Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1839: Flickering

After this failed battle, MiG’s status has begun to decline. Not only in the export volume of fighters, MiG is far inferior to the export volume of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, but also in the Polar Bear’s fifth-generation aircraft competition. After the defeat, the modification of Su-27 fighters continued to appear, such as Su 30 and Su 35, which have now become the main force of polar bears.

In contrast, the MiG-29 fighter has only one MiG-35 improved over the years, and the number of military orders is also extremely limited. It can be said that there is no future at all.

Under such circumstances, the Peruvians want to replace the MiG series with the Soviet fighter series, and the reason is not inadequate.

But again, to buy a big killer like a fighter jet, you must consider its strategic significance.

When everyone was playing in the air, you suddenly attacked the ground from beyond the visual range. Can the Chileans be happy? You are holding back bad, I can't do what you want.

Whether others believe the news or not, the civilian general in front of Yang Cheng believes it. In his opinion, the Peruvians are immortal and want revenge in their hearts!

What hate? The revenge of the Chuquicamata copper mine, the lack of a copper mine, directly caused the Peruvians to lose the opportunity to become the richest man in South America. In the general's opinion, the reason for revenge is very good.

So after a brief hesitation, he no longer doubted the accuracy of the news, and instead considered how to deal with it.

In the face of the Su-27 heavy multi-purpose all-weather fighter, it is not enough for the Chileans to rely on F16 alone. Of course, F16 has a unique advantage in seizing air supremacy, but the Su-27 does not have to fight close to you, and can be at long distances. In the case of a kill, who will fight you personally?

The reverse is also true. Throughout the world’s three-generation models, only the F15 can compete with the Su-27. As we all know, it can’t be compared to the F16 in terms of mobility. Is the F15 inferior?

You must know that the famous Cobra maneuver is the housekeeping stunt of the Su 27. The Su 27 with a more perfect aerodynamic layout can completely hit the F15 within the line of sight. Of course, the F15 is equipped with a more advanced avionics system outside the line of sight. More dominant.

Therefore, in addition to the difference in the quality of the pilots, the two classic three-generation aircraft have their own strengths, and it is difficult to say who will win the other.

But no matter what, F15 can suppress Su-27 to some extent, this is enough, don't crush the ball, as long as it can compete.

The general made a decision and immediately asked, "I can't make the decision to switch to F16 on a large scale. It must be discussed at the meeting, but I think I can try to introduce a few F15s. The budget is up to our military. ."

Yang Cheng was happy with flowers in his heart. This trick was still easy to use, but selling a few of them could not satisfy his appetite.

When I was about to speak, I suddenly remembered something. It seems that the United States has recently cleared its inventory. The second-hand F16 is almost sold. I am afraid that there are not a few F15s left. This is difficult.

Of course, Yang Cheng considers himself a conscientious businessman, and definitely can't fool people with the old and broken F15A. At least it should be F15C. F15C is an improved model of F15A. It mainly updates the airborne radar system and adds A detachable conformal fuel tank was added, and electronic countermeasures equipment was added to the root of the right horizontal tail.

And it is the first F15 fighter to use the new water-painting of the US Air Force.

However, compared to the younger F16, the F15 is not difficult to sell. According to Yang Cheng, the United States is preparing to retire a batch of them this year or next year. After all, it will cost too much money to modify all new electronic equipment. It is better to use it directly to equip the fifth-generation aircraft. I heard that the unit price of the modification is as high as 40 million U.S. dollars. Today, there are more than 400 F15 modifications in service.

That is to say, if all the modifications are carried out, it will cost at least tens of billions of dollars, and the wealthy old beauty is also timid.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to modify all of them, and it is normal operation to modify part of the decommissioning part.

Of course, Yang Cheng, with the intention of being kind to others, handled the fighters that were ready to retire for the Americans, and could get back a certain amount of money. I believe no one would refuse such a good thing.

But things are definitely not so easy. After all, the overall layout must be considered. You must know that even if the F15 has been in service for more than 40 years, the later improved F-15C/D is still the mainstay of the US Air Force's heavy air control fighters, and all are retired. Otherwise, it will face the embarrassment of inorganic availability.

Regardless of the brilliance of the new fighter jets, no matter whether it is F-16 or F-35, its endurance can not be compared with F-15.

The Air Force and Congress understand this very well. In fact, all kinds of silly messages about whether the F-15C/D will be retired or not are just reflecting a big drama in which Congress and the U.S. Air Force compete for budget initiative.

Let’s talk about the U.S. Air Force. The requirements of the Air Force are very simple: Today, when the Z and Polar Bears across the ocean begin to deploy fourth-generation heavy fighters in batches, the U.S. Air Force, as a “national” force, wants to maintain the lion’s advantage in fighting the rabbit. It is essential to buy a new machine. Of course, the first and only option for the new machine is the F-35.

As a "shared by the three services" model, the F-35 was positioned as a "combat attack aircraft" from the very beginning in order to meet the triple requirements of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. To put it bluntly, it was to stand out of sight. The role of the bomb.

At first it sounded a bit confusing, not in line with the temperament of the fifth-generation fighter, but the same sentence can solve the battle outside the line of sight, who will fight with you? It is not cheap to train a good pilot.

Anyway, the F-35's air superiority capability is definitely not as good as the F-22A, a dedicated air superiority model designed for the post-Cold War era, but it has a significant advantage over other third-generation and third- and a half-generation fighters.

At present, the only one who is really satisfied with the F-35 is the U.S. Marine Corps, which has the most requirements and the mission is mainly to attack the ground. As for the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force, the combat effectiveness of the F-35A/C has never been reached. Really satisfied" level.

But even this "half-slapped" F-35 is more pleasing than the old bones of F-15C/D.

It is human nature to like the new and dislike the old. Although a considerable number of F-15C/Ds have been equipped with the latest version of active phased array radars, their real combat capabilities are not inferior to advanced three and a half generation fighters such as Su-35, Typhoon, and Rafale.

But modern air combat can be invisible as a father, not convinced? Then try a precision guide outside the line of sight, then kneel down and sing Conquest, and you have to call Daddy while singing.

Under such a premise, even if Boeing produced a "silent eagle" with a positively low front-section stealth surface, it would still not be able to keep up with the F-35's survival and situational awareness capabilities.

However, because the decommissioning of the F-15C/D is directly related to Boeing’s interests, the US Air Force’s unilateral replacement of the F-35 with the F-35 is likely to be stubbornly blocked by Boeing in Congress.

Combined with the recent domestic public opinion in the United States, it has been noisy to re-evaluate the re-production of F-22A, and Lockheed Martin's proposal to provide RB with a new fourth-generation fighter with F-22A body + F-35 avionics.

Boeing's old rival Lockheed Martin has not missed this "opportunity" and is actively seeking more fifth-generation fighter equipment space with the cooperation of the US Air Force.

At the same time, the two sides are looking for breakthrough space for the next generation of main fighters. In short, still has room for residual heat in the United States. It is impossible to retire all of them in a short time.

But a dozen of them were drawn out for some extra money. I believe no one can refuse, and it is also related to the layout of the strategic hub of the South Pacific. Yang Cheng has enough confidence to persuade him to find a way to spare him a quota of more than 10, and say anything. The Chileans have to equip the F15.

After going to Peru a few days later, he was able to fool Peruvians to continue placing orders from him.

His abacus is clinking here, while the general is worrying about his empty pockets. Damn, God knows why he is itchy today, always wanting to buy things.

Yang Cheng still doesn't know how far the price of F15C can be, so he didn't raise the price, but said confidently, "No problem, I can get as many as you want."

However, he thought of the previous order in Qatar, the unit price was 300 million U.S. dollars, and the Chileans could not afford it unless all the people were hungry collectively for a year.

This matter is not easy to handle, it seems that Demien still has to work hard.

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