Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1861: Dragon Boat Festival


With Yang Cheng’s ‘order’, the scene was indeed very serious, but it only lasted less than 2 seconds before it blew up again~

"Xiao Yang, I heard that your company is going to go public? Oh, I must tell Aunt Cai that I must buy 10,000 hands to support it~"

"Xiao Yang~ Don’t listen to her nonsense. Once your company goes public, it’s still ugly and can’t sell its stocks? I heard that your company’s market value is rushing to hundreds of billions. Look, I said you’re better than your dad. Promising~"

"Little Yang..."

"Little Yang~"

I don't know how many people have flooded into the house, anyway, there are dozens of small numbers, and the scum scum on the same place keeps talking, even the monk is going crazy.

Yang Cheng said in an almost imploring tone, "Uncles and aunts, everyone is a compatriot. Is there anything wrong to say one by one? Why torture me?"

"Yes, shut up and say something one by one~"

Finally, a supporter came forward to respond, and Yang Cheng was so moved that she almost cried.

"Thank you, uncle and aunts. Let's sit down and talk slowly. I don't know what happened. I was flattered by everyone's enthusiasm."

Most of those who come today are first-generation immigrants, and a few second-generation immigrants are very familiar with Chinese because of family rules.

"Xiao Yang is right, all sit down~" an aunt greeted.

After sitting down, she preemptively said, "Xiao Yang, it's such a thing. My mother and I have a good year-end relationship. We have known each other for almost 20 years. At that time, our family had just moved to New York and was unfamiliar with your mother. Reaching out a helping hand, the relationship between our two families is very deep."

An aunt who looked a little younger next to her said uncomfortable, "This is like someone who has a bad relationship with the Yang family."

Yang Cheng opened his mouth to make a round, for fear that the two aunts would tear it up at their home, and their reputation would be stinky after the spread.

"Two aunts, if you have something to say, I know that if you can come today, you must have a very good friendship with our Yang family."

"Xiao Yang still speaks. That's it. I have a daughter who just graduated from college last year and studied art at New York University. She was trained as a lady since she was young. She looks pretty, and she doesn't have to choose her body or manners.

That’s what I think. The relationship between our two families cannot be broken in our generation. Look for opportunities for you two young people to get together. It is best to continue the relationship. . . "

Yes~ If it's just to maintain the relationship, as for the appearance and figure? The purpose is self-evident, in fact, the aunt didn't want to hide it.

As a result, Yang Cheng hadn’t waited for her to speak. She interrupted the young aunt and said disdainfully, “Keep it down. My daughter and your daughter are in the same school. My daughter is a luxury goods management major. I heard your daughter’s bad reputation across majors. It’s spread throughout our community that your daughter had a rich second generation of whites as soon as she went to college, and it didn’t take long for her to have **** with blacks. This private life is too unruly."

The aunt who talks first is not happy, too, anyone who corrupts her daughter face to face will not be happy, "What are you talking about? Your daughter is insecure in her private life. I have heard that, your daughter likes a poor boy. If you want to live or die, you have to marry someone. If you disagree, you elope. I heard that you are pregnant with wild species?"

"Who are you talking about? Who is pregnant with wild species, keep your mouth clean~"

"Speaking of your daughter, why? Do you dare not recognize it?"

"My mother fights with you~"

"Who is afraid of whom~"

. . .

Seeing that it was not good, Yang Cheng quickly stepped forward and stopped between the two aunts. Fortunately, the two did not lose their minds, otherwise Yang Cheng would have to break the relationship today.

Adding one piece in two lifetimes, the first time he encountered this scene, his ignorance was already a manifestation of his psychological quality.

However, while stopping the two aunts, I wondered in my heart, should the black material that these two aunts explode with each other be true?

But it was too late to think about it. Together with the ‘good guy’ who helped talk to, separate the two aunts, "The two aunts calm down and give me face~"

"I'm never finished with you~"

"Huh~ it's endless, it's endless, frighten anyone~"

In this way, the two people still talk ruthlessly with each other. They have never seen such a noisy aunt. It is said that these two people have not evolved well at first glance. You must know that the domestic aunts have all practiced the same skills, such as domineering square dancing. Aunt, you can't beat you, you can't scold you, and if you go to the ground with excessive words, your salary for the next 5 years will have to be included.

Fortunately, these two aunts did not learn the skills of ‘advanced’, otherwise the wealth that Yang Cheng has accumulated over the past two years is really not enough.

"I appreciate the kindness of the two aunts, but I have a fiancée, and our relationship is very good, so I won't be as high as your daughters."

Yang Cheng personally confessed the existence of his fiancee, so that half of the people present took it back, but the other half thought nonchalantly, isn't this not married yet? Everything is possible.

What should I do when I am entangled, is to persuade everyone to leave? Or go crazy?

Forget it, it's not very good to be mad, and it's easy to be scolded by others, alas. . . too difficult!

At this time, Yang Sen, who had never been seen before, brought a couple down from the second floor. After seeing Yang Cheng, he beckoned, "Oh, just in time you are back. Let me introduce you. This is your uncle and aunt Jiang. ."

They were so affectionate, but Yang Cheng felt that these two were familiar, but they couldn't remember who they were.

But Dad had introduced it like this, and he could only pretend to be knowledgeable and ask hello.

Yang Sen said to everyone, "I'll say you guys, let's stop here today, another day, I will set a few tables next day and everyone will join in the fun. There is still something at home today, so I won't leave you any more."

Yang Cheng’s words are not good, but Yang Sen’s words as the head of the Yang family are like saying nothing. Who dares to pretend not to hear?

Hearing what he said, everybody made excuses to leave.

Yang Cheng looked at her dad bitterly: Why did you go?

Ignoring the expression in his son's eyes, Yang Sen coughed, "Finally left, let the two laugh~"

The white-haired Uncle Cheng smiled, "Lao Yang, are you still polite to me?"

"Ouch, brother, don't you say that~"

Yang Cheng was confused. Who are these two? He really felt familiar and deja vu, but he really couldn't think of their details.

But now that the outsiders are gone, Yang Cheng has no control, showing a confused expression. It happened to be caught in the eyes of Uncle Cheng. He couldn't help but joked, "I just introduced it for not enough detail. Now I will officially introduce it. I am from Panda Fast Food. The founder Cheng Zhengchang, this is my wife Jiang Peiqi."

Khan~ It turned out to be these two, Yang Cheng couldn't help but smile, "Look at my brain, I didn't recognize it. I really don't know Taishan~"

Cheng Zhengchang waved his hand with a smile, "You are welcome, it's all from his own family~"

Yang Cheng no longer had any surprises about his father's contacts. It would be strange if anyone didn't know him.

Speaking of Yang Cheng's uncle, he took advantage of it. After all, Cheng Zhengchang was a dozen years older than his father. In terms of seniority, he should be called uncle at least, but this term is rarely used abroad.

In addition, Cheng Zhengchang moved to RB with his father in the early years, and then immigrated to the United States. Using this purely Chinese name may be considered rude.

But no matter what, Cheng Zhengchang is worthy of the admiration of younger generations. Since the birth of the first panda restaurant 30 years ago, it has developed into a huge restaurant chain network with 2,000 restaurants, and it continues to expand at a rate of 150 new stores every year. in.

So far, "Panda" restaurants are concentrated in several states on the west coast of the United States. Only in the United States, there is still a lot of room for development, not to mention the huge North American continent.

Of course, the most important thing is that Panda is similar to the Yang Family’s Yuanshan Capital to some extent. They have not yet been listed and belong to a family business, and both are the kind that rely on their own funds to develop from scratch. Now, there is no shortage of cash flow at the top 13 companies.

Today, the panda's annual turnover is as high as 3 billion US dollars, and the net worth of the married couple is almost this number. If it is listed, it will not be a problem to double or triple it.

What is the concept of 2000 restaurants? Saying such a number alone may not have much idea.

But M Ji has always been there, right? Anyone who has been to M Kee knows that there is a small box in front of their counter cash register to collect change donations from customers as charitable donations.

Last year, the coins collected by the panda fast food restaurant in this little donation box reached 20 million US dollars!

In other words, a restaurant can charge $10,000 a year for change. It is true that people sit at home and the money comes from the sky.

But it’s one thing to make money, but another to taste.

Anyway, in Yang Cheng’s mind, the food at Panda Restaurant will never be eaten a second time. Of course, compared to M and K, the hygiene management of Panda Restaurant is better. Today everyone pays attention to food safety. In the competitive environment, it is commendable that Panda’s employees can keep the restaurant clean and hygienic at such a high level. It completely breaks the prejudice of Lao Mei against Chinese restaurants, showing the couple’s management ability.

You know that Panda Restaurant is a large company with 30,000 employees. To achieve this level of management, it takes a lot of work.

In fact, in the earliest days, Cheng Zhengchang opened a Chinese restaurant called Jufengyuan in Pasadena, Los Panda Restaurant only developed on its basis.

There are many Chinese who open restaurants in the United States. Chinatowns are everywhere. Chinatowns are saturated and spread to black communities. Delicious, low-priced Chinese food is definitely the favorite of residents in low- and middle-end communities.

However, there is only Panda Fast Food that makes the world's largest Chinese fast food.

It's not that there are no latecomers who want to catch up and surpass, but the problem is that they failed to catch up with the panda. The reason lies in the positioning.

The positioning of Panda Fast Food is simple and not complicated at all. It is a Chinese fast food for foreigners. To put it bluntly, it is very thorough in localization. From the taste of the dishes, every detail of the operation is based on the preferences of the locals. .

Of course, during the period of catering to the locals, Panda Fast Food has experienced countless doubts. It can be said that it has achieved great success in the voice of doubt.

What are you questioning? Naturally, the original taste of Chinese food has been changed.

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