~"

"Thank you anyway~"

"You're welcome Jason, we are friends~" She bit the word friend very hard!

Hanging up in silence, Conrad hurriedly looked at Yang Cheng, but from his expression, it was not difficult to know the result.

Conrad asked in a frustrated voice, "Is there no other way?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I can't help it~"

As soon as the voice fell, Conrad's cell phone rang and exclaimed excitedly, "It's Roman~"

After speaking, I pressed the hands-free button.

"Hey, **** it, you finally have news~"

"Yes, you don't need to say, I know the news, do you have a way?"

After receiving Yang Cheng's eyes, Conrad said truthfully, "No, that's why we are anxious to contact you. If you can't help it, you can only pay~"

"No, **** it, you can't pay those pirates a ransom, they will kill people if they collect money, I will contact the polar bear navy.

"What a joke, how come the polar bears navy goes to the west coast of Africa~"

"Well, you are right, so is there really no way?"

I thought that I could get a life-saving antidote after I got through Roman's phone call. It's a pity that this European oligarch was also helpless in the face of vicious pirates.

"If it doesn't work, just give money~" Conrad said frustratedly.

Yang Cheng's mind kept running for more than ten minutes. At this moment, she felt a headache. She rubbed her temples and exhaled a stale breath, "I'll contact another person. If he can't help it, let's give it money."

Conrad and Roman brought up hope at the same time, and Yang Cheng’s hope was his ‘old’ friend in Africa, Mohammed Mansour, and the two had a pleasant cooperation.

Look at the time, it should be early morning in Egypt time, I don't know if the other party is asleep.

The phone's blind tone, which was not very loud, was ringing in people's ears like a bell at this moment.

I don’t know how long it has been ringing, and when Yang Cheng was about to give up, the blind tone suddenly heard, and then a lazy voice came, "jason, disturbing people to sleep is not a good habit~"

Yang Cheng's heart lightened and she laughed instantly, "Yes, I want to apologize to you, if the matter can be resolved smoothly, I will go to Egypt to invite you to dinner."

After all, Mohammed was old, and was awakened from a dream, and his energy was a little ill.

She laughed a few times, "Well, I know you won't call me if you are okay. Let me tell you, what can I do for you."

"Mohammed, one of our company's tankers was hijacked by pirates. There were 35 people on board, 4 of whom were dead."

"What? Dead? Are these pirates newbies?"

"It's not like, they should have a more rigorous organizational structure and good strength. Now that the news of their hostage-taking is probably known to the whole world, we have to do something."

"How much ransom do they want?"

"20 million~"

"What? They're crazy?" Mohammed was surprised for the second time. Just now, he was surprised because the pirates killed people. Based on his understanding of those desperadoes, he shouldn't kill people so impulsively. Of course, it wasn't because of their kindness, but because of many One person can get an extra ransom.

"If you don't have a solution, I'm going crazy. The crude oil is worth hundreds of millions, and if the crew is slaughtered, the loss of our company will be incalculable."

"Needless to say, I know the seriousness of the matter, but if it is a pirate in the Gulf of Somalia, maybe I can still put pressure on the relationship, but the Gulf of Guinea, I can't reach in."

Yang Cheng looked slightly sad, "So you can't help it?"

"No~ wait, I can't help, maybe someone can~"

"Who?" Yang Orange rekindled hope.

"Arik Dangote, the leader of the Nigerian business community."

The business leader, isn’t that the richest man? Wait, Arik Danget? Could it be that cement king?

When I went to Nigeria before, Yang Cheng had heard of this man's name, but I didn't know it, otherwise I wouldn't have to trouble Mohammed.

"Will he help?"

"I don't know, I can ask, our relationship is pretty good, wait a moment for me~"

Hanging up temporarily and waiting for Muhammad's news, Yang Cheng asked Conrad's assistant to help find out Alekdangote's information, knowing him and his enemy.

I didn’t know, but I was shocked when I checked. It turns out that this man is still the richest man in Africa. He has more net worth than Yang Cheng. He is of the same magnitude as Abu. This makes Yang Cheng right to solve this problem. It was the first time that an optimistic idea was born. As long as this person is willing to take action, it should not be a big deal to solve a few pirate problems, but the question is whether the other party is willing to take action.

Don't talk about the face problems of a few of them. What can you do to them if they don't sell your face?

Conrad took the information and looked at it for a while and said, “Dangote Cement Company is the largest cement producer in Africa, and the Dangote Group has 26,000 employees in Nigeria alone.

The company is building cement plants in Ethiopia, Zambia, South Africa, Senegal, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

The goal is to gain an advantage in sub-Saharan Africa, and then rush out of Africa and into the world.

Dangote Group also produces flour, salt, pasta and chemical fertilizers, and has also launched a big plan for the sugar industry. The company's sugar factory in the port of Lagos ranks second in the world. Dangote hopes that the sugar factory Can dominate Africa just like cement factories. "

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Are they not involved in the energy industry?"

Conrad flipped through the information and shook his head, "No~"

This is strange. Nigeria is one of the world's major crude oil producers, but the richest man has not set foot in the energy industry, which is incredible.

"Oh, no, there are still some involved. Arikdanget intends to spend 7 billion U.S. dollars to build an oil refinery with an annual output of 400,000 barrels of refined oil."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and said that it was impossible, "Just ask for it. We can help him build an oil refinery. By the way, we can directly refine the crude oil produced by Owowo in the local area. This can reduce costs."

"Yes, I agree, you can use this condition to negotiate with that Alekdangote~" Abu shouted over the phone.

Conrad also Then that's it, but this guy is still a rich second-generation, I thought he started from scratch~"

He paused, then said, "Moreover, according to the information, Dangote is a workaholic. According to other people, he rarely sleeps, never vacations, spends half of the time in Nigeria and half of the time on business trips around the world. He is married. , The three children have grown up.

Women's evaluation of him is charming and humble, but this person is difficult to engage with~"

Yang Cheng wanted to laugh when she heard the woman's comment, but the next sentence caught him off guard, "Difficult?"

Conrad nodded, "Yes, except for business, he is a nearly perfect man, but once he enters the field he is engaged in, he becomes an extremely harsh villain.

On weekdays, he is highly respected and loved by the wealthy in Nigeria, and he can be seen in polo and yacht clubs everywhere in Lagos.

But once business talks, he is everyone's nightmare. "

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