Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1859: sorry

(I'm very sorry, but something happened at home yesterday and I didn't update it, and I didn't have time to ask for leave. It's too sorry (>人<;))

"I just think that the growth of that tree is different from other places."

"The situation is different?" Yang Orange thought about it carefully, but didn't feel any difference.

"That's the tree, generally shorter than other areas~" Hansen explained further.

Yang Cheng did not respond slowly, "You mean, which piece of tree vegetation was planted later?"

Hansen hesitated, "I'm not sure, but it is indeed possible~"

Yang Cheng didn't hesitate, and shouted to Dick Gill, "Dick, come here for a minute, there is a discovery here~"

Dick Gill came over inexplicably. After Yang Cheng told the other party about Hansen’s discovery, Dick said, "Man, I can’t be sure, but archaeology is meant to explore all possibilities. When I return, I will bring you instruments to check. check."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Remember that once you find something, don't make it public."

Dick Gill understood what Yang Cheng meant, and this was also one of the conditions for Yang Cheng to fund their archaeology. He had no right to object.

Went around the site, because it has not been fully excavated. The places visible to the naked eye are basically trees, but Yang Cheng knew that the exposed small half of the pyramid was only the tip of the iceberg, and what was hidden below was the Maya. city ​​of.

The process of archeology is boring and tedious. Think about it. Even a stone has to be brushed for a long time with a small brush. People without patience and determination can't do this work.

. . . . . .

Returning to New York with two large orders, Yang Cheng met Demien for the first time. This woman had chosen the right team because she had chosen the right team. She heard that she was going to be promoted recently. As a'close' partner, Yang Cheng would of course give gifts. .

"How about? An order for 6 F15Cs will help you clean up your inventory. This gift is good for celebrating your promotion, right?"

In a business club, Yang Cheng tilted Erlang's legs and tasted selected red wine from Baizilian Winery.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip to South America~" Demien said with a smile.

"It's a lot, a small profit, but doesn't I make money equal to you make money?"

"I'm not as good as yours. If you move your lips, the money will fly into your pocket~"

Yang Orange asked absurdly, "You only saw the results, but you didn't see the process. Do you think airplanes and tanks are so good to sell? If you have the ability to sell them yourself, believe me, I can do your job well, but you absolutely I can’t do my job well~"

Demien did not argue about this issue. "Well, let's not talk about it. Six F15Cs are okay. I can get them. But the question is how do you respond to Congress's questions?"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "What? Congress? Isn't that the relationship you should get through?"

"It was possible to get through, but you robbed someone else’s cake. My words are not good. I’m sorry to inform you. In the next period of time, you will face difficulties from all aspects. I hope you can be prepared. ."

Yang Cheng's face instantly changed color, "What do you mean? Cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

"No, no, I'm just a reminder, lest you get caught off guard against all kinds of difficulties."

"Whose cake did I move?"

"You went to Chile. You should have heard that they are going to exchange shares in state-owned copper mines for arms, right?"

"Of course~"

"Originally, the country was determined to get this share, but because of your involvement, the plan was stranded. Although six F15Cs were sold, the value of the copper mine shares is greater."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. This was really a disaster. No wonder he felt that something was wrong. This trip to South America was a bit smooth. It turned out that he did not take advantage of the Chileans, but the Chileans were cunning enough to take advantage of themselves.

"There should always be someone? Who is most interested in copper mines? Don't tell me about the country."

Demien hesitated, "Freeport Company~"

"Freeport? McMorland? Didn't they just develop the Green Mountain Mine in Peru? Now they are looking at Chile again?"

"I heard that their copper mine production in Indonesia has fallen, and a replacement must be found."

Yang Orange said suspiciously, "You don't think that Freeport is the one who can bring you profits?"

For them, whoever can bring them higher benefits is the best partner. This person can be Yang Cheng or anyone. Don't talk about love, that stuff is worthless.

The reason why Yang Cheng asks this question is strange. Can Freeport provide something more valuable than him? Otherwise he can't think of a reason not to stand on his own.

Demien spread his hands, "I am also very helpless, who will let the Ministry of State Fang control control? And the current head of the State Department is Marshall~"

Yang Cheng understands, "The one on top of Freeport?"

But he didn't understand, "Why should Freeport fund a jun Fang boss?"

Demien shook his head, "You have to ask Marshall this question~"

Well, this question is not important. The important thing is that if Marshall locks the order in the future, the cash cow that Yang Cheng has finally dug will be gone.

"Did he ask me to explain?" Yang Cheng asked.

"Not yet, it's probably coming soon~"

Yang Cheng looked at Demien's expression, how did she feel that she was gloating.

"Well, can you tell me what to do then?"

"Sorry, I can't teach you, maybe he will talk to you in person~"

Yang Cheng raised her brows, "He doesn't want to eat at both ends, right?"

"That's not good, anyway, I remind you, to prepare in advance is to hope you can pass the customs safely, otherwise your cooperation with me will end here~"

Yang Cheng sneered, "Haha~ Don't be so absolute, don't forget the notebook~"

Demien certainly won’t forget this. Gavin’s notebook is a big deal for Demien, and Yang Cheng is a life-saving talisman as long as he holds it in his hand. Both of them know that no one will give in first, so keep the status quo. Is the best choice.

Originally, Demien didn't mention it, just trying to ignore it, at least to keep the water calm.

Who would have thought that Yang Cheng would take the initiative to mention it, which is too much.

Demien's face is You should be aware that that notebook is just kept by me, not for you to threaten me. "

Yang Cheng shrugged indifferently, "No, no, it's definitely not a threat, just to remind you that the notebook is still in my place and it's well preserved."

He couldn't believe even a punctuation mark in his words. This was Demien's profound experience after dealing with Yang Cheng for a long time.

"What are you doing?"

"I should ask you this, or Marshall. Of course, as a friend, I have to remind you that our cooperation was very pleasant before, and I have nothing to give you. Do you want to watch yourself? Damage to the interests of?"

Demien sighed, "What can I do? I can only execute Marshall's orders."

Yang Cheng snorted, "Believe me, since he has chosen to accept funding from Freeport, it means that he, I, and you are essentially the same kind of people."

"and then?"

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