Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1848: Miracles of the incas

A flat and open space on the top of the Andes Mountains, surrounded by mountains, forming a high mountain basin. A group of ancestors followed the pace of the ethnic leaders, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. They cut through thorns and built their homes. Such hard work Touched the sun god.

The Sun God gave them a golden axe. Around 1200 AD, King Manco Capac followed the instructions of his father Sun God and moved the capital from Lake Titicaca to build the majestic city of Cusco. As the center, a huge Inca empire was established. Inca means "children of the sun", and thus created the Inca culture, which became the cradle and highest peak of Indian civilization in South America.

Yesterday I was only a rough stroll in Cusco, and I went to GC today. From the hotel, everyone went straight to the most sacred place in Cusco during the Inca Empire-the Inca Sun Temple.

It should be said that the Temple of the Sun that visitors can see today is neither the splendid architecture of the Inca Empire built by the Cuzcos before the Spanish invasion, nor the European style built by the Spanish who occupied Cusco. Style works.

To be precise, it is a "hybrid" of Inca style and European style architecture.

The Spanish colonists invaded and ransacked the treasures and cultural relics. After several earthquakes and more than 200 years of tug-of-war, the city was greatly damaged. However, there are some streets, palaces, temples and temples of the Inca Empire in the ancient city of Cusco. The house architecture still exists to this day. Post-Spanish colonists built a large number of houses. The two architectural styles merged, which is known as the unique architectural method of Spain-Inca. This is the case for the Temple of the Sun.

In the Inca era, Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire and was considered the center of the world. This temple of the sun was supreme.

In the Temple of the Sun, Rodriguez specifically talked about stone walls. These are made of large, smooth, and flat boulders that are irregular but like building blocks. The concave and convex surfaces of the stones are tightly interlocked. There is no adhesive, but there is no gap. In contrast, the Spanish architecture is much rougher.

When humans have not found any adhesives that can be used in large buildings, and want to extend the service life of the buildings as much as possible, they can only use hard boulders.

The splicing and stacking technology of boulders is the key to determining the life of the building.

Seeing the tall stone walls of the huge piles of boulders that have gone through thousands of years without any cracks, on the one hand, I sincerely admire the design, construction wisdom and superb skills of the craftsmen of the Inca era, and at the same time I think of those who carefully Artisans who polish stones, some of them will be decapitated because they fail to pass the test.

Yang Cheng feels that history is often cruel, not only the Temple of the Sun, but also the Great Wall of Country Z. In fact, they are all miracles built with blood and life.

According to legend, the Temple of the Sun built in the Inca era was a megalithic building with a gold leaf outside. In addition to enshrining the sun god, there are also moon, stars, rainbow and thunder gods. It is called the Golden Temple or the Golden Garden.

The Spanish colonists invaded, the gold leaf was plundered, and the temple of the sun was transformed into a monastery.

Rodriguez said in several high places in the Temple of the Sun, these places were originally decorated with thick gold, each with 3 kilograms of gold, making the entire Temple of the Sun glorious and sacred.

The Spanish invaders scraped off thousands of gold decorations and brought these treasures back to the country. Later, the occupiers transformed the Temple of the Sun into a monastery according to their own aesthetic style.

After the colonists were driven away, the Cuzcos restored and recovered some of the artifacts of the original temple and restored the function of the temple.

In the temple, you can see many cultural relics and architectural relics that reflect the ancient Inca civilization. This trip was not in vain. You can learn knowledge while having fun. Yang Cheng couldn't help but think that there is a chance to take Luo Yue. , She is passionate about architecture.

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In the middle of the 16th century, when Peru was occupied by Spain, a rumor was heard: In Peru, there is an aerial castle, which is the most mysterious ancient city in the Inca.

However, hundreds of years have passed. Although many explorers have explored this land, this "castle" has never appeared in the world. This discouraged the Spaniards at the time and began to doubt the authenticity of this rumor.

It was not until 1911 that Bingham, a professor at Yale University in the United States, recognized the existence of this city and began an expedition to find it. After all difficulties, he finally found it 120 kilometers away from Cusco City and named it as a nearby mountain. Named "Machu Picchu".

This is a city built on a ridge with an altitude of more than two thousand meters. Because it is surrounded by towering mountains, the "castle in the sky" is the most beautiful interpretation of it. The news was made public in Bingham After the world, many archaeologists came here to investigate and study this site. People found that this ancient city is the ancient Inca city, and because its location is difficult to find, it is also the best preserved site.

As one of the few cultural and natural heritages in the world, Machu Picchu is known as the "lost city" of the Inca Empire and is included in the list of the world's top 10 nostalgic sacred sites, so it is definitely not to be missed.

Even though I saw a lot of perfect photos with standard angles before coming to, I still felt that Machu Picchu was very magnificent. Amidst the clouds and mist, surrounded by mountains, and surrounded by boulders, there is no shame in this place. Yang Cheng's reputation as a "city" instantly felt worthwhile.

The route to visit Machu Picchu is one-way, you can only go forward and not back. The main area of ​​the site is a large patchwork of stone buildings, including the main temple, the temple of the sun, the temple of three windows, etc. The ruins are quite well preserved Like the Inca ruins in other places, the buildings are huge stones that are tightly stitched together, and the source of these stones is not local. Under the background that the Incas did not invent the wheel, how to transport the stones to the mountains is difficult to understand. puzzle.

In fact, for all those great buildings, this is an unsolved mystery. The Great Wall, the Pyramid, and the Sphinx. It is estimated that except for the resurrection of the people who built it, it is difficult to figure out the truth, but it is nothing more than The accumulation of human lives.

Experts speculate that the builder of this ancient city should be Pacha Kutiyupanki, known as the "Great Earthquake". He was an emperor who transformed the Inca from a small village into an empire. The purpose of ordering the construction of this city should be for the place where he lived with other nobles after he abdicated, because there are many places of worship and pilgrimage, among which the snake relief, the fountain ladder and the Shuanri stone are the most famous .

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