Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1843: No two-seater

Being able to sit on the seat of the legislator in charge of military procurement proves that the other party has sufficient basic knowledge. Not to mention, one can say one, two or three about the ace aircraft of various countries.

When Yang Cheng mentioned the Su 30, Jose frowned, "The Su 30 is a good airplane. It was famous at the Chile Air Show in World War I, but the reason why it didn’t get too many orders in South America was mainly It is because of demand.

The advantages of the Su 30's long range cannot be fully utilized in South America. Even Brazil and Argentina, which have the widest geographic area, cannot use the large fuel tank of the Su 30.

Another reason is that it is not easy to train a pilot. If you purchase the Su-30 in large quantities, it will undoubtedly encroach on our small pilot echelon. "

Yang Cheng suddenly realized that Jose was worried about the two-seater problem. As for the long range, it has never been a problem. The range is too long to use less fuel, and half a tank of fuel can ensure the maneuverability of the aircraft.

As for the two-seater problem, in fact, many countries lack the two-seater fighter jets most because they can be used as trainers.

But since Jose said so, it proves that Peru is not very interested in two-seaters, so he had to change his mind.

Trying to find a fighter model suitable for Peruvian needs from his database.

But after searching for a long time, he was depressed, and there seemed to be no more suitable plane than the Su-30.

Even more advanced than it is the Su-35. This is a fourth-generation semi-fighter with a certain stealth performance and the mobility of the Su-27. You can tell from its name-Super Flanker!

But this aircraft is too expensive, the unit price is close to the price of an F35. The key is that so far, Su 35 has only been exported to one country in Z, and other countries are out of stock. Where does he get second-hand goods?

As for the Su 34, which is called the platypus, it is even less suitable for the needs of the Peruvians. Regardless of the joy of the polar bears, it is known as an all-around fighter, but the biggest disadvantage of the Su 34 is that it is not invisible, even the Peruvians. No matter how low the demand is, you don’t want your aircraft to be detected by the enemy’s radar as soon as it takes off, right?

The old rival, the MiG 35, used to replace the MiG 29, is not even recognized by the Polar Bear internally, let alone external sales.

No matter from which point of view, the Su 30MK is the most suitable model. It can be used against F15C. It is cheap and durable. However, Peruvians look down on it. Yang Cheng felt the sales staff's frustration for the first time. No matter how powerful your Mercedes-Benz and BMW are, people will like Lexus. What can you do?

It's not that there is no other country's model that can be replaced, but the problem is that Yang Orange can't get the goods, and he won't waste time on things that can't make money.

Just when he was scratching his head, Jose called on the phone, hung up and asked, "Mr. Yang, I don't know where you got the news from?"

Yang Cheng snorted in his heart, could it be that his trick was punctured?

However, his good psychological quality made him calm down and said lightly, "Secret~ I'm sorry, I have my source."

No matter what, as long as it is mystified, it will make the other person think more, and once people think too much, they will naturally forget the original thought.

Sure enough, seeing Yang Cheng’s stern face, Jose immediately explained, “Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Yang, I don’t intend to listen to your secrets. I just want to confirm it. Just now, my colleague told me that Chile hadn’t filed with the United States. purchase order."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "If you want to purchase a secret weapon, will the whole world know about it?"

After a pause, I glanced at Sanchez, "Well, for Sanchez's face, I might as well tell you that Chile is going to buy this batch of F15C through me."

"What?" Jose was dumbfounded, can business do this?

Just after finishing other people's orders, I turned around and ran to the leader to sell the corresponding fighter jets. Is this too shameless?

Although Jose was still very excited, how could he receive such useful information if it were not for this greedy businessman?

No wonder Yang Cheng vowed to his own news. It turned out that the Chileans personally sent the news to Yang Cheng. Is there anything to question?

Of course, Yang Cheng said in a high-sounding voice, "My biggest wish is to hope for world peace. How can we maintain a peaceful situation?

It is that both the enemy and the enemy have the same military strength, so that both sides are afraid of it, and the war will naturally not happen.

That’s why I came to Peru as soon as I received the order to tell you the news, and I hope you can respond and maintain the hard-won peace. "

Yang Cheng's shameless remarks immediately refreshed Jose’s understanding of Chinese. After all, there are many Chinese in Peru. Jose thinks that he has a good knowledge of this race. Unfortunately, he has never seen it before. I have seen Yang Cheng, otherwise he would have a hundred thousand whys about the thickness of human skins!

"Ahem~Mr. Yang, I can understand your kindness, but the problem is that we can't find a fighter that can rival the F15C."

Yang Cheng slandered in his heart: It's not that you can't find it, it's because you have a lot of problems.

I murmured in my heart and said, "José, or let's change our mind. I heard that you have a batch of fighters that have been used for many years, and it is almost time to retire.

Of course, based on the principle of no waste, these old fighters can be used to train new pilots. You can't use the Mirage 2000 to train newbies, right?

However, in the flying stage, the Su 30MK can play a role in bringing the old to the new, and at the same time it has both defense and air control tasks. I dare not say anything else. In the F15C, the Su 30 has an inherent advantage. "

If you think about the same thing from another angle, you will get a different conclusion.

Yang Cheng’s words are reasonable, and Jose has no way to refute it. Of course, this is also related to his non-professionals. He only has a basic understanding of military knowledge, but it is impossible to analyze like a professional. He is really looking for There is no reason to refute.

After hesitating repeatedly, he asked, "What about the price?"

Look, there is never a choice disorder when buying things. The only difference is whether you can afford it or not. Obviously, Peruvians don’t have too thick pockets, otherwise they wouldn’t hold the airplane of the last century as a baby.

Yang Cheng was determined in his heart. Since asking the price, it means that the other party is tempted. Most people will not ask you how much an airplane is, because they know it's useless to ask. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

People with a monthly salary of 3,000 will be scolded for being whimsical when they care about the price of a Mercedes-Benz, let alone 200 Mercedes-Benz airplanes?

"The price is easy to say, the unit price of the new machine is only about 50 million US dollars. Of course, this refers to the price of the polar bear for personal use. The second-hand one must be cheaper.

I will try my best to fight for the supporting equipment and related services for you. Believe me, IOTA's service is absolutely top-notch. "

Yang Cheng looks like the male protagonist in a Hollywood blockbuster. He successfully negotiated a deal, and the whole person is like the king of the world, domineering.

After bumping into a cup with the other party, Yang Cheng felt that she had finally come here. Taking these two orders was not very enjoyable, and it was not enough for the plane's gas.

As soon as his eyes rolled, he had an idea again, knowing that Peru’s neighbors are more than Chilean.

He heard that a few days ago, Chile and Bolivia had serious disagreements over the use of water resources in the Silara River. Bolivia threatened to bring a lawsuit to the International Court of Justice. Once Bolivia takes action, this will be the country following the Pacific Ocean access issue. , The second time Chile was brought to the International Court of Justice.

The grievances between the two countries can be traced back to the Guano War, and Peru, as a neighbor of the two countries, and the same interests are naturally unavoidable to be affected.

As mentioned in the previous article, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile, as the three earlier independent consulates in South America, were in peace. In the 1840s, the people of the three countries rebelled against Spanish colonial rule and embarked on independent development.

However, the conflicts between the three countries became increasingly acute around the issue of territory and resources.

Especially the Atacama Desert, which is located at the junction of the three countries, has become the focus of competition. The climate there is extremely dry and barren, and the three countries did not pay attention to it at the beginning of their independence.

However, by the middle of the 18th century, people discovered guano, silver ore and saltpeter there. These resources can bring huge wealth. For the three countries that were not rich at that time, whoever controls the area will undoubtedly take the lead. Embarking on the road of prosperity and strength, no country will refuse such temptation, so the three countries ZF all focused on the region.

After many negotiations and negotiations, the three parties reluctantly reached a reconciliation and signed an agreement. In the saltpetre mining area of ​​Atacama, Peru controls Tacna, Arica and Tarapaca, while Bolivia owns Antofagas. Chile controls the remaining small saltpetre mining area south of the 24th parallel.

At that time, the smallest area controlled by Chile has been trying to expand the scope of occupation, while Peru and Bolivia have moved towards cooperation under common threats, and even signed a military mutual assistance alliance.

However, the good times did not last long. Within a few years, a storm hit the port of Antofagasta under the control of Bolivia.

In order to restore the economy after the disaster, local authorities in Bolivia decided to increase taxes. However, the main wealth of the city is controlled by the Antofagasta Saltpeter and Railway Company, a joint venture between Chile and the United Kingdom. Therefore, the resolution was severely protested by Chile.

As a result, the Bolivians did not reason with you at all, and even disdain to play tricks. They forcibly confiscated the property of related saltpeter enterprises. So under the instigation of the British, Chile prepared to resort to war to solve the problem and wanted to take the opportunity to occupy the entire Atacama area.

Because of this, this war, which was written into the history textbooks by later generations, has the title of "Guo Shi War" or "Saltpeter War".

However, to the Peruvians, they seem to be a little wronged, and they are completely dragged into the war. Of course, this is just their own thoughts. In the eyes of outsiders, no one is wronged. Each has its own interests. If you have the ability, you will not fight. Watching your benefits be taken away?

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