Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1873: Celebrating the 23rd anniversary of the return of HK

My husband cares about his daughter-in-law who can't get in, bah bah bah, this is really circumspect.

"Dad, don't worry about it, I will arrange it~"

Yang Sen despised after hearing this, "If you don't make this kind of thing, do I need to worry about it?"

"Yes, yes, no way, I made a mistake that a man would make~"

When Yang Sen heard this, he couldn't answer these words. Men, they are all big pigs' hoofs, and there are always mistakes.

Yang Sen coughed twice and changed the subject, "What did you gain from going to South America this time?"

"Facilitating two arms trades, I bought a winery by the way. By the way, I had a brief contact with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Peru~" Yang Cheng answered truthfully.

Yang Sen frowned, "Peru Chinese Chamber of Commerce?"

"Well~ it’s no different from the United States. If you have to say it, maybe the people in Peru are more united, but it’s not much better~"

"Aren't the crows in the world as dark, and what else?"

Yang Cheng hesitated and said, "I invested in an ancient Mayan civilization research team. The leader is an expert who specializes in ancient Maya and ancient Inca civilization, and I have goods in my stomach."

"Ancient Mayan civilization? Why are you interested in this?"

Yang Cheng didn't know what to say, so she just said casually, "I just want to explore the secrets of the world~"

"Then you ask me~" Yang Sen said without beginning and ending.

I told Yang Cheng that I was stunned. What happened? Is Dad the reincarnation of a Maya?

"Have you studied it?"

Yang Sen smiled and killed the wine. "There is no research, but you have heard a lot of gossips. You know that there are all kinds of strange people in the 13 clubs. It is not strange to know some secret news~"

Yang Cheng was energetic instantly, "Quickly talk about it~"

"They said Maya civilization is related to the legendary Atlantis~"

Yang Orange stared, "Nothing? That's it?"

Yang Sen shrugged, "That's it~ otherwise? But I don't think it is reliable. Although I found the relics of the seabed, it can't prove that there was an Atlantis civilization in ancient times. It is just a beautiful fantasy of people."

Yang Cheng really wanted to give him a blank look, it was a waste of emotions, and Bai waited for a long time.

"Whether it really is not important, what matters is whether people are willing to believe it, at least most people are still willing to believe it."

Who can say such things well? It can't be said, but these mysterious civilizations all exist around the Bermuda Delta. You want to say that civilization does not exist, does the devil Bermuda exist?

Many people know that in the last century, there were many extreme climates and mysterious phenomena in this area. Many ships and people disappeared for no reason and no bones existed when passing through this area.

As a result, a lot of brave explorers and adventurers appeared, and in the end, they did find out many possible existences related to the appearance of these strange phenomena.

The "Bimini Great Wall" about 60 meters in length was found in Bimini. The huge architectural ruins indicate that this place may have been an artificial super large-scale building. Similarly, it was also found on Andros Island in the Bahamas near this place. A similar site.

More coincidentally, divers found submarine pyramids in the deeper waters outside the island.

Who can say that Atlantis must not exist? Who can guarantee that Atlantis has no contact with the mysterious Maya?

The famous Mayan civilization site is on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Coincidentally, on the outer side of the peninsula, it is a world-class meteorite crater that scientists have always claimed is inextricably related to the extinction of the dinosaurs: Chikozulub. pit.

Is this another coincidence?

Moreover, not far from it, lies the mysterious Bermuda Triangle at 30 degrees north latitude, and the site of the continent of Atlantis that may have been lost was discovered.

The former Atlantis was described by Plato as an advanced civilization with high technology. Its disappearance has always been the object of obsessive research by many people.

Plato mentioned in his dialogue sets "Timius" and "Critias"-in ancient times, there was an island called Atlantis, which was located on the opposite shore of the sea. It is the territory of Daxi, the eldest son of Poseidon.

Onishi established his own country on the island and built magnificent and beautiful buildings with three colors of black, white and red stones. He named the place Onishi, which is Atlantis, and the sea around it is vast. Of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is the first time that the mysterious and ancient continent of Atlantis has been known to the world. In order to find the continent of Atlantis, which was short-lived in the book, countless people ran around and searched for nothing, but in the end they found nothing. So many people began to preach that Atlantis is just a city in myths and stories, and there is no truth. Existed.

But Plato described a nearly perfect Atlantis in the book-about 12,000 years ago, near the Strait of Gibraltar, in the Atlantic Ocean between America, Europe and Africa, there was a mysterious Atlantis called Atlantis mainland.

The continent of Atlantis covers an area of ​​more than 4 million square kilometers. The island has a suitable climate, fertile land, and abundant resources. People live a very comfortable life.

Over time, people want to get out of Atlantis to explore the unknown world and gain more wealth.

So they began the road of external expansion through a powerful fleet and once conquered the Mediterranean coast including Egypt.

However, this brilliance did not last long. A sudden earthquake and subsequent tsunami submerged this prosperous island in the monstrous waves.

No one knows whether the Atlantis portrayed by Plato is real or he imagined it, maybe this is just his fiction, the beautiful future of Athens?

The controversy lasted for many years. Those who disagreed thought that Atlantis had never existed in history. They first refuted the possibility of Atlantis in terms of time.

According to Plato's record, the time when Atlantis was submerged was 11500 years ago, which is 9600 BC.

At present, the earliest agricultural civilization that can be verified was the Sumerian civilization located in the Mesopotamia between 4000 BC and 3000 BC.

If Atlantis does exist, then there must be ornaments such as rings, pottery, marble carvings or other unknown elements, which will be spread to nearby areas along with the trade of goods or the flow of people. However, people today have never discovered it. Similar items.

In geology, it is opposed to the general belief that it is unthinkable that a large area of ​​land like Atlantis sinks instantly. The largest object known to be caught in an earthquake rift is nothing but a cow.

Moreover, the continental drift theory believes that a long time ago, the continent was a closely connected whole, and later split into several large plates of land.

If these continental plates are spliced ​​together, you will find that their edges can be cleverly connected, and the major plates will eventually be assembled as a whole, and there is no place for Atlantis at all.

However, this argument has not been recognized by the approvers. In their view, the mainland splicing is not a tight fit, especially in the Atlantic Ocean, where there are gaps.

Perhaps this gap is the original Atlantis, and the reason why the area of ​​the gap is smaller than that of Atlantis is due to the fall of Atlantis.

Approvals used to support the existence of Atlantis, as well as a small number of seals located outside the Azores in the central North Atlantic.

Because seals are offshore creatures, they cannot swim to the center of the ocean by themselves.

The appearance of seals just shows that Atlantis once existed, otherwise the Azores would not become offshore areas.

Not only that, but a large number of hares have been found on the Azores. Where did this typical terrestrial creature come from?

In the 14th century, people first discovered the Canary Islands. There were no ships on the islands, but dogs, goats and cows. How did they reach the islands?

There are many similar phenomena, and the only explanation is that there was once a "land bridge" connecting Europe, America and Africa. Animals migrated through the "land bridge".

And this "land bridge" should be Atlantis.

In recent years, people have successively discovered some pyramids and similar architectural sites in coastal waters such as Haiti and Cuba. Based on this, it is inferred that the Caribbean Sea was once the land of Atlantis.

In the late 1960s, someone discovered a 1,600-meter-long city wall and a pyramid with a height of about 200 meters and a base of about 300 meters under the water surface of the Bahamas.

Within a few years, a marine survey ship of the former Soviet Union took many photos of the seabed in this area. From these photos, we can clearly see the ruins of ancient buildings.

With the development of archaeology and the discovery of a large number of submarine sites, people gradually believe that Plato's Atlantis does exist.

However, due to the limitations of science and technology and the limited level of human cognition, the understanding of the mysterious land of Atlantis is still Then why the Mayan civilization may be related to the Atlantis civilization What?

Because the continent of Atlantis was rumored to have disappeared about 12,000 years ago. Coincidentally, the meteorite that destroyed the age of the dinosaurs also hit the earth about 12,000 years ago.

Is it possible to guess that before the meteorite hit the earth, the Mayan civilization was probably part of the Atlantis continent. The earthquake and tsunami caused by the meteorite engulfed Atlantis, and the Maya civilization survived as a very small part .

The scientific expedition team also discovered a huge underground cave at the site of the Mayan civilization. The magical Maya predicted many things. Is it possible to guess that the Maya predicted the disaster of the century and prepared the crypt in advance for escape?

In short, guessing must have all kinds of hypotheses, but whether you can find evidence to prove it is the key.

However, Yang Sen suddenly mentioned this, and Yang Cheng didn't believe that he would aimlessly, and pressed her throat mysteriously and asked, "Dad, did you secretly conduct secret research?"

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