What is the concept of $1.6 billion? Chile’s current foreign exchange reserves are only a few tens of billions of dollars when it is full, but its debt is more than three times its foreign reserves. It is too difficult for Chile to squeeze out 1.6 billion US dollars to change planes.

It's no wonder that the general's expression on his face is like two heavens of ice and fire, and the temptation is right in front of him, but there is no money in his trouser pocket, which is undoubtedly the most embarrassing thing in the world.

The general was even thinking, if there are too many lice, no need to worry about debts. How about buying it by gritting your teeth and stomping your feet? Anyway, a debt of hundreds of billions is not worse than a fraction of a billion.

Of course, he couldn't make this decision himself, he had to go back and discuss it with higher-level people, at least Jun had a unified opinion.

Anyway, the annual military expenditure is so much, it costs one-third at a time. I don't know if other services will directly fight the air force.

Yang Cheng said in his heart: No wonder Jack Horse is so moisturized. After one Double Eleven each year, there is no need to worry about the performance pressure this year.

He even wondered if he wanted a big opening bargain and a 20% discount off the inventory.

But this is something to say. At the moment, he still has to find a way to persuade the Chileans to replace the fighters. After thinking about it, he decided to stimulate them with Chilean opponents. Without motivation, there is no impulse. You must arouse the Chileans' vigilance. .

Who can use it?

Looking at the neighbors of Chile, Argentina must be the first to bear the brunt. In fact, the two countries have indeed clashed before.

After all, few countries have extremely long borders-more than 5,000 kilometers like Chile and Argentina.

The two countries are almost bordered by the Andes Mountains, with Argentina to the east and Chile to the west. The two countries have been relatively peaceful for hundreds of years, except for the three island disputes.

Where is Mishima? At the southernmost point of the long border between Chile and Argentina, the famous Tierra del Fuego divides Tierra del Fuego into two. At the southernmost point of Tierra del Fuego, there is a 120-kilometer-long Beagle Channel. At the confluence of the Strait and the Atlantic Ocean, there are three large islands: Picton Island, Lennox Island and Nueva Island.

The total area of ​​the three islands is 345 square kilometers. This is not a small island.

In addition to competing with the United Kingdom for the Malvinas Islands, Argentina is also arguing with Chile over the three islands.

In fact, the three islands are extremely far away from the economically developed areas of the two countries, but closer to Antarctica, and are sparsely populated all year round.

However, it is not worth thinking that it is a deserted island because there is no one on it. On the contrary, the three islands guard the intersection of the Pacific and the Atlantic, and Antarctica to the south is a sea transportation fortress.

In addition, the seabed of the three islands is rich in fishery and mineral resources. At that time, Argentina did not hesitate to fight the Falkland Islands at war with the powerful Britain because the Falkland Islands have rich oil and gas resources.

But who exactly belonged to Mishima? The public said that the public was justified and the mother was justified, but no one could tell.

As early as 150 years ago, Chile and Argentina, which had just been freed from the clutches of Spain, signed a trade and navigation treaty, but they did not strictly demarcate their borders, but habitually used the borders drawn by the Spanish in those years.

Later, the two countries officially demarcated the boundary, especially the Beagle Strait, which became the natural southern boundary of the two countries. However, the two countries had different opinions on the ownership of the three islands, and neither of them was willing to give in.

However, the two countries did not want to do it. After all, the situation at that time, the military strength of the two countries was half a catastrophe, and when they really fought, it would only hurt both.

Since you can't fight, sit down and talk about it, but how can you understand this kind of thing? Whoever makes a concession represents a huge loss of interest. As a result, the talk has been discussed for decades.

In desperation, I can only find a middle party to adjust.

Who are you looking for? United Kingdom!

Chile has its own little abacus and feels that it has a good relationship with the United Kingdom. You must know that Chile can win the guano wars with Bolivia and Peru, and thank the British for sponsoring weapons and equipment.

Of course, Argentina is not happy, because the two countries have forged a deep bond on Falklands. Who wants to let the enemy be responsible for mediation? Isn't that just finding sin for yourself? This method cannot solve any problems at all, but can only increase contradictions.

Britain’s blending, which did not need to fight, was stunned by the adrenaline of the two countries. They mobilized food and grass to prepare for war. Fortunately, the two countries believe in Catholicism. The pope of the Vatican, thousands of miles away, came forward urgently after receiving news. The two countries have nothing to say, you can not give others the face, you must give the pope's face?

Finally, this lawsuit that lasted for hundreds of years finally came to an end at the end of the 20th century.

It was Argentina that made concessions. In the signed agreement, Argentina recognized that the ownership of the three islands belonged to Chile, including the territorial waters of 3 nautical miles.

However, Argentina has the right to sail and fish in the waters of the three islands. Chile must not interfere. At the same time, the ownership of the waters east of the Magellan Strait belongs to Argentina. Other territorial disputes between the two countries are bounded by the Cape Horn Meridian. Belongs to Ah, and West is wisdom.

Argentina gave up the ownership of the three islands, but in exchange for the right of navigation and fishing, there are black and white letters, not afraid of denial by Chile.

Chile and Argentina fought for more than 100 years, and finally came to an end. The relations between the two countries began to heat up.

On the face of it, such an agreement seems to be a loss for Argentina, but it is actually beneficial to Argentina. After all, Argentina values ​​the Falkland Islands more and offends Britain and Chile at the same time. Under the attack of the East and the West, Argentina has no strength to fight. , So it's not worth fighting for the three islands.

By surrendering the ownership of the three islands in exchange for stability and harmony between the neighborhoods, at least without stabbing a knife in the back, Argentina can compete with Britain for the island.

However, from the results, Argentina can be said to have lost face and lost Lizi. In order to prevent Chile from inserting a knife in the back, it gave up Mishima. I thought that it could fight for Falklands with all its strength. Who would have thought that Falklands was also lost. A typical case of broken soldiers.

But to speak of it, Argentina did not lose much. After all, the Falklands did not belong to Argentina from beginning to end.

The issue of the ownership of Falkland Islands is very complicated. It was originally an uninhabited desert island group in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. According to the rules of the world at that time, whoever discovered the island first had the right to name and belong to the island.

The British believe that Falkland Islands were discovered by British navigators in 1592, while Argentina believes Falkland Islands were discovered by an explorer in a famous expedition.

But from the perspective of historical records, it seems that the British's statement is more accurate, because the British discovered that the island is historically recorded, but the Argentine statement has not found reliable evidence to confirm it so far.

Therefore, the British are in a relatively dominant position of public opinion in this island dispute. The so-called teachers are well-known. From this point of view, the British are undoubtedly dominant. Who will let you Argentina fail to produce evidence?

It’s just that after the British discovered this island, they didn’t take it too seriously, because the island was too far away from their homeland, so the island has always been in a state of shelving. It is for this reason that gives the French a good opportunity.

It was the French who first established a settlement on Falklands, giving traces of people on Falklands.

When the British learned the news, they were reluctant to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sent someone to fight the island with the French.

The French are also chicken thieves, knowing that they are unreasonable, and don't want to start a war for a desert island. The main reason is that they have a bad idea of ​​their own strength.

But the French deserved to be a Gallic rooster, a chicken thief. After confronting the British for a few days, they even took the lead and sold the Falklands to Spain and directly dumped the pot to the Spanish.

The British knew it was a trick. The French patted their buttocks and left. They stopped playing and had to ask the Spaniards.

The Spaniards are more acquainted, knowing that they are not opponents, they give in and agree to the British living on Falkland Islands.

Later, the Spaniards were driven away by the Argentines, including the people on the Falkland Islands, and Argentina believed that Falkland Islands should belong to them.

Faced with the issue of national sovereignty, Argentina is still very ironic. It has to fight with the United Kingdom, just chant, and then there will be the largest sea-to-air war during the Cold War.

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