Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1849: How can I not buy a winery

The Incas called themselves "Descendants of the Sun", which claimed to show their respect for the sun. The Sunstone of Machu Picchu is a product related to the sun.

This is a very amazing stone product. At the bottom of it is a large rectangular round stone plate, and a flat stone pillar protrudes from the center of the plate. Experts at first thought that this stone may reflect the Incas’s respect for the sun. , They built this stone, hoping to tie the sun to the sky, so that the land of the Inca will always be sunny.

However, this argument is somewhat contradictory. How can the Incas, who have always respected the sun god, want to restrain the sun?

Although the view of "tethering to the sun" has been overturned, the name "Shanri Stone" has long been spread, and no one has changed it.

However, the curiosity of the experts is very strong, and they want to find out whether Shuan Rishi is a **** horse Dongdong!

After day-to-day research, they finally found clues and finally solved the problem. It turned out to be the ‘black technology’ used to measure the time of day.

Anyone who has studied geography knows that, with the exception of the equator, objects will appear in different forms of shadows as the sun is irradiated at different positions. This is because the sun is not directed directly outside the equator, but always has a certain angle.

However, the experts found that during the spring and autumn equinoxes, the Shuanri stone had no shadows. This shows that the ancient Inca had calculated the deflection angle between the sun and here after years of calculation, and then adjusted the angle of the stone to the sun. , Make the stone angle of vernal equinox and autumnal equinox completely opposite to the sun, and finally arrange farming and production with the shape and presence of its shadow.

Therefore, human ingenuity is incomparable to animals. Even in primitive society, they can create incredible things.

When I was about to leave Machu Picchu, there was a light rain in the sky. It is surrounded by mountains. Machu Picchu in the rain has a special taste. Walking in such a magical historical site, feel this "lost Inca city" hundreds of years ago Every stone has its own unique history. Shocking is one aspect, and more of it is not in vain. The comfort of watching the concert is worth the price.

Warner Picchu next to Machu Picchu gets its name from the local Quechua language, which means "mountain for young people." This mountain is actually not high, only 2,693 meters, more than 200 meters higher than Machu Picchu. The shape of the mountain is steep and looks very steep.

Although this mountain is not a scenic spot, there are still many tourists who choose to climb. Rodriguez also recommends Yang Cheng to climb up and see, because the purpose of this mountain is to see Machu Picchu from another angle, but consider To the narrow roads and the protection of the historical sites, only 400 tourists are allowed to enter here every day, and it is only open twice a day for 200 people each time. This option should be added when booking Machu Picchu tickets. This is the advantage of hiring a tour guide. , He arranged everything.

Overlooking the city in the sky from above Warner Picchu, the feeling is completely different. Yang Cheng can't wait to use up the phone's memory and keep pressing the shutter of the phone.

After coming down from the mountain, Rodriguez took them to the salt pan. This is a perfect combination of nature and manpower. It was built in the valley and a large area was occupied by thousands of small square salt ponds.

Before the Inca Empire, the locals knew that water was introduced into these ponds. Because the local winter was relatively dry, the salt could be obtained after the water evaporated.

The actual effect is still playing here, which is quite shocking from a visual point of view, but Yang Cheng is not interested in going into it. He just took a few photos from a height, and then went to a nearby store to buy some tourist products, of course, they were all salt. After tasting the products, Yang Orange felt that it was not quite the same as ordinary sea salt and had a special flavor, so he entrusted Rodriguez to help purchase a large batch of products and shipped them to Lima Airport. He was going to take home to see if the chef at home could use it. on.

The trip to Cuzco came to an end. He bid farewell to Rodriguez and drove back to Lima. Before he could fix up for a while, Sanchez dragged him to Jose.

"What's in such a hurry?" Yang Cheng's expression looked very tired, too. Although he didn't need to drive on the road, he was also very tired by car.

"Mr. Yang, we have decided to place an order with you. We will purchase 6 Su-30MKs and 12 T90 tanks. Can you give me a quote?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, so he placed the order so quickly?

Happiness came so quickly that he caught him off guard.

He stunned, no matter what the three-seven-twenty-one, first agreed to talk.

"That~ it's okay to place an order, but I have to confirm the price with the other party. After all, this order is not large."

"Please help us get a discount. I am grateful. By the way, I heard that Mr. Yang likes red wine. It's better to go to the Pisco producing area. If you have a favorite winery, I will send you privately."

Is this equivalent to a rebate? Yang Cheng couldn't help thinking.

But Peruvian wine? He had tasted Pisco sour wine in Cusco before. It does have a unique flavor, but can ordinary red wine be sold?

You must know that Peru’s wine industry is no different from a toddler than its neighbor Chile.

Peru is a real tropical country. The northern end of its territory is located on the equator and the southern end is within reach of the Tropic of Capricorn. In this way, Peru has broken away from the "wine-producing zone (latitude between 30 and 45 degrees. .

But Peru did find a coastal plain area suitable for grape growing between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes.

This coastal plain area is the city of Pisco, about 200 kilometers south of the capital Lima. It is also the main grape growing area in Peru, but the fertile vineyards are only a few meters away from the barren desert.

Therefore, most of Peru’s main wine grapes are varieties that favor warm climates, and the wines produced are red flesh-colored and high in alcohol. That's why sour wine is a specialty.

However, in addition to Peru, Chile also produces this type of wine in large quantities. It has also fought a lawsuit with Peru over the ownership of Pisco brandy, and was finally ruled to belong to Peru alone.

However, Peru's wine production is only 43 million liters per year, and exports are very limited. Yang Orange does not want to raise an unprofitable winery.

However, Jose’s words gave him a wake-up call. Peruvian red wine is not the same, Chile’s is different. As the main producing area of ​​New World wine, Chilean red wine is very famous.

So he said, "I would be very grateful if Mr. Jose could help me get a winery in Chile."

Jose gave a wry smile, "Chile?"

Chile is the longest and narrowest country in the world. There are endless glaciers and snowy peaks in Chile, as well as lakes and rivers crisscrossed, either majestic or exquisite. All kinds of gorgeous scenery are gathered in this mysterious country, with countless shocking nature. Scenery, such geographical conditions, have also created Chile's wine-producing regions that are complex and rich in personality.

Speaking of it, Chilean wine is actually the most in line with the needs and goals of Yangcheng to build a wine group. After all, Chile has always been famous for producing daily table wines. In recent years, with the strong investment of winemakers and investors, surprises are constantly emerging. The wines produced are even more impressive.

Chile’s grape growing area is divided into six main producing areas. The northernmost Atacama is close to Peru and has a similar climate, so it is known for producing pisco brandy, and the wines produced are usually light-bodied and high in acidity.

It is worth mentioning that although Chile's production areas have always been divided in the north-south direction, in recent years, the locals have become more aware of the difference between the east and the west of the terroir. Even in the same dimension, the same grape variety has significant differences in different terroirs. The difference.

Therefore, Chileans who pay more and more attention to terroir have formulated a set of horizontal grading concepts, dividing the production area from west to east into three major areas: coastal area, river valley area and Andes mountain area.

After thinking about it for a while, Jose mentioned a winery located in the Alqui Valley at the southern end of the Atacama Desert, which is also the northern end of Chile’s wine-growing area. The vineyards are located along the steep and steep banks of the Alqui River. On the narrow hillside, the grapes here enjoy plenty of sunshine, biting cold wind and dry air all year round.

The locals continue to expand their vineyards to higher altitudes, from the coast to the Andes, where the altitude is as high as 2,000 meters.

These vineyards are especially suitable for planting Syrah grapes. The wine has a strong aroma of violet and black pepper. The style is very similar to the red wines of the North Rhone Valley. The wine is even fuller and more powerful, which is very suitable for drinking with meat.

"That is the winery of a friend of mine. I can introduce him to you. I am not responsible for the acquisition negotiations."

When Yang Cheng heard this, Jose was too stingy. He just said he was going to give it away. Now I let myself buy it. What kind of friend is nothing more than an In Yang Cheng’s view, it must be. That winery is more valuable, and it hurts him to give it away, while the Peruvian winery that I was going to send before is worthless, and it doesn’t hurt to give it away. You can change your personal feelings, or maybe you can get a big discount.

However, what Yang Cheng is curious about is why Jose uses his own assets to fight for preferential treatment for the country. Don’t talk about patriotism. Yang Cheng doesn’t believe it. It must be profitable. Otherwise, with Jose’s shrewdness, he will do it. This kind of thankless thing?

As for negotiating with Jose’s so-called ‘friend’, Yang Cheng didn’t even think about it. They would either give it away for free or don’t give it away. What's the matter if he pays for it? He might as well send someone to investigate.

So he said in a perfunctory way, "Oh, I'll say it if I have a chance~"

Of course Jose is a good individual. He can be as stupid as a country's parliamentarian.

Immediately aware of the indifference and alienation in Yang Orange’s words, Jose smiled bitterly, “Mr. Yang may have misunderstood. I can’t afford a Chilean winery, for millions of dollars. I can’t even sell it, let alone. I gave you one."

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