Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1858: Another ancient city?

As a leader in the field of ancient civilization research in Central America, Dik Gil is naturally familiar to his colleagues.

When he appeared at the site of the archaeological excavation, several experts in the pothole immediately greeted with smiles.

"Dick, welcome home~" an expert with a stained face said with a mouthful of white teeth.

Dick looked into the pit. Pieces of rolling stones were embedded in the soil, while experts and assistants were carefully taking out the stones one by one.

He pointed to a ladder structure in the pit and asked, "Is this a sacrificial platform?"

"It should be~"

"Well~ you continue to research, I will go to the newly discovered ruins~"

"Then continue to go north for a few kilometers, the road is still blocked, you guys be careful~"

In tropical rainforests, in addition to facing the sultry climate, we must also guard against the venomous snakes that come out from time to time. This is the biggest threat in tropical rainforests. On the contrary, large beasts that can be caught by sight should be safer. Of course, The difference is not big, it's just that one dies fast and the other dies slowly.

To be honest, hiking in the tropical rain forest is not as comfortable as in the desert. One is dry and hot, and the other is humid. The former sweats crazily, while the latter sweats can’t get out, just like being in a giant steamer. Among them, it was so stuffy that it was difficult for people to breathe.

"Boss, are you okay?" Hansen looked back and cared.

Yang Cheng felt that one lung was not enough, took a few breaths, and shook his head, "It's okay, it's almost there, right?"

Hansen glanced forward, "It is estimated that there are still two-thirds~"

Yang Cheng felt her legs soft, and smiled bitterly, "We only walked one third?"

Hansen supported Yang Cheng, "It’s coming. Actually, you are in good physical condition. It’s just that you are not used to going deep into the rainforest for the first time. When we were training in the Amazon rainforest, there were a lot of strong soldiers who were not used to but adapted. Just adapt."

Yang Cheng nodded helplessly, "I see, let's go, I'm fine~"

He saw that the old man Dick Gill was walking fast, thinking how he couldn't be compared with one another.

"Drink some water before leaving~" Hansen directly opened the lid of the kettle and handed it over. After Dick Gill and the others walked a few steps away, he whispered, "I think this place is a bit weird~"

Yang Cheng didn't think much about it, it was mainly because his mind was hot.

"Why is it weird?"

Hansen turned 360 degrees on the spot, shook his head, "I can't tell, maybe I think too much~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Hot brain is dizzy, normal, so am I, let's go~"

Keep up with the large forces and continue to march towards the depths of the rainforest. Before setting off, Yang Cheng deliberately changed her outdoor outfit and wore expensive quick-drying clothes. But even so, in this rainforest, the clothes can never be dry and wet. Sticking to the skin, it is terribly uncomfortable.

But you can't take your clothes off, otherwise the invisible poisonous mosquitoes will teach you how to be a human being.

The guide walked in the forefront to lead the way, and behind him was an extremely excited Dick Gill. This person walked like a stimulant, and he walked up and down, as if the rain forest he was in was different from the rain forest Yang Cheng was in. of.

Finally, when Yang Cheng's consciousness began to blur, the guide turned his head and announced, "Everyone, hold on, you will be there soon, up to tens of meters~"

When Yang Cheng heard it, she regained her spirit, drooled fiercely, wiped the sweat off her face, and insisted on walking the last tens of meters, passing through the woods. This is a huge deep pit. There are a large number of low houses scattered in groups.

The other part is exposed, it should be a small pyramid.

However, the houses and pyramids should not be on the same plane. They are buried in depth and depth, which is similar to the Mayan ruins seen in Tikal.

The leading guide saw the small half of the pyramid, instinctively bowed down and said something in his mouth. The ghost knew what it was talking about, nothing more than the respect of the ancestor.

If this is the ruins of a small Mayan city-state similar to Tikal, then it is conceivable that the buried houses should be houses in a community, and each group of houses in the community is about 100 meters apart. , And each community can be considered as the residential area of ​​several related families.

This distance is always maintained between the residences, presumably to maintain privacy and leave space for the courtyard garden in front of the door.

However, houses with this kind of spacing, if not surprisingly, should be the noble residences in the city-state at that time.

It is characterized by a small pyramid built on a formal square, and so far, the buildings considered to be noble houses are not like a particularly large-scale housing platform, but a relatively low long base.

In some locations, the pyramids and long buildings include the stone wall structure of the vault, indicating the use of professional masons.

Usually this kind of aristocratic residential area is located in the large residential area of ​​the main site, so maybe there is a city-state site similar to Tikal underneath the ground.

And that pyramid should belong to this small residential area of ​​nobles alone, these nobles have their own separate places of worship, similar to a private ancestral hall.

Usually near the pyramids, there is a main square, which requires archaeologists to dig a little bit.

So far, two large cities built by the Maya have been discovered. One is Stone City in Mexico, the largest abandoned city in the Mayan civilization, consisting of temples and courtyards.

It also contains a huge "Human Sacrifice Stadium" located at one end of the city.

"Human Sacrifice Ball Game" is a very special game in which two teams need to try to kick the ball through the hoops at both ends of the field. After that, the captain of the winning team will beheaded as a sacrifice to the gods.

Although this city has been destroyed by time and looters in its history, there are still many beautiful stone statues remaining.

Then there is Tikal. The city was discovered more than 300 years ago, but was not excavated and opened to the public until decades ago.

Tikal is built on the hills surrounded by swamps, composed of nine groups of buildings and a large square, connected by bridges and causeways, covering an area of ​​about 2.6 square kilometers.

If there is another large city under the deep pit in front of you, it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the exploration of the mysterious Mayan civilization for mankind. It is for this reason that Dick Gill is so excited.

Yang Cheng stood by the pit, knelt down and looked at the stone house under the pit thoughtfully, and couldn't help but remember what Hansen had said before.

Beckoned to him, and asked softly, "Hansen, why did you say it was weird here?"

Hansen froze, and answered truthfully, "I just think the growth of that tree is different from other places."

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