Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1875: Visiting dad's friend

(I was sorry yesterday, I drank too badly, the whole person was cut off, and now I feel sick o(╥﹏╥)o)

"This year's Lunar New Year, should the father-in-law go to the capital to celebrate the New Year together? The two families are together, there are so many people." Yang Cheng suggested.

"Going to Beijing to celebrate the New Year? This idea is too sudden, right?" Lao Luo was surprised.

Yang Cheng asked Luo Yue, "You didn't tell your father-in-law?"

Luo Yue gave a blank look, "No, your father-in-law is very busy. I just met you because of your relationship~"

After being stumped by his daughter, Lao Luo smiled and said, "Did you guys discuss it?"

Yang Cheng replied, "Yes, there were only two of us, but when I told my parents, we all wanted to go back and have a look."

Old Luo hesitated, "In that case, I'll go back and discuss with Luo Yue's mother."

. . .

After dinner, Lao Luo had to go back to the meeting. Yang Cheng asked Lao Luo to go back in his Rolls Royce while he got into Luo Yue's car. "What are the arrangements for the afternoon?"

Luo Yue is currently driving Yang Cheng’s Porsche 918. No one drives this car in the garage anyway. Luo Yue is now based in Los Angeles and Yang Cheng’s car is her car.

"I originally wanted to go back to work. Since you are here, I will ask Manman for leave~" Luo Yue's words were rather helpless, but by looking at the happy expression on her face, she knew her mouth was wrong.

"Well~ I will take you to meet an interesting person in a while~" Yang Cheng said.

When chatting with his father last night, he mentioned that friend who had a deep research on Mayan civilization, his home was in Los Angeles, and Yang Cheng was going to visit him.

"What interesting person?"

"I'll know when you arrive~"

That friend of Janssen lives in Sherman Oaks in Los Angeles, which is also a wealthy area in Los Angeles. It is very similar to the community next to San Fernando Mountain. It is located in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The environment is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, but it is OK. Easy access to the city center.

There are many high-end shopping centers and some fashionable clothing boutiques, as well as good gourmet restaurants, which has attracted many wealthy families to live in Sherman Oaks.

918 drove on the highway for about 25 minutes and then entered the range of Sherman Oaks. As a high-end community, there are various independent villas. Not far away, surrounded by mountains, the town is built around an open square. The area is small, and you can go shopping in a few hours.

The streets are comfortable and tidy, palm trees swayed by the breeze, and the California sun is warm and soothing in winter, and it is very comfortable to shine on people.

Luo Yue hooked up the hair tip that was blown by the wind, and looked around curiously, "This is the first time here~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Me too~"

Looking down at the navigation, pointing to the right direction at the Y-shaped intersection ahead, "Go there, you may have to go up the mountain in a while~"

"Got it~"

Although it is a high-end community, there are no cars of this level like the 918, and many young people who know cars can't help but pay attention.

When they saw a young and beautiful Asian girl driving, they all showed envy and jealousy, then looked at the little white face sitting on the co-pilot, and instantly turned into hatred, and couldn't help thinking: If they were sitting in the car How good it should be.

The thoughts of passers-by are naturally unknown to the two in the car. Yang Cheng is responsible for guiding the way. Luo Yue drove the car lightly, looking at the landscape on both sides of the road from time to time. After entering Panshan Road, the layout is similar to that of Beverly Hills. A private manor with a vast area, but the architectural style is more modern.

This also shows that the history of the community is not long.

In the end, 918 stopped in front of a manor halfway up the mountain. The manor door was closed tightly. A few creepers entangled the rusty iron gate. People who didn't know thought the courtyard was abandoned for many years.

"Huh? Could you go the wrong place?" Luo Yue looked at the iron gate, trying to see through.

Yang Cheng bowed his head to the correct address, "No?"

After pushing the door and getting off the car, I walked a few steps in front of the gate. Finally, I found the house number on the stone pillar on one side. I confirmed that I was right. I came back and took the door frame and said to Luo Yue, "It’s right here. , Honk the horn~"

Luo Yue naturally listened to Yang Orange, pressed a few quickly, and then waited quietly for a while, "No one?"

Yang Cheng frowned, "Press again~"

Luo Yue pressed a few more times. There seemed to be movement this time. Yang Cheng heard the sound of closing the door in the yard. Neither of them spoke. After waiting for about a minute, the mottled iron door creaked. In the sour and refreshing sound of Ga', it slowly opened, and an unkempt old man in a purple pajama suit walked out of it.

He glanced at Yang Cheng blankly, then at Luo Yue who was in the car, and asked hoarsely, "Are you going wrong?"

Yang Cheng hurriedly said, "Is it Mr. Safra? I am Jason Yang, son of Yang Sen. I'm sorry to disturb you suddenly. If it is not convenient for us to go first?"

The old man named Zafra wore round framed glasses, frowned and thought for a long time, "Yang Sen's son? Are you looking for me?"

Yang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Dad's name was still useful.

"That's it. My dad knew that I was more interested in Mayan civilization, so he said that he had a friend who specialized in research, so he introduced me."

Safra changed his languidness and refreshed, "Do you like Mayan culture?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Just interested~"

Zafra suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "Haha~ OK, yes, come in~"

After talking about walking inside, Yang Cheng was stunned, looking at the half-open door, but had no choice but to run over and open all of them, let Luo Yue drive the car in. The result may be in disrepair for a long time, and there is a block at the entrance. In the big hole, a huge stone was placed to fill the hole. With the height of the 918's chassis, it was inevitable to rub it.

Listening to the sound of the chassis scratching, Yang Cheng's heart was sour and refreshing, which was more exciting than the sound of an iron door.

After finally moving the car in, Yang Cheng noticed that the road in the manor was covered with rotting leaves, which had been piled on the ground for a few years without cleaning.

Going further in was originally a fountain pond. Needless to say, the water in it has dried up, and it is also full of fallen leaves.

The original exquisite and unusual white jade fountain stone pillars are also covered by thick stains, almost invisible to their true colors. The trees in the manor are dry and withered, and overgrown with weeds. The former glorious modern two-story building is now seen. Going up is almost like a haunted house. If it weren't for broad daylight, Yang Cheng would really not dare to go inside.

"This **** ghost place~" Yang Cheng murmured. Seeing Luo Yue was still looking for a parking space, he said helplessly, "Just stop, anyway, there are some open spaces~"

Luo Yue felt that it was the same, so he drove a circle around the fountain, and finally stopped in front of the bumpy marble steps, turned off and got off.

He walked up the steps quickly, holding Yang Cheng's arm, and looking at the door of the black hole with a little cringe, "Where is this? You won't take me to the haunted house to explore?"

Yang Cheng couldn’t laugh or cry. This is okay. "This is my dad’s friend. He heard that I invested in a Mayan civilization research group, so he introduced me. I didn’t expect this to be the case. I thought it was an obsession. What about the rich man of mystical culture~"

After a pause, I looked at the courtyard again. I couldn't imagine the style it used to be. I changed the sentence, "Perhaps he was indeed a rich man before, but he didn't know what he went through, but he became like this~"

Luo Yue tightened Yang Cheng's arms, and the two walked back and forth into the door. As soon as they entered the door, they heard a sound of a ‘da da da~’ motor.

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that this was the sound of the pulling rope when starting the engine.

"Da da da da da da~"


Then there was Zafra's curse, "shit~damn shit~"

There is a black hole inside, except for the place where you just entered the door, which can be seen clearly because of the sunlight, and then it becomes extremely dark and shuddering.

Yang Cheng stopped and shouted, "Mr. Safra?"

There was another ‘da da da~’ sound, and then Zafra replied, "Don’t worry, there will be electricity when I start the engine~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, and shouted, "It's daytime, do you want to open the curtains?"

"Damn, why didn't I expect it?"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a series of running sounds coming from downstairs, and the empty echoes rarely penetrated.

Before long, the sound of footsteps was getting closer, and Zafra returned to his sight, "I have not opened the curtain for a long time so that I can sleep at any time~"

Yang Cheng didn't know how to describe her feelings at this time, she gave a strong smile, "It's okay, I'll help you?"

"No, I'll go pull it, it will be fine in a while~"

Without waiting for Yang Cheng to respond, she ran away.

There were no surprises this time. Soon, as the rooms became brighter, and the terrifying feeling just melted by the sun, Yang Cheng obviously heard Luo Yue sigh of relief behind him.

At this time, Yang Cheng can take a good look at the interior of the house. Just entering the door, a long corridor leads directly to the backyard. In the middle of the corridor is a spiral staircase connecting the upper floor and the ground floor. There is a living room on each side of the staircase, and the kitchen is inside. The layout is very old, not as modern as the appearance.

The living room on the right is very large. It should be the main meeting room. It is usually used to receive guests, but it is filled with various paper documents, including books, printed paper, and a lot of kraft paper. The huge bookcase occupies The two walls and the ground are also full of manuscripts, and they can hardly fall.

The same situation Yang Cheng has also seen it in Dirk Gir's house in Peru. I don't think it is strange that all the researchers are like this, and they are not trivial.

But it was the first time Luo Yue saw him, his mouth opened wide in surprise, enough to stuff a goose egg.

"This, this, this is too exaggerated, right?"

Zafra suddenly appeared from behind the two, "I'm sorry, it's a bit messy~"

Compared with Dick Gill, Safra obviously has some human affections, which is not difficult to understand. After all, he has been rich before, and there are not many idiots in businessmen. The least human affections must be understood.

Luo Yue was taken aback again, almost biting the tip of his tongue to suppress the desire to scream, and hurriedly let Safran pull in, while he kept patting his chest to comfort his panicked.

Yang Cheng took the opportunity to look at the private living room on the opposite side. It was similar to this one, but there were a few more blackboards and a lot of electronic instruments. The bookcases displayed all sorts of weird things, not specific. Species, anyway, there are more than a dozen bone-like things.

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