Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1852: Mysterious Maya (2)

(Seeking monthly pass~)

“If it’s just a similar shape, I’m afraid it won’t prove anything. Although the pattern on the slate is deformed, the spacecraft’s air intake, exhaust pipe, joystick, pedals, rudder, antenna, hose and The various instruments are still clearly visible.

When the picture of this picture was sent to the American Space Center, the astronauts experts were all amazed and agreed that it was an ancient spacecraft.

Think about it carefully, this relief looks very similar to the moon landing craft that landed on the moon. If this picture was really painted by the Mayans using some kind of machine they had seen or even built by themselves, would it be okay? It is inferred that they already have the ability to engage in space exploration, and perhaps those sophisticated calendars are exactly what the Maya who travel in space need.

Therefore, some scholars have put forward a bold view: They believe that in remote ancient times, there may have been a group of highly civilized alien intelligent life in the tropical jungles of America. They stepped out of the spacecraft and taught them to those who were still in primitive times. Various advanced knowledge of the Maya, and then drifted away.

They were considered gods by the Maya, and the incomprehensible and profound knowledge of Maya culture was taught by aliens.

The carvings on Palenque's slabs are also a copy of the Maya's alien astronauts.

When the aliens left, they promised the Maya to return to the earth, but in the days when the Maya pursued the priests to predict the return of the gods, these aliens did not return.

As a result, the Maya lost their faith in their religion and priestly rule, which caused the psychological collapse of the entire nation, and finally caused people to leave their hometowns one by one.

But I think this statement is not reliable. The biggest question is why the aliens only taught them about mathematics and astronomy, but did not teach them more pragmatic survival skills? "

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but put forward his own opinion, “Actually, the feathered snake **** worshipped by the Mayans is a bit like aliens. Can it be understood that the ancestors of the Mayans have seen aliens, but At that time, the painting skills were not very good. It was passed down from generation to generation, and there were images of the Quetzalcoatl that the Mayans later worshipped. In fact, it was already a pattern after several abstractions, not the most primitive Quetzalcoatl pattern?"

"I can't give you an accurate answer, but science is about making bold assumptions and carefully verifying, so any of your conjectures are possible before there is a definite conclusion." Dick Gill said seriously.

Yang Cheng nodded, and continued to look down along the slate picture. It was a picture of a tropical rain forest. Dick Gill pointed to it, "This is an ancient Mayan tunnel. Someone discovered this tunnel in South America in the 1970s. It is estimated that it has a history of at least 50,000 years, but in fact it is more ancient. The tunnel is 250 meters deep from the ground, and it is hundreds of miles long in Peru and Ecuador alone.

The secret entrance of the tunnel is guarded by an Indian tribe who is confirmed to be of Maya descent. According to them, this tunnel is the place where the gods live. They abide by the ancestral precepts and keep it here for generations. "

Yang Cheng saw the photo of the Indian tribes guarding the Mayan civilization in the dense forest again, and couldn't help asking, "Professor, you settled in Peru for the convenience of studying tunnels?"

Dick Gill nodded, "That's my next research project. Now I should study the text clearly before speaking. Otherwise, if I enter the tunnel and see the Mayan text, it will be lost if I don't understand it?"

Yang Cheng gave a thumbs up, "I admire~"

"However, as far as the parts have been surveyed, archaeologists have indeed found many ancient artifacts in the ancient tunnel. These objects are placed in many caves in the tunnel.

What is even more exciting is some metal blades with symbols and hieroglyphs, and stone tools and metal products of different shapes and colors. Unfortunately, no one has been able to decipher these words until now. This is the meaning of my study of Mayan writing. "

Yang Cheng continued to see the photos of the inside of the tunnel. From the photos, the cave wall of the tunnel was smooth and smooth, and it seemed to be polished at right angles to the ground. The top of the cave was flat, like a layer of glaze, not natural formation. It seems to be the result of some kind of mechanical cutting.

There is a huge space in the tunnel, just like an auditorium hall. Below the photo is a set of data: 164 meters long and 153 meters wide.

There are furniture like tables and chairs in the hall.

The strange thing is that the materials of these objects are very special. They do not look like steel, stone, plastic or wood, but they are as hard and bulky as steel and stone.

Yang Cheng asked, "What is this made of?"

Dick Gill shook his head, "A material that hasn't been found on the earth so far. It is estimated that the Mayans at the time did not know what it was."

As for the metal leaves in the hall, there are also photos. Most of the leaves are about 100 cm long, 50 cm wide, and about 2 cm thick. They are arranged one by one, like a book bound into a book.

There are many symbols and hieroglyphs written on the metal sheets, which are similar to the printed books. The symbols should be the result of regular printing on the machine. A total of more than 3,000 similar blades have been found.

There are many patterns made of gold in the tunnel, two of which are carved pyramids.

Each pyramid is engraved with a row of symbols, and there is a pillar carved with gold. The pillar is 52 cm long, 14 cm wide, and 3.8 cm thick. There are 56 squares engraved on the pillar, and each square has Weird symbol.

After seeing these strange things, Yang Cheng only felt that the Mayans were even more mysterious. Anyway, with his brain circuits, he could never imagine the use of these things or the meaning of existence.

The key is why the Maya built such a huge project? Just to store the things you just saw?

If just building a cellar like this is why bother to build a super tunnel that runs through the various countries of South America today? Brain bubble?

The most unbelievable thing is that at dawn, the underground tunnel will make a drum-like sound, which shakes the distance;

An ancient underground tunnel was also found in Azerbaijan, the former Soviet Union. In the tunnel there were halls more than 20 meters high and narrow arched doors. It is said that strange sounds and lights were emitted from the cave from time to time.

Therefore, experts with a wide-open mind inferred that there might be a global underground tunnel that crosses the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and connects Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. These ancient tunnels are probably the masterpieces of ancient Mayans.

This speculation is too nonsense. Even if the alien's hometown is moved over, there may not be such a technique.

But still that sentence, guessing can be unconstrained, whether it can be verified is another matter!

Anyway, Yang Cheng thinks this conjecture is not reliable!

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