Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1853: Mysterious Maya (3)

However, it is hard to believe the conjecture about the tunnel, but in fact, some proofs of existence have shaken Yang Cheng's thinking subtly.

For example, on the Yucatan Peninsula, there are nine towering pyramids, which can be said to be twin sisters compared with the earliest pyramids in Egypt. Similar buildings have also been found in Britain and France.

The accuracy of the various data of the pyramid is amazing-the four faces of the tower are equilateral triangles, which are exactly the four directions of the south, east, north and west; the ratio of the base to the height of the tower is exactly the ratio of the circumference to the radius; The height of is one 270,000th of the circumference of the earth's equator, which is also one trillionth of the distance from the earth to the sun.

Is this a coincidence? Anyone with a little thought knows that this cannot be a coincidence. One coincidence is possible, but if several coincidences are combined, are the Mayans an illegitimate child of God?

But not only that, the astronomical position of the Maya pyramids is calculated more accurately: the light from Sirius passes through the air channel on the south wall and directly hits the head of the pharaoh resting in the hall above; the light from the Polaris passes through the air channel on the north wall , Shot straight into the hall below.

Such technology can be possessed by a group of human beings in the era of slash-and-burn cultivation.

According to popular belief, the pyramids are the place where the ancient national pharaohs settled after their death, just like the imperial tombs of the Z country, and mummies were indeed found in many pyramids.

But the Maya killed people who were unwilling to go out of the rainforest. What's more, they didn't have the current communication capabilities in those days. Across the vast Atlantic Ocean, would the ancient peoples on both sides of the strait coincide to build huge pyramids?

But the contradiction is precisely here. If this is the case, why is the pyramid and the shrine on the top of the tower so disproportionate? The construction level of the entire pyramid is so high, but the shrine is rough, as if it was added later, using large In the vernacular, it is not original.

Moreover, it was probably more than 100 years ago that someone unearthed something from the pyramid. Some of it has been recognized by people today. It turned out to be some delicate lenses, batteries, transformers, airplane models, fragments of solar system models, stainless steel and other unknowns. What alloys are made of machinery and tools.

In a nation where fire is useless to understand, but electricity is used, this is incredible. Is it possible that the former Mayans have developed into modern society?

Then someone put forward a bold conjecture that the pyramid may have been a material supply storehouse for Mayan ancestors, but because of the peculiar shape of the space inside the pyramid, the mummy of the corpse placed in a specific area of ​​the pyramid would never decay. This is a worship It is understandable for the gods and the people who desire immortality.

But unlike the pyramids in Egypt, the pyramids on the Yucatan Peninsula are more like an altar, so it seems that its function is not just a tomb of a king or leader.

If the Maya’s technique of building pyramids is puzzling and they think it’s impossible to have such a high level of technology, then how does the crystal skull explain?

In 1927, in the Mayan ruins in Belize, Central America, the skull made of crystal shocked the world as soon as it was discovered. This crystal skull was completely processed and ground from quartz stone, almost the same size as a human skull. . It is 12.7 cm high and weighs 5.2 kg, and it is carved from the skull of a woman.

The crystal skulls carved by the Mayans based on human skulls show mature anatomy and optical technology.

And it is made by using a certain collision technology that is not yet mastered by the scientific community. From the photos, it appears that the skull not only has a very realistic appearance, but also the internal structure is completely consistent with the human skull bone structure.

The level of craftsmanship is extremely high. The combination of the diamond mirror hidden in the base and the lens polished by hand in the eye socket can emit dazzling light.

Some people say that this skull may have been made by modern people and put it in. However, modern optical technology was produced in the 17th century, and humans' accurate understanding of their skeletal structure was after the rise of anatomy in the 18th century.

With the level of detail of this crystal skull, the most important thing is the exquisiteness of the production. I am afraid that it would be difficult for anyone to do it in the 100 years before the discovery.

Then again, if modern people really did it, why not just take it out and publish it to the world? Even if you don't want to make vulgar money, it is a good thing to use in the medical field. Why should it be placed in the Mayan ruins?

Therefore, after excluding this possibility, there is only one question left. How did the Maya master these advanced knowledge of anatomy and optics?

Also, crystal is quartz crystal. Its Mohs hardness is very high, second only to diamond and corundum. You can't cut it with tools made of copper, iron or stone, let alone do such fine processing, unless you use diamonds. With this kind of modern cutting tool, it is difficult to imagine that a person possesses several technologies at the same time, or is a team, but if there are many modern people involved in this work, how can it be possible to keep secrets without being unearthed?

Even if we put it later, today in the 21st century, the craftsmanship used by the crystal skull is still not fully mastered by the scientific community. According to expert speculation, if there is no genius, according to the current progress, we want to master the Mayans. The technology, at least fifty or even hundreds of years before it can.

Facing the splendid ancient civilization of the Mayan ruins, I am afraid that everyone has to ask: how did all this come about?

If we only look at the historical materials, before the birth of these splendid civilizations, the Maya still lived in tree dens and lived on fishing and hunting, and their living standards were almost primitive.

The most important thing is that there is no evidence that there is gradual progress in civilization in the jungles of Central America.

What does that mean?

For example, the development of modern mankind has undergone countless historical changes and there are traces to follow. This is normal development. Even if countless inventions called geniuses have occurred during the period, they have not deviated from the development track. The process to high.

But the civilization of the Maya looks like a super nouveau riche. From nothing to tens of billions of wealth, it may be overnight.

When a person possesses wealth or status that is inconsistent with his talents and abilities, he is not far from ruining, and perhaps the Maya is also the case.

All Mayan civilizations are enveloped in a mystery, just like the Bermuda Triangle. Nature naturally obstructs the exploration of the outside world and shrouds it in a closed space. If you want to enter, you must be prepared to not come out.

In today’s scientific world, a professor at the level of Dick Gill devotes almost all of his energy to the study of the Maya or the ancient Incas. Apart from the sources of various mysterious things, everyone wants to understand one thing most-Maya What was the energy of people in the ninth century? Leading to the almost extinction of this mysterious race!

The origin theory of "Maya = outer spaceman" promoted by the two brothers of the United States, Eric and Gorek, convinced many people. They claimed that the important basis of the "Maya = outer spaceman" was based on Maya's "Zhu Jin calendar".

They believe that the Maya with such a high level of astronomy were not researched by themselves, but only the calendar used by the Maya to show their "hometown" and "extra-earth planets" to here.

If the "Zhujin Calendar" is the planetary calendar of the Maya's hometown, then we can also know what kind of planet this planet is. It should be located between Venus and the earth, and this planet is also very warm, so the classical period The reason why the Maya chose to live in the hot tropical rainforest on the earth can also prove this point.

According to their guess, "Outer Spaceman = Maya" came to Planet X from a planet that left his hometown for mining hundreds of thousands of years ago, but because of a major accident and explosion on Planet X, he took refuge on Earth. They first lived in the warm Antarctica, but later moved to the north due to the advent of the ice age, and finally arrived where the dense forests of China and America stretched out.

If it is as they guessed, there are a few doubts that can be verified or answered. For example, the planets in their hometown provide food for them, and there are space ships, so the Maya do not need to live in the fertile river basin.

Moreover, the Maya in the civilized era refused to contact the earthlings who were still in primitive society at that time. Therefore, although a city with a deep cultural level has been built, it still adopts a closed policy.

And in order to build the stone city cluster, they also used various crafts and techniques that were not available at that time, and used aboriginal people as their driving force.

In addition, most of the religious rituals regarded as "sacrifices to the gods" are actually human dissections and medical operations of the people on earth. The various scenes experienced by these victims are also left in the sculptures and murals.

The reason why they left the earth together in the ninth century was because the Indians of the Mexican plateau launched a war and wanted to take the Mayan civilization as their own. So the Mayans put all their equipment and utensils on the spacecraft and flew into outer space. .

There is also an important piece of evidence to support this statement is the "Popoluf" discovered by the Christian priest Francis Himenes in the early eighteenth century, which is also "Guatemala In the book "The Origins of State Indians", almost none of the Mayans themselves are recorded, but the myths of the Mayans themselves.

This Mayan Chronicle of Ancient Events was written in the Mayan language of the Chiji tribe. According to this book, humans and the world were created 3 times and destroyed 3 times.

In the fourth round, the world and mankind today were created.

In short, the idea that the Mayans are aliens still has a lot of fans in the scientific community. These scientists who usually like wild imaginations think that only aliens can explain all the incredible black technologies.

Of course, this is also the nature of human beings, all unknown things are attributed to aliens, poor aliens, so far I don't know how many big scapegoats have been taken on behalf of mankind.

And obviously, this is not the end.


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