Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1874: People from harm

"Dad, did you do secret research secretly?"

Yang Sen gave him a white look, "What do you think, I am not as carefree as you, but I do know a few friends who are interested in these mysterious legends. Would you like to introduce them to you?"

Yang Cheng, of course, knows that there are many rich people in the United States with incredible brains. The collection of dinosaur eggs is all in pediatrics, and those who like to collect the periodic table of elements, right?

There must be rich people who are as interested in Mayan civilization as Yang Cheng, and there are not a few. Maybe the level is higher than the experts, but how did Yang Sen meet?

Like the mysterious Mayan culture, Janssen’s PYQ is as mysterious and unpredictable.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Take you there then, don't ask, yes, if someone asks for your platform recently, you will never say no~"

This topic turned too bluntly, and his waist was flashing.

"What the hell? Why are you looking for my platform?"

Yang Sen sneered, "A few Chinese in California are determined to be banana people, and they just have to die by themselves. They have to get their compatriots to follow along. If your father-in-law comes forward to resolve this matter, it should not affect you, I Just to remind you that once someone asks you to stand in line, you have to hide away."

Yang Cheng said, "What's the matter?"

"A California congressman put forward a proposal to restrict Chinese students from going to college. It seems that only 5 Chinese out of every 100 students are allowed. This is not what the "New Chinese Exclusion Act" is?" Yang Sen was sulky. After changing his elegant and indifferent style, he seemed to be really angry.

Not to mention him, Yang Cheng is also angry enough. Racism is spreading. This is not a good trend. The most ridiculous thing is that his compatriots do not help themselves, and they lick the white ass. It is really disgusting. Traitor?

Yang Cheng is preparing to kill the people, "Who is it? I have to keep them all down~"

Yang Sen shook his head, "It's impossible for a short time. After all, they have just taken the stage, so I guess this is their bargaining chip."

Yang Cheng refused to accept, "Then we have to teach them a lesson first, and tell them that there are certain things they can't do indiscriminately."

He really isn't just being nosy, it's a matter of self-interest. Now the Yang family's position is not yet stable, and something needs to be done to improve its prestige. This is also a way to win people's hearts.

Sure enough, Yang Sen also thought of this, hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Then you will contact your father-in-law, and you will cooperate well, or if you don't do it, you will shoot people to death. Don't give them a chance to breathe."

"Don't worry, I will do it well. It's not a pity for these scumbags to die."

. . .

After a one-night rest, Yang Orange rushed to Los Angeles non-stop, first had a short date with Luo Yue, and then went to meet his father-in-law, Lao Luo, who is now attending a conference in Los Angeles.

"Good morning, my father-in-law~" Using such a slightly ridiculous title, he amused Lao Luo, who was looking tired just now.

The so-called good spirits of every happy event, because of the Yang family’s great help, he not only embarked on his father’s old path, but also entered the congressional Asian American caucus and served as vice chairman. It can be said that regardless of power or status, there is quality. In the past, he was just a down-and-out second-generation son, but now, he has inherited the glory of the family.

It can be seen that the importance of giving birth to a good daughter is not only a close-fitting padded jacket, but also more glory for yourself.

Because of this, Comrade Luo couldn't hide his joy when he saw his proud son-in-law, and he wished to take Yang Cheng to introduce him to his colleagues. It was too shameful to be that way. Lao Luo still had a face.

However, in the face of Yang Cheng's ridicule, he was very cooperative and said, "Xian-in-law came over so suddenly, but something?"

Yang Cheng smiled secretly, his father-in-law was quite playful.

"This is not a place to talk. Luo Yue has set up a restaurant. Let's go over to eat and talk?"

"Okay, listen to your arrangements~"

Lao Luo went to Yang Cheng's Rolls Royce. The two sat in the back row and chatted together. The topic was mainly about the wedding. The guest list that had been booked may need to be changed.

After all, the old Luo and the new official took office, regardless of whether he was intentional or unintentional. There were a lot more people who came up to fawn. Naturally, I didn't care about it, but some people had a lot of background and didn't give face.

But Yang Cheng was not afraid, no matter how many people came, they were not afraid of sinking the entire island.

When I came to the Cantonese restaurant and just entered the private room, the father and daughter hadn’t seen each other for a long time. After a few bites of the food, Yang Cheng said, “My dad should have told you this time. Los Angeles is for this. Those who take the lead must be dealt with, and the Yang family also needs to use them to establish their prestige and gain reputation~"

Without thinking about it, Lao Luo immediately said with a straight face, "No problem, you said I cooperate, what do I need to do?"

"Unify all the congressmen you can contact to isolate the three Chinese congressmen headed by Huang. I said hello to the Zhao family, and they will cooperate fully~"

Old Luo Ying said, "Yes, what else?"

"After that, I will investigate the crimes of those three scumbags through F~B~I. As long as the evidence is caught, public opinion will immediately follow. Even if they are newly appointed, they will be useless. You can prosecute if you have enough evidence."

"Um~Yes, I will step up here. By the way, you, the congressman who proposed the motion, should tidy up together?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Not for the time being. This motion is on the cusp of the storm. We close the door and clean the door by ourselves. No one will say anything, but if the congressman is moved, I am afraid that more racist will be squeezed out."

"You have a comprehensive consideration, do as you say~"

Luo Yue looked blank, "What are you talking about?"

Lao Luo smiled but didn't say anything. Yang Cheng still loved his wife more patiently. She explained it patiently. The girl filled with outrage and said, "Count me a this kind of food, you have to clean up~ "

Yang Orange smiled and comforted, "Don't be angry, don't worry, I will take your share and clean it up."

I was probably afraid that Yang Cheng would think more about it, and Lao Luo said something extraneously, "Xian-in-law, forgive me, this girl has been spoiled by me since childhood."

This looks like a dear, and he is not merciless when he pits his daughter. Also, who has such an excellent son-in-law as Yang Cheng can't be a point?

Luo Yue is upset, what is that? Co-authored by myself for charging?

This topic quickly turned over, and Lao Luo asked, "You went to South America some time ago? How is the scenery there?"

Luo Yue cut in at the right time, "My mother has always wanted to travel to South America. She said the natural scenery there is very good~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "It's really good. It's a different landscape and culture. You can go and see it. I invested in a project to study Maya people over there. You can do a field trip, but the journey is too hard. Can hold it down."

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