Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1838: False news

The process of the Falklands War is not detailed here. It is very interesting if you are interested in finding documentaries or materials on your own.

Speaking of the result alone, there is no doubt that the powerful Royal Navy has taught a Pampas eagle severely and told the Argentines a truth-your uncle is still your uncle, don't try to play with your uncle. You can't play!

As a result, hundreds of people died in Argentina and found that this battle could not be fought. After the fight, they would not even be able to eat beef, so surrender.

The British occupied the Falklands.

This battle seems to have defeated the pride in the Argentine's bones, and no longer have the courage to use force, and it has not been relieved for almost 40 years.

But speaking of it, the reason why the Argentines took the initiative to provoke the Falklands War at the time was that the Argentines also wanted to boost domestic morale and ease domestic conflicts through the war. To put it bluntly, it was a problem of money. At that time, the domestic inflation rate in Argentina was as high as 600%. And know how serious the internal contradictions are.

In the absence of other means, war has become one of Argentina's few options.

But Argentina obviously underestimated the British determination. After the Argentine army occupied the Malvinas Islands, the British immediately organized an ocean-going fleet to expedition to Argentina. Due to the disparity in national power, although Argentina had a record of sinking British destroyers during the war, the overall situation was Look, Argentina is being beaten by the British.

After this war, Argentina lost more than 60 fighters and many warships were sunk. The only aircraft carrier "May 25" could only be used as a tortoise in the military port to avoid British submarines and In the end of the attack by carrier-based aircraft, only dozens of A-4AR "Combat Skyhawk" fighters remained. This was also the entire force that guarded the Argentine sky for decades.

Sad, the dignified Pampas eagle has lost the courage to fly high, who is to blame? Blame John Bull? Or blame yourself?

The reason why the situation of the Argentine Air Force is so miserable is that after the defeat of the Falklands War, the new Argentine ZF did not trust the army and supported the army very little. As a result, the Argentine Air Force failed even the 60 aircraft lost in the war. Be supplemented.

There is also the British hindrance. During the Falklands War, the British pressured France to prevent Argentina from obtaining enough "Flying Fish" anti-ship missiles from France. After the war, Britain gave full play to its influence and demanded all countries. No longer export advanced weapons and equipment to Argentina.

In fact, Argentina does not have no ideas at all. They have also shown great interest in the "Cubs" in Israel and the "Gryphons" in Sweden. However, in the end, they said that they could not submit to Argentina due to technology and ZZ factors. Sold fighters.

All fools know this as an excuse. After all, 30% of Gripen parts are produced in the UK. Although Sweden is willing to sell this fighter to Argentina, the UK is firmly opposed to it.

In desperation, the Argentines can only use the dilapidated A-4 to see the scenery in the airspace. With the passage of time, the old A-4AR "Combat Skyhawk" fighter has been difficult to be a major task. A few years ago, due to the shortage of funds and the condition of the aircraft. For worrying reasons and other reasons, Argentina announced the grounding of all A-4AR "Combat Skyhawk" fighters.

Up to now, the Argentines don’t even have a jet fighter. They can only use the super toucan propeller fighter to defend their airspace. The effect is similar to the power of prayer. To put it bluntly, they pray that other countries don’t use machine guns to hit mosquitoes. We don’t make trouble, just eat beef and watch football in a friendly manner.

Poor Pampas Eagle, his life is not as good as the Lebanese, at least he has a small country and enough toucan.

All in all, the possibility of expecting the Argentine super toucan to stimulate the Chileans to replace fighters is zero!

The Argentines didn't expect it anymore. Looking north, Bolivia had fought with the Chileans, and they also had jet fighters, but they were trainers imported from Country Z.

Counting on a trainer to compete with the F-16, no one who is blind will use this idea.

It seems that Peru should be counted on in the end.

The French Rafale, Mirage, and MiG 29 and Su 25. This combination looks like it can compete with Chile's old F-16 for a while. No, it should have a 6-point chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng immediately said, "General, I have to remind you that according to the news I received, Peru is ready to introduce Su-27, of course it is second-hand, but the general, as an industry insider, should be aware of Su-27's goddess in the sky. 'Strength."

Yang Cheng almost shocked the general's jaw with a word. This news is really amazing. What are the Peruvians doing? Is it going to invade Chile? Or go directly to Brazil?

No wonder the general thinks too much. The Su-27 is a heavy-duty multi-purpose fighter that can both fight for air supremacy and attack the ground behind enemy lines. The addition of a type of aircraft is by no means that simple, and must be considered in a strategic sense.

Previously, the air layout of the neighbors of Chile and Peru generally tended to compete for air supremacy. Therefore, the air forces of the two countries mainly used light air superiority fighters. The main strategic requirement of the two countries is to seize air superiority with a more dexterous body.

But the news that Yang Cheng broke out in his mouth left the general deeply worried.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Yang Cheng’s grasp of people’s hearts. Chileans are known to be aggressive and hot-tempered. They never fear war and are even willing to modernize the army, only because there is too little steel in their pockets. , The plan has been shelved, but this does not mean that they are afraid of competition.

Suddenly I heard that my neighbor’s shotgun had changed. The Chilean’s first reaction was that I also wanted to have it. Then I thought about the significance of the other party’s doing this. In the end, I thought about how accurate the news is.

Returning to the issue of fighter planes, the layout of the two air forces is very targeted, as can be seen from the models selected by the two air forces.

After the end of World War II, the world entered a polarization pattern, which is the so-called Cold War period.

To say that during this period, the United States and the Soviet Union were basically sharing the world equally, and there was no other country at all. Since both sides wanted to further compete for world leadership, the two sides began to exert efforts in the field of military weapons.

For example, the U.S. Air Force had just successfully developed and commissioned two advanced three-generation fighters, the F15 and F16. In order to offset the technical advantages of the U.S. Air Force, shortly after the service of these two fighters, the Soviet military also stepped up to launch the country’s most advanced MiG. The 29 fighters and the Su-27 fighters can be described as a pinpoint vs. wheat mang, they are both light and heavy.

For Air Force fans, the favorite thing to do is to compare various fighters. For example, which fighter is better than the MiG-29 and the Su-27.

From the perspective of Chile, they would also think that Peru, on the basis of owning the MiG 29, would it be necessary to buy the Su-27 that was also out of date?

Or do you think the strengths of the two are similar?

In fact, judging from the fighter data, the performance of the two Soviet fighters was very good, but because the Soviet Union had a different division of labor for the two fighters at the time, they had their own advantages when designing the fighter, such as the Su-27 fighter. As a heavy fighter developed by the Soviet Union at the time, it focused more on homeland air defense and large-range anti-air combat, while the MiG 29 as a light fighter was more concerned with close-range air combat and fire support missions to frontline positions~www In Africa 20 years ago, due to the continuous escalation of conflicts between Ethiopia and Eritrea on the issue of territorial ownership, people were lucky to see the Su-27 and MiG-29 are the same fathers. Brothers showdown between mothers.

At that time, Ethiopia imported 8 Su-27s from polar bears, while Eritrea also imported 10 MiG-29s from polar bears.

On an ordinary morning in the millennium, two MiG-29s of the Eritrean Air Force suddenly approached Ethiopia’s airspace. After entering the alert range, the Ethiopian Air Force dispatched two Su-27s to drive away. Soon after takeoff, a Su-27 fighter jet had to withdraw from the battlefield early due to a failure of the airborne avionics system. This was undoubtedly a huge piece of good news for the Eritrean Air Force at the time. The 2:1 ending was normal. Everyone can guess the result.

However, the strength of the pilots is also an important factor in determining the direction of the battle. Because the Ethiopian pilots at that time had undergone professional training of polar bears, in air combat, the Ethiopian pilots always firmly grasped their own strong psychological quality and combat skills. Taking the initiative in the battlefield, and finally succeeded in shooting down a MiG-29, but the remaining MiG-29 saw a bad situation and hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield.

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