Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1850: Bai Na

"Mr. Yang may have misunderstood. I can't afford a Chilean winery, for millions of dollars. I can't even buy it if I sell it, let alone give you one."

Yang Cheng still didn't believe this, but smiled faintly, "I know, it's okay, I just asked for it temporarily, don't take it seriously~"

Jose gritted his teeth. He didn't want this order to be ruined in his own hands, so he would resign and leave without using his enemy to attack.

"Mr. Yang, let's go. You can visit the winery in person. If you meet someone you like, I will let you negotiate the acquisition. As long as the arms arrive in Peru safely, I believe that Jun will be very willing to give you a small gift as a thank you. ."

Yang Cheng said in his heart, this is a bit sincere, but if he does this, he doesn't seem like a good person. There is no reason to force people to give gifts.

But he asked in a joking tone, "Will Dry Dew Winery?"

When Jose heard this, his face turned pale in fright, "Mr. Yang is really joking, I can't buy Dry Lu Winery~"

As the most shining star in Chilean wine industry and one of the oldest wineries, dry dew is definitely not something that Jose can look forward to.

There are also introductions about dry dew in the previous article, but there are really not many Chilean wineries that can make Yangcheng value, and dry dew is the most.

Yang Cheng said again, "Cuccino Winery is also OK~"

The history of Cuccino winery may be longer than that of dry dew. It is located in the Maipo Valley, a famous wine-producing region in Chile. It was founded in 1856 and is the only winery in the region that is still controlled by the original family after more than a century.

The name of the Cuccino winery means "the Cuccino winery built in the village of Marko". The logo of the Cuccino winery is actually a combination of the letters of the family name.

The village of Macu was originally the territory that the King of Spain gave to the "conqueror" Juan Geoffrey in 1564, after which barley and grapes were grown here.

Later, Cuccino bought the village to grow grapes.

Mr. Cuccino is a visionary and pioneering entrepreneur. Since Chile's independence in the early 19th century, he has operated silver mines, copper mines, coal mines and railways.

It is a pity that he unfortunately passed away before the renovation of the Cuccino Manor was completed, leaving his only son Luis Cuccino to continue his unfinished business.

In order to carry forward the family's wine business, Louis Cuccino went to Europe to purchase native French vines, just before the outbreak of phylloxera, he bought Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot vines from Pauillac and Margaux. Purchased Sauvignon Blanc vines from Matillac, as well as Burgundy Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.

More unfortunately, Luis Cuccino also died young at the age of 38, but his family descendants inherited the will of the family's ancestors, and now the sixth generation of his family, Cuccino, is in charge of the Cuccino winery. The Nou family still leads the Chilean wine industry.

It is worth mentioning that some people commented on the Cuccino winery: "Chile's first grapevine" was planted.

Therefore, unless such a winery collapses on its own, it will be difficult for outsiders to intervene. It is precisely because of this that Jose feels that Yang Cheng is deliberately making a joke on himself. It is simply an impossible task. Money, money can't buy it!

To put it simply, the wineries that rank among the top in Chile are basically in the hands of the descendants of their founder family, and even if they are not personally managed, they are also in charge of the management team they control.

Go straight to talk about the acquisition, and I guess only one sentence: Thank you~ I'm sorry, we don't sell!

But compared to wineries, arms orders worth hundreds of millions of dollars are undoubtedly more important. Jose said after thinking about it, biting his posterior molar, "If Mr. Yang is only interested in boutique wineries, then I suggest you consider it. Bai Zilian Winery, this winery may be the only winery that may change hands among the top ten wineries in Chile."

Yang Cheng became interested, "Baizilian Winery? I have heard of it, can you tell me why they change hands more easily?"

Baizilian Winery also ranks among the top ten in Chile. It is located in Chile's Maipo Valley. As a boutique winery in Chile, it has always strived to produce the best wines to fully demonstrate the terroir of Chile's Maipo Valley.

The founder of the winery, formerly the chief Champagne de Margaux, and the former owner of Chateau Estunaire co-founded.

The winery has about 43 acres of parkland. This parkland is located at the foot of the Andes Mountains, near San Diego, in the heart of Maipo Valley. It mainly grows typical Bordeaux grape varieties, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Camry and Medoc and other legal producing areas. Grape varieties.

The vineyard’s terroir conditions are very unique and the soil is poor, which is conducive to the growth of wine grapes. It has good drainage and promotes the roots of the vines to grow deeper into the soil. At the same time, the microclimate conditions are also very favorable, with strong sunshine, warm during the day, cool at night, and mature. There is no rainfall during the harvest period, so it is very conducive to the growth and picking of grapes.

If what Jose said is true, then Bai Zilian Winery is indeed the most suitable one to acquire.

"The founder of Baizilian has retired for many years, and now the management team they hired is responsible for the operation of the winery, and their descendants are not very interested in continuing to operate the winery, so I think it is feasible to persuade them to sell a good price at this time. Sex is relatively high."

Jose’s reason sounded pretty good, and Yang Cheng thought briefly for a while and said, "Yes, I am very interested in Baizilian Winery."

Jose forced a smile, "I'll let people talk~"

Yang Cheng glanced at Sanchez, then hesitated and asked, "Mr. Jose is really going to pay me a gift out of his own pocket?"

Jose didn't sell it either. "It was originally but the Baizilian Winery is too expensive. I can't afford this price myself. I am afraid I need to squeeze some of the funds."

Yang Cheng gave a cry, and couldn't tell whether he believed it or not.

In fact, his real idea is that if you come to South America and make a fortune from selling arms, you will be worth a fine winery. Where can you find such a good business?

There is nothing to be embarrassed about. With Yang Cheng's thick skin, he takes it for granted that this is the reward he deserves. After all, he has helped the Peruvians a lot. Without his ‘disclosure’, how would the Peruvians deal with Chile’s F15C?

He completely forgot how the Chilean F15C came from.

After talking about the ‘friendly’ cooperation, Jose hurriedly left. Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to invite him to a meal. After all, he took advantage of it. It didn’t mean that it was not good.

Who knows that people just left? I think about it again. It will cost a lot of money to change to be yourself, and it is probably too painful to eat.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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