Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1862: Panda Restaurant

The current angel investment is not angel at all, and all kinds of conditions are strictly limited.

Those who start a business for the first time do not invest; those who do not invest in mom-and-pop shops; those whose founders are not sufficiently educated do not invest. In short, few so-called angel investors today invest with the mentality of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. Most of them think about it. Pick up a unicorn, everyone can be Buffett.

Of course, it is understandable to think so. After all, everyone wants to make money.

From a certain point of view, these rules and regulations have their own reasons. For example, people who start a business for the first time are mostly young people with dreams. They are motivated but inexperienced, let alone grasp the heart of huge wealth.

Therefore, most people who start their own business for the first time end up in failure. Angel investors have established such a QGZ after learning many lessons.

The fact is also true, such as Cheng Zhengchang, before the success of the panda, he also experienced a lot of wind and frost.

Back then, pacing in front of his newly opened restaurant and soliciting customers was a required course for him.

It was a difficult experience. In order to break the situation of no one, his mother even started feudal superstition-sprinkling salt on the sidewalk to pray for good luck.

In the beginning, Cheng Zhengchang did not plan to open his own restaurant. At most, he helped earn some pocket money in the family restaurant. It is worth mentioning that Cheng Zhengchang's father is a chef with superb cooking skills.

There is a legend that he was the royal cook of Lao Jiang. Whether the news is true or false, at least it is backed by a tree. After all, you let someone who doesn’t understand restaurant operations open a restaurant. Failure is normal, and you will lose your money. That's pretty good.

Cheng Zhengchang’s initial start-up capital was only 60,000 US dollars, which was collected from his family’s savings and a small loan.

Cheng Zhengchang’s parents and siblings all work for free in the store. The family squeezed into a two-bedroom apartment in San Gabriel. They named the restaurant Jufengyuan, which was named by Panda Express 10 years later. Replaced.

Like the vast majority of Chinese immigrants at the time, Cheng Zhengchang's family did not live easily, although, before them, there had been a certain number of Chinese residents in the United States.

But because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, the status of Chinese in the United States at that time can be said to be worse than that of a dog.

But what can be done? Kneeling on the road I chose to finish.

Even if the status of blacks has been improved because of Martin Luther King, and the rights and interests of other minorities have been slightly protected, Chinese people in the United States are still a minority.

This prompted Cheng Zhengchang to firm up his belief that their restaurant has established a different positioning from other Chinese restaurants from the beginning, that is, serving American food.

In his view, after all, the number of Z people in the United States is small. Only by doing American business can you make your career bigger. Therefore, the American appetite must be the starting point.

After the positioning was established, the popularity of Jufeng Garden slowly gained, but due to the small space, it always filled up quickly. Even if the turnover rate was high, it still affected the passenger flow. After all, in the thinking of the old beauty in that era, there was no With the concept of queuing to eat, most people just walk away as soon as there are too many people to sit.

Just because the store was too small, a large number of customers were lost, and Cheng Zhengchang was very frustrated when he watched the money not be found at the door.

Over time, he felt that he couldn't let it go, he had to find a way.

He didn’t want to lose any customers. He found a trick. When the restaurant was full, he quickly passed the back door of the restaurant and caught up with the leaving guests in the parking lot. Then he told the guests: Thank you for coming. I’m very sorry. , Our shop is very crowded. This is our mistake, but we urge you to stay and have a taste. The dishes in the shop will not disappoint you. If you wait, we will provide a free drink.

Facts have proved that people all over the world like free things. Of course, even if not every time is successful, most of the customers will be pleasantly surprised and will return to the restaurant again and honestly line up at the door.

However, what really saves the destiny of this restaurant is not passion and free drinks, but an improved dish called orange chicken, which is also called Chenpi Chicken.

Every year now, Panda Fast Food can make more than 80 million pounds of orange-flavored chicken, and one-third of the profits come from this dish. It can be said that this is the signature dish of Panda. It has not only gained fame, but also Brings a lot of profits.

Since its birth, this sweet and sour plus a bit spicy food has captured the hearts of many Americans.

Nowadays, he has become an Internet celebrity in Country Z. In "The Big Bang Theory", he went to learn Chinese because he suspected that the orange-flavored chicken he liked was wrong with the ingredients, and confronted the restaurant owner.

And this dish is the epitome of Cheng Zhengchang’s localization of the restaurant to cater to the tastes of the locals. Later, Cheng Zhengchang also went to the countryside and added fortune cookies from American culture to the menu. In addition, for the convenience of Americans who do not use chopsticks For meals, he even designed a new type of chopsticks that combine fork and chopsticks into one.

In fact, the fork is split in the middle, so that it can be used as chopsticks without letting the clumsy old beauty feel the embarrassment of using chopsticks.

Speaking of it, the only dish that Yang Cheng thinks in the Panda restaurant can make do is orange-flavored chicken. Other main dishes, such as Beijing beef, honey walnut shrimp, etc., have been improved in different degrees, and they are generally sweet and sour. The greasy taste, Yang Orange is not used to eating it anyway, not to mention the tourists from country Z who come here especially.

However, regardless of whether the Chinese people agree or not, the main source of customers at Panda Restaurant has never been Chinese, so their evaluation is not As long as the old Americans approve, Cheng Zhengchang’s ideas and marketing strategies are successful. There is no doubt.

Like the Chinese restaurant that Yang Chenggang invested in, his request is to repay the original taste as much as possible and pursue authentic Chinese food, so he doesn't care about the evaluation of ordinary people. They can't afford it anyway.

People who can afford to eat are all more cold about "Authentic"!

Not only food, Cheng Zhengchang also worked **** the hardware facilities of the restaurant.

In the past, dim storefronts, tired proprietresses, and strange-looking, hygienic foods have combined to form the impression of the Z restaurant in the eyes of foreigners, so that many foreigners think that Chinese food is only for blacks who can't afford it.

But the storefront of Panda Fast Food is clean and bright, and the service is very standard. Each dish is packed in a one-foot-square plate, and has a clear shelf life like McDonald’s, KFC and other fast foods. Was thrown away.

The transparent operation allows customers to rest assured of the ingredients, coupled with the taste that meets the old American standards, has achieved today's success.

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