Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1836: Big bargain

Perhaps it was also to show his ability. After Allende took office, he couldn't wait to implement economic and social transformation.

In just one year, millions of hectares of land were confiscated. Encouraged by ZF, farmers wantonly invaded and occupied land in the name of land reform, and the Chilean countryside fell into chaos.

The three major copper mining companies in Chile were originally owned by American companies. Before Allende came to power, Chilean ZF acquired 51% of the controlling rights. Later, Allende forcibly acquired all foreign investment. Allende also proposed that Americans earn Enough enough, Chile doesn't need to pay anymore. To put it bluntly, it is robbery, which may be the only good thing he did.

He also tried to establish a free universal medical insurance and education system in the mountainous poor countries at that time. The wage level was greatly increased. Workers enjoyed high benefits and could go on strike at will. In the first year alone, workers' salaries rose by 50%. In order to maintain high welfare, ZF printed money.

Anyone who has studied for a few years knows that if this plan is implemented continuously, the result will be an economic collapse. There is no second possibility at all.

Chile’s territory is narrow and closed, far away from the focus of world attention. In such a country, extreme experiments are carried out. The result is the emptying of cities, the abolition of currencies, and the killing of each other. Of course, it is also possible to encounter the success of a revolutionary uprising and drive extreme zuo people to the mountains. Peru It is the best example.

Fortunately, Chile has embarked on an unprecedented path that no one has followed until now. After some people have initiated the change, they implemented a privatization policy to protect private property rights and implement a market economic system. This is similar to the route taken by the country Z in the initial period of reform and opening up.

Of course, Chile's economic reform is much more crude, and the methods are also extremely powerful. Traditional Chile does not have the intellectual soil of a free market.

What can be done is to sell state-owned enterprises, cancel a large number of controls, simplify work procedures, and ban labor unions. Workers negotiate directly with capitalists and implement a free wage system. In the field of monetary policy, currencies are highly contracted, exchange rates are freely floating, tariffs are as low as possible, and the domestic market Join the world division of labor.

To put it bluntly, it is to give economic freedom to the people, and the state is only responsible for infrastructure construction.

It is precisely because of this that Chile has become a flower in Latin America, and it can be regarded as a star in the economic circle of South America. However, the inherent problems have not changed. The system can make the market better, but it cannot determine the upper limit. It is highly dependent on copper mine restrictions. The development of the upper limit of the Chilean economy will not be a problem in the short term, but as copper mines are mined less and less, the problems will be exposed.

This is exactly what Yang Cheng worries about. The shares won will not be guaranteed in the future. Another Allende can take back your shares in one sentence, whether you die or not?

But now that the price of copper continues to be sluggish, the difficulty is not low if it wants to recover costs before the problem breaks out, and even make a small profit. Yang Cheng does not want to take such a big risk.

The key is that he has no foundation in South America. It is difficult for him to separate his energy to take care of this side. Sometimes it is not a good thing if the turf is too scattered. If you don't have the strength to protect, what's the use of laying more turf? Isn't it making wedding dresses for others?

The most typical example is the United Kingdom. Back then, it was known that the sun never set, and the world was full of colonies. Today, it is not trapped in the rainy and foggy British Isles. Seeing the sun is like seeing God. The sun is still not set.

Anyway, such a large investment has been smashed. If it is not under his nose, Yang Cheng will find it difficult to rest assured. After weighing it, she feels that she should give up.

Of course, weapons still have to be sold. As for whether the other party can buy them or not, then it can only be resigned.

Sanchez helped to meet with a civilian from the Jun side. Don't look down on the battlefield, but the power is not small at all.

The two parties met at the hotel where Yang Cheng was staying and had a decent dinner. The three people including Sanchez asked for a reception room and sat down and chatted.

"Mr. Yang, you must have received the news too. We might as well just say directly, what weapons can you provide?"

Yang Cheng spread his hands, "I can provide what you want, but there is a premise that I am not interested in the shares of the copper mining company~"

The princes of Jun are not very old, they are in their 50s. Because they met in private, they didn't wear his general uniforms, but were dressed in casual clothes. This was even more refined. Don't say who knew he was a general?

"No shares? But this is the only way we can provide payment, unless you are ready to give it away for free~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "The general is really good at joking, free is impossible, but a discount is not a big problem~"

The general smiled perfunctorily, looking at Sanchez's eyes a little unkind, as if to say: Are you kidding me?

Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and then said, "I have 6 second-hand Black Hawk helicopters in my hand. I don't know if the general is interested."

"Black Hawk?" The general's eyes lit up, obviously tempted, "Black Hawk is good, but the price..."

Is the price too expensive?

To say it, Yang Cheng grinned and said, “After all, it’s a second-hand product, but I can help you replace it with a new engine for free. The price is easy to say, 15 million US dollars per one. If you need replacement parts, the package price is 1 Billion, not expensive, right?

This is definitely the price of cabbage, and they are all 80% new second-hand goods. You can take it back and use it for another 20 years. "

This is definitely a price of conscience. You must know that the new Black Hawk sold by the United States to Saudi Arabia has a unit price of 40 million US dollars, and an 80% new one is only 15 million US dollars. The boss and his sister-in-law can't sell this price.

"By the way, the Indonesian Air Force plans to buy a batch of second-hand F16 fighters from the US Air Force. The order is as many as 48, which is equivalent to two air force regiments. I have a way to cut this order and sell it to you. It just happens to be a seamless replacement for you. The price of the A\B model is also very cheap. The price of a second-hand F16 is only 30 million US dollars. Where can I find such a cheap list?

And as long as you need, UU reading www. I can get more on, all of which are the latest and improved versions of E\F. "

When the general heard it, his head became even hotter. The F16 itself is a very good multi-purpose fighter, especially the newly launched F16E/F, which has been able to transform the active phased array radar and the engine with a thrust of 144 kN. The ability is very good, because the engine thrust is very terrifying, can match the two French Rafale M88 engines, so the F16E/F takeoff weight and Rafale M are basically the same.

Not only that, because of the advantages of electronic technology and weapons, the combat capability is actually much stronger.

Moreover, the price of 30 million US dollars is completely cheap compared to fighters of the same level. Don't come when the opportunity is not to be missed!

When Yang Cheng flickered on, the general felt the madness before the Double Eleven shopping festival, and he had the urge to regret it for a lifetime.

But obviously he can't do this master, 48 F-16s, that is close to 1.5 billion US dollars, plus 6 Black Hawks, a total of 1.6 billion US dollars, this budget is worth one-third of the annual military expenditure.

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