Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1844: Continue to flicker

After the war broke out that year, Peru and Chile were the first to compete at sea. After all, the guano on the island was also the focus of contention. At the beginning of the war, Chile made a mistake in strategic decision-making and the Peruvian navy once had the upper hand.

But then the Chilean army moved step by step and won a series of victories. In the crucial battle of Dolores, the Chilean army defeated the main Peruvian army with less victory and more, and the Bolivian general led his army to escape back to the country. A handful of ally Peru, so far, the entire Tarapaca area has been controlled by Chile.

The news of the defeat of the Bolivian and Peruvian armies spread back to the country.

The Peruvian chief Tong was ousted from power, and the opposition came to power and reorganized its forces to resist Chile.

In order to keep Arica on the Peru border and Tacna to the north, Bolivia and Peru organized military resistance urgently.

However, the Allied forces of Peru and Bolivia were defeated. Chile captured Tacna. The Bolivian army was forced to retreat to their homeland and withdraw from the war.

The Peruvian Jun people lost their hearts, and then the Chilean army captured the Arica port guarded by Peru.

By this time, Peru and Bolivia had basically lost the main producing areas of saltpeter and guano.

Later, Britain, France, the United States, Italy and other countries came forward to mediate. However, the three warring countries refused to compromise and the negotiations broke down. Then the Chilean army took advantage of the victory and captured the Peruvian Chincha and other places and the capital Lima, and looted the city of Lima. Burning, destroying, and stealing valuable oil paintings, and even taking away books in the Lima library and animals in the zoo.

After Chile occupied Lima, it supported two puppet governments. In the end, under the control of the Chileans, Peru signed a treaty of bereavement and humiliation. If they lost the war, they had to cede territories and pay compensation. This allowed the Chileans to withdraw their troops from Lima.

The outbreak of this "war of saltpetre" has left the situation in South America in a tense situation for a long time. Since then, as the victorious country, Chile has almost monopolized all saltpeter resources and has become the only natural saltpeter exporter and the largest saltpeter exporter.

On the other hand, by virtue of the territories plundered in the war, Chile's international status has also been greatly improved, becoming a South American power alongside Argentina and Brazil.

Until the 1930s, under the mediation of the shameless Yankees, Chile and Peru signed a treaty, Peru regained the province of Tacna, Arica ceded to Chile, and Chile paid Peru US$6 million as compensation. Set boundaries.

However, Bolivia lost its access to the sea and became a veritable landlocked country. It is also a country where a naval commander will never be able to work.

In the 130 years since the end of the war, Bolivia has never given up its request for access to the sea, and its relations with Chile have also been difficult to improve due to the "sea access problem". The two countries even broke off diplomatic relations for a while.

In order to regain access to the sea, Bolivia has continued to pressure Chile on international occasions, but there has been no substantial progress.

A few years ago, Bolivia hia formally sued Chile in the International Court of Justice, requesting negotiations with the latter on resolving issues such as access to the sea, but Chile’s ZF refused to allow the Hague National Court to deal with this issue, which triggered continued confrontation between the two countries.

So far, I haven't seen a solution. Anyway, one wants to die or not.

In the middle of Peru, the two do not want to help. In the eyes of outsiders, this may be the best choice, but under Yang Cheng's interpretation, this strategy has changed its flavor.

"Mr. Jose, your country’s history of humiliation, I think you should know better than me. Bolivia likes to be the second or fifth boy. I don’t know how many times I have done things like stabbing in the back. I think you need to be on guard.

They and Chile are very furious about the issue of going to the sea. Don't you worry about the outbreak of the second "Saltpeter War"?

Thus implicating Peru?

Even if Peru is willing to make peace with the old, I am afraid that the two families are unwilling to appreciate it. More importantly, the soil of the three countries intersects, and the bullets of any one family may fall on the border of Peru at any time, and the war will surely spread to Peru. Force you to join the war.

In my opinion, instead of being caught off guard, it is better to prepare early. "

Another ‘new potential star’ who is about to be crippled is on the rise, and he is still a congressman!

The expression on Jose's face can be described as mixed, not only that Yang Cheng's words are reasonable, but also that there is a trace of absurdity, and instinctive resistance.

"Impossible" is written on the left cheek, and "What if" is written on the right?

At this time, Yang Cheng said something that everyone felt right after hearing it, "Retreat ten thousand steps and maintain a balance of military power with neighboring countries. I don't think no one will think it's wrong?"

Jose and Sanchez nodded in unison.

"Now the main battle tank of the Peruvian Army is still the classic T55 of the former Soviet Union in the last century.

Of course, I am not saying that the T55 is not good. Its excellent maneuverability was called a revolutionary design at the time. Its suspension system was excellent and reliable, which made the T-55 easy to traverse mountains and ridges, and its structure was simple, Easy to operate, low cost, good armor, easy to use and maintain, etc.

No matter from which point of view, T55 is worthy of classics, but in this era, it is a bit outdated.

Today, with emphasis on stealth performance and faster and stronger performance, Peru needs a more powerful main battle tank to cope with the increasingly tense relations between neighboring countries. "

Jose spread his hands helplessly, "In fact, don't you say that we also have a plan to replace the main battle tank~"

Yang Cheng said happily, "That would be great, is there a goal? Maybe I can help!"

Jose hesitated for a We are naturally inclined to polar bear products. After all, the T55 that has been used for decades is familiar from top to bottom. If you rashly replace products from other countries, there will be training and The problem of adaptability. "

Yang Cheng said immediately, "How about T90?"

The Soviet Union has always been a frantic tank kingdom. Since the 1930s, the Soviet Union has produced tens of thousands of tanks. There have even been T26 tanks with a single model producing more than 20,000 vehicles and later T34s with more than 80,000 vehicles. Tanks, but in the minds of many people, Soviet tanks are actually large in quantity and poor in quality. They are equivalent to women who have technically misstepped on the street. Don't choose any appearance or figure, let alone sentiment. The biggest feature is cheap!

However, the Soviet Union actually pays attention to the "high and low combination" in tank matching. Each generation of the Soviet Union has at least two types of high and low models. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union began to study a new generation of tanks, of which high The version was called T95, but this thing was aborted, but the low-end version was improved in T72, which later became T90.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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